Friday, July 19, 2013

Camp Mommy: Weeks 5-6

We are well into summer at this point of mid-July, and I can't believe how quickly it has passed. I worried it would drag and be boring, which is the whole reason I decided to implement such a structured summer - so I'm pleased that it's actually going "swimmingly!" Since my last Camp Mommy post, we have enjoyed so many more fun-filled activities. One morning, we were invited to come hang out at my cousin's - who offered us tons of new hand-me-down toys, and Banner has been in toy heaven since that morning! We have new fun things to play with thanks to Jordan and Keaton who donated their no-longer-played-with toys to their little cousin, Banner! Firetrucks, garbage trucks, more Hot Wheels, a big doctor's kit, a large tool bench with electronic tools, an entire train track and trains, a set of instruments, a scooter, a lacing kit, a gas station/garage... the list goes on! (And so does the storage problem we've always had with how to organize and store toys, but I keep repeating to myself that a child-friendly, messy home shows that we are creating memories!) So, most of our "down-time" in the past couple weeks has been simply enjoying the new-to-us toys we have sprinkled all over the house. Banner is awesome at independent play, so there's never a dull moment for him even if we aren't out in the heat. (Thank you, Kevin, Robin, Jordan, & Keaton!)

We also ventured to the Children's Aquarium downtown, had some excellent water play in the backyard, tried another Barnes & Noble story time (not a huge fan for B's age), had a swim date at Emily's house, spent the day with cousins while waiting to hear the great news that Nami was out of his first surgery, had another visit to the indoor play park, visited Nami at home and played with Brycen, went to the library for Toddler Time and to check out new books, visited with Uncle Marc and Natalie the day before had Bubbie's unveiling (and then spent more time with family afterward), enjoyed a movie and popcorn date when the rain forced us to stay inside, went grocery shopping (and Banner got to be the shopper!), met Lindsay, Myka, Shauna, and Brayden at a bounce house venue (which was a little too advanced for our little ones, but I'm still glad we tried it out), enjoyed an amazing trip to the zoo (so fun that it deserved its own post!), celebrated Aunt Mischelle's birthday, explored and loved another Jump venue (twice!) which has special Toddler Jump times, and visited another farmstead museum.  Check it out. . .
Ready for water play!
painting the porch
Hanging out with Emily
Celebrating a successful first surgery!
Playing with Shayna
Wagon ride with Brycen
These two crack me up!
Enjoying popcorn and watching The Lion King after nap
Climbing into a bounce house obstacle course
Myka on left
These two sweet sisters helped Banner up to the slide
And then they helped him down! He loved them, and they were a big help to me! :)
Love the action shot
Cousins after Aunt Mischelle's birthday dinner
Jump Mania
I love watching his pretend play - this video cut off but he was quite the little chef at this facility:
Farmstead Museum


"Bak bak bak"
Banner getting a good look at the cows
Playing with Brayden
And here's a little video we sent to Daddy this afternoon while playing with Play Doh. Again, the video cut off but he was very imaginative with the Play Doh and all the things he was going to make for Daddy.

In the next couple weeks, we'll be going to a movie for the first time(!), trying out a couple new gyms, spending more time at the pool, enjoying more library story time, going to another workshop with Daddy, and trying our best to beat the heat with lots of fun activities and friends!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"More Zoo!"

Almost exactly a year ago, Banner had his first trip to the zoo. Since then, he's been to that same zoo at least 3 other times. So, we decided to try a different zoo, and I decided to put it on my Camp Mommy calendar and make it a special event with Daddy, too - even though it was a mid-week trip. Wednesdays are half-price admission, the weather could not have been more amazing, and Banner was so excited to go - it was truly a perfect day! Given it is mid-July and I'm 31 weeks pregnant, I expected to be hot and sweaty the whole time. Although it wasn't cold by any means, the breeze, the slight overcast, and the record low high temperatures kept the morning's trip extremely manageable and comfortable.

I know I've been to this zoo before - years and years ago - but I don't remember it being this incredible! Caden has always raved about it, and now I know why he loves it so much. Watching how close my child could safely get to the animals was awesome. There were so many great set-ups and interactive exhibits. In fact, by far my most favorite part was the reptile and amphibian house - which I typically love to skip. We could see the animals very well, and most of them were pretty active when we were there first thing in the morning. I was consistently impressed with what we were able to see! Banner was a bit weary at first, wanting one of us to hold him, but he soon realized that the animals couldn't really touch him through the glass and became much more comfortable. He loved walking around the zoo and naming all the creatures we saw. He did great the whole time - listening like a champ, eating his snacks and lunch well, and wanting to really watch each animal. We even treated ourselves to a family chocolate ice cream (one of my favorite parts!) after an active morning. It is definitely a trip I know he'll remember for a while.  Personally, I can't wait to go back, and I found myself so totally empathizing with Banner's demands of "More zoo, more zoo!" as we headed toward the parking lot after a few hours of such fun!

