Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Four's a Crowd, But I Will Miss the Company

Tonight was fairly uneventful. Sam got home late from work, I got to hang out with my niece and nephew at my mom's house. I started organizing some of the wedding pictures. I watched TV and ate some left-overs from last night just waiting for Sam to get home. He got home and mowed, we cuddled and discussed our day, and then my sister and her boyfriend came home. Then, the night became more eventful.

I knew it was coming. We had talked about it for a long time now, at least all summer if not long before. The lease has been signed for about 2 weeks now, and they started slowly moving things. But, tonight marks the first night that my little sister will sleep in her own place. She's officially moved out (minus the few odds and ends that she'll come back for in the next few days). She and her boyfriend moved the bed out, the dressers, the TV, and most of her essential toiletries (which is a LOT, if you know K!).

K has been my roommate for 27 years if you start from day 1. But, as adults, we've lived together for over 5 years. We had our own apartment for 2.5 years, and then she stayed with me when I bought my house 2.5 years ago. She has always been welcome to stay, but when Sam and I got engaged, we all knew it was time to start thinking about how we would move on from our current living situation. K and I both know it's best for Sam and I to have our own space to develop our own new family. We also know it's best for her and her boyfriend to have their own space and time to develop their relationship. It's just really hard to say goodbye after so many years together - knowing we'll never live together again (unless we're really old and have outlived everyone, probably plucking each other's eyebrows and wiping the other's tush!). It's hard to say goodbye to any roommate. I've said goodbye to Leah, Jessica, Laura, and Robyn...knowing we'd all remember those crazy college days and miss each other and the memories we created. Imagine 5 years of those memories - MORE if you count the other 22 years before moving out of Mom's house. It's just plain hard.

In May, K's boyfriend (E) moved in with us, too. He had come home from college and, since he had always stayed with us during vacation/breaks, he just naturally moved in and became the fourth resident of this house. We had nights of Cranium, laughing hysterically at & with each other. We would play Rock Band or Newlywed Game or watch movies together. So, I'll miss those times.

Don't misunderstand - I'm SO excited to have the house to just me and my husband. Sam and I have been waiting to have our own space. But, we'll miss those times with K and E. We had all begun to have our own routines, systems, ways of doing things. It was confusing at times, frustrating at times, crowded at times. Yet, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

K was beyond helpful in the past year, helping my mom and me plan the big wedding weekend, organizing showers and parties, and just being there for me to vent to or cry with. This summer, she was the most outstanding maid-of-honor I could have asked for. She's put herself through school, worked, studied, helped take care of our niece and nephew, and worked some more at night. There were nights (many!) that I never even saw her - because she was overwhelmed with late nights at work or out at class for longer than I could stay up to see her. We cooked for each other, shopped for the house or bought groceries together, cleaned together, and paid bills together. What a truly bonding experience I'm so glad I got to share with my sister.

I know K and E will learn so much about each other on their own. They'll grow in their relationship, and it this is a good move. But, K. . . I want you to know how much I love you, how much I'll miss you, and how I would not have changed a thing about our room mate situation (okay, maybe I'd clean up a little more, but I wouldn't be me if i weren't a little messy!). I wish you the best with your move as you set up your own home with your own personality. I still want to have those Cranium nights, and we'll still cuddle up on the couch watching our Thursday and Sunday night shows. You've been the best roommate, the best friend, the best sister. I love you so much and miss you already. (Sam has ratified this post - as he lays next to me crying --- NO, I'm the one crying, not him! We both love you and can't wait to see your new place!) Mazel Tov on your new home, and happy house-warming, Kiki!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Am (and Sam)! I love you both, and I have loved sharing my home and life with you for the past 27 years. Sam, take care of my sister. I will be back for cuddle-fests, Rock Band, our shows, and more. Thank you for everything....especially taking in the extra baggage...wink, you guys!