Gorillas... we saw them as soon as we walked in and I was mesmerized right away!
Banner kept calling the antelope "cantaloupe" :)
Looking at the sleeping croc
Loved that we could see his eyes and teeth while he slept!
Top of the croc and the turtle
This little guy was super active, I just caught him being still!

Small tortoise
We got to pet this snake. Banner was not interested but maybe next time.
Deer and wild turkey
Bald Eagle
Mountain Lion
Daddy's face when Banner wouldn't come stand with him
Horse - and Longhorn in background
Longhorn calf - just like Banner, my little Longhorn!
Tortoises getting frisky...
Holy Moly! Now THAT'S a big baby! Kudos to her Mama!
Rhino bathing
White Tiger
Sloth Bear

Friday, July 12, 2013

75% Baked

30 weeks and 2 days pregnant today, well into my third trimester! My due date is 10 weeks away, although due to a repeat C-section, we will meet BBJ2 before that date, so only 9 weeks to go. Weeks 20-30 flew by much faster than anything before that, but I'm not sure how these next 9 weeks will go. I'm still doing really well, and my RA is still a thing of the past for the most part - Hallelujah! Other than intense reflux, I don't have much to complain about. Two other things have returned from the earliest part of my pregnancy: the urge to nap when Banner does and hunger pains that strike suddenly and without warning. Luckily, I can usually accommodate those two issues.

The terrible heat I expected is JUST starting to make its appearance this summer, which is honestly okay with me. I am just thankful that June was fairly mild (and over!) and that July began with a "cold front"! Thank God for my best friend's maternity swimsuits, for ponytails, for shorts, for tank tops, and for air conditioning!

I'm feeling this baby move often, which I absolutely LOVE! His jabs and kicks are turning more into rolls and flips, and I know I will miss this more than anything once he's born. It's definitely my favorite part of being pregnant. I especially love first thing in the morning when I roll out of bed and feel exactly where he is as my body readjusts. I will feel a hardened area on my belly, and when I place my hand over him, I can feel his little back or tush or whatever it is - but there he is! I remember this with Banner at the very end of my pregnancy, and I could practically pat him on the back each morning. Then, I'd love actually holding him a few weeks later and feeling that same small back under my hand again.

We had a doctor's appointment today, and everything went great! My most recent blood work came back great - no iron deficiency, no gestational diabetes - and my blood pressure has continued to stay normal so far. Doctor won't schedule a C-section until some time in August, so we're still not sure when it will be, but I'm just hoping BBJ2 hangs in there as long as possible. I want him 100% baked and ready to greet the world as strong as he can be!

Here are a few other stats at this point:

Days to go: Only 68 (minus a few if we deliver at 39 weeks instead of 40)

Size of baby: about 17 inches, over 3 pounds- about the size of a head of lettuce; at our 28-week sonogram, the baby was measuring in the 67th percentile according to most of his measurements... this went down from the 79th percentile at our 20-week sonogram. I don't pay much attention to this information because it is usually way off. You just don't know until the baby is actually here since human error is huge with such tiny measurements at those early scans (at least in my opinion). With Banner, they predicted he'd weigh over 8 pounds, yet he was only 6 pounds, 13 ounces when born on his due date. Just sayin'...

Total Weight Gain: 23 pounds (The past two weeks, I only gained a pound! With Banner I only gained 28 pounds total so as we near that amount, I'm getting a little anxious and don't want to pass it up too much!) 

Sleep: Still sleeping really well, loving naps when Banner naps. I never had a problem with sleeping when I was pregnant with Banner, so I'm hoping this continues, too! It definitely helps that I have an active toddler who keeps me exhausted and ready to sleep! 

Symptoms: Awful reflux, increased hunger, mild ankle/foot swelling which I anticipate getting worse soon, thinning/sensitive belly skin that hurts if I scratch it, and lots of Braxton Hicks contractions - which doctor says is normal to have more with second/subsequent pregnancies 

What I'm most anxious about: Other than the obvious things a parent worries about like how her child will feel with a new sibling, I'm most anxious about getting enough sleep with two kids... hoping one won't wake the other. I need to get over this. It's going to happen. So, I'm trying to embrace the 7ish hours of sleep I currently get. I'm also getting more and more anxious about breastfeeding and all the shenanigans that comes with it. I'm going to try it, and I'm not going to tolerate the Nipple Nazis this go 'round, but I am so dreading the pain that comes with it. I am definitely in a better place after knowing how NOT breastfeeding isn't the end of the world and my child can still be extremely healthy, happy, and smart. But, that doesn't take away from the desire for it to work this time, for the pain I know it will bring, from the frustration of pumping and feeling "tied" to my house or a schedule. More on this later! I suppose another source of anxiety from time to time has been the concern over returning RA symptoms after delivery. I'm trying not to worry about it too much, and I'm trying to just enjoy the ease of movement and freedom I feel without the symptoms (still crazy that a woman in her third trimester can say something so ironic, right?!), but when I feel a tinge of pain at random moments, I'm reminded that it's still there and it could very well (very likely) come back. I SO don't want to return to being a prisoner in my own body!

Prep for Baby: We are working on turning our office/study into Banner's new big boy room. While I never wanted to "kick him out" of his nursery, we decided we wanted him to have the (slightly) larger bedroom, have all new bedding and decor in a newly painted room (to be painted next weekend), and have a new big boy bed waiting for him when he's ready. (I have no intention of putting him in a big boy bed until he's crawling out of his crib, which may be MANY months from now, if we're lucky!) Banner won't actually sleep in this bedroom until (most likely) November or December when his baby brother will be evicted from OUR bedroom and into the "nursery." In the meantime, Banner's new room will be a guest bedroom for our overnight helpers! :)

Baby's Name:  HA! As if I'd tell you! ;) But yes, he does have a name, and you'll just have to wait until B-Day to find out!

So, there you have it... a 30 week update. I find myself feeling incredibly excited to meet this new kiddo. I'm also saddened that my time alone with my first-born is coming to an end soon. This summer has been amazing, and I'm so glad we have had so much fun stuff to do! I think Banner will make an amazing big brother, and I'm excited to see this transition for him. Here's to an uneventful next few weeks and enjoying the last fourth of this pregnancy!

Monday, July 8, 2013


Dear Banner,
Today was a day I wanted to memorize every moment. We had such a great day today! You woke up at 7:20 yelling, "Amber! Amber!" which cracked me up, we shared a bowl of cereal while watching Yo Gabba Gabba, you dropped your milk cup and the sippy cup sprayed a couple drops out and your said, "Oh no! Clean it," and then proceeded to grab a Kleenex to wipe it up, we got dressed and headed to the Children's Aquarium, you listened really well and we were able to explore the aquarium without a stroller, without needing a reminder you said, "Thank you!" when I handed you your snack, you sang along to several songs on the drive home, you ate a fabulous lunch, you took a great nap, we had loads of fun in the backyard playing with water, chalk, and bubbles, you played independently with your trains, cars, and trucks while I made dinner, you sat nicely at dinner and ate a good meal, and you played well with Daddy while I cleaned up. But, none of that is what made it a great day. It was honestly just all those moments in between - your smile, your eyes lighting up at something new, your laughter, your silliness, your much improved listening skills and willingness to follow directions (which can be rare these days), your memory, your soft, tender skin, your inquiry of so many things ("What's that?"), your insight, your amazement of something so trivial ("That's so cool!"), your spontaneous show of affection (a lean in for a kiss or an "I love you, Mommy!"). I don't know how many times I just stopped whatever I was doing today to say, "I love you so much!" but I'm sure it wasn't near as many times as I was thinking it!

I just wanted to take this moment, the night before you turn 25-months-old, to say how in love with you I am - how in awe of you I am. I have a great memory, but today, I worry that maybe I won't capture it all, that my memory will fade or fail me, that I won't remember exactly what it feels like to hold your hand in mine or the sound of your giggle. I wish I could bottle it up and open it years from now to remember exactly what you sound like, feel like, smell like, look like.

I read someone's Facebook post the other day about how she could just eat her kid because he was so stinkin' cute. I understand what she's saying, but I've never wanted to "eat" you! I want to bottle you! I want to memorize everything! So, tonight, even though I did my very best all day to capture your every face, your every word, your every smile and laugh and gesture and . . . . everything.... I just worry it will slip away from me too fast.

Sweet boy, Mommy loves you more than you could ever know, more than I could ever explain. You make me so proud on a daily basis. In the past couple of months, you have matured into such a sweet little boy - not that you weren't already! But, you impress me so much with your kindness to your friends and family, your sponge-like brain, your use of manners, your ability to solve problems. I simply can't get enough of you, and I am so grateful for this time we have together! Thank you for this amazing day. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you. Thank you for trying your best to not grow up too fast. Thank you for letting me look at you, hold your hand, smell your hair, tickle your tummy, and hug you over and over again while I'm memorizing these every moments.

I love you, Angel!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

New Parent Survival Guide

Last week, I left a play date a tad later than I had hoped to get Banner home for lunch. Since he had woken up much earlier than normal that day, nap time needed to happen on time, so I couldn't really waste time figuring out what to feed him for lunch and decided I'd just pick up something on the way. Luckily, I didn't have to guess what he would eat, as he yelled "Bagel shop! Bagel, cheese!" from the backseat. So, to Einstein's it was! He seemed pretty ready to eat, so we sat down together enjoying our lunch date just the two of us (rather than picking up and eating at home). As I cleaned Banner's face and hands and got ready to pick him up from the high chair, his facial expression told me a diaper change was imminent! I knew I had a diaper with me, but I was pretty sure I had left the diaper changer with the wipes on my kitchen table at home! Annoyed and giving in to the fact that I would just have to make do using the non-soiled part of the diaper to clean him, I began changing him in the front seat of my car. "Oh, wait!!" I thought.  We JUST put new wipes in my swim bag, so I was in luck! I could clean that tush and get going! But, wait... no trash can in sight. Crap! (No pun intended.) I was going to have to drive home with that dirty diaper stinking up the car. "Oh, wait!" I thought again! "I have disposable diaper bags in my backseat! Hallelujah!!"

It was in this moment that I realized maybe I AM more prepared than I think. I could recall very easily a time when I didn't have my shit together (again, no pun intended!), and that wasn't so long ago! I started jotting down ideas and things that used to really help me when Banner was very young in the hopes that I will remember these when I have another newborn/infant. Then it occurred to me that I'm not the only person who would benefit from this list. I had an idea to blog about best tips for new parents - ideas that have helped me finally get to a stage where I don't feel so isolated, so unorganized, so unprepared!  I still surprise myself from time to time - whether it's because I actually AM prepared (like that day last week), or whether it's because I thought I had figured it out but then I realize I don't!

Knowing I'm not alone in this, I decided to reach out to some of my favorite new(ish) moms. I asked them for their best pieces of advice and helpful hints and tips to better help even newer moms and dads. So, without further delay, I present to you a tangible, workable, doable,

(with my comments in italics following the tip)

-Step one: Read Amber's blog! -Keri, mother of three :) (I had to start with my personal favorite!)

-Buy at least one Arm & Hammer disposable diaper bag dispenser and hook it on to your diaper bag strap (or purse or keychain or anywhere!). Get several refills to keep in the diaper bag or keep in your car. These come in SO handy when you are needing to dump a "dumpy" diaper without stinking the place up! They smell great, are easy to use, and come in fun colors! You can always use a grocery sack, too, but I insist the A&H bags are way easier. Our doctor's office will not allow parents to throw away "poopy" diapers at their office (an idea it took me a while to understand), so with a newborn or young infant, the bags came in handy on several occasions! -Amber (grocery sacks seconded by Casey, mother of two)

-Take lots of pictures but not so many that you are behind the camera for each and every event and milestone. - Edie, mother of one (This is always an internal battle for me!)

-Keep music that relaxes or soothes you handy, accessible, already loaded on your phone and headphones in reach.  For the tear filled days (maybe some from yourself as well) insert the headphones and listen to that instead of the crying as you are rocking/patting/sssshhing/bouncing/walking/praying. -Casey

-Always pack extra clothes and diapers. This may seem obvious, but there have been numerous times when my son had a blow-out and I didn't have a change for him. - Michelle, mother of two (I couldn't agree more! And, make sure you change them out for larger sizes as your child grows. I once had need for a change of clothes, but Banner was wearing 9-month clothes and all I had was 6-month clothes.)

-Always carry wipes. Always. No matter what. No matter how old your child gets. No matter where you are going. Antibacterial or not. Just have wipes, lots of them. I keep them in my glove compartment, my swim bag, my diaper changer, my purse, and the diaper bag (which I haven't actually taken out of my car since Banner was about 14-months-old). I even just put some in Sam's car to make sure he always has some, too! -Amber, seconded by Lauren, Edie, Mischelle, Lisanne, & Amy

-As soon as you are comfortable, leave your baby with someone you trust and go out...get some fresh air. Your baby will survive, and it will surprise you how much that break will help your morale. You are still you, but you are a mom now. Don't feel guilty taking time for yourself. - Lisanne, mother of three

-Always have a bib. Even at 2, a bib is a must! -Lauren, mother of two

-On diapering: I've found it extremely helpful to make sure the inside elastic lining is aligned and pulled out properly after fastening the diaper, kind of like picking the wedgie for the baby. If the inside lining is turned inward, dirty diapers are more able to seep out of the diaper. I noticed poop is MUCH more easily contained if I take the two extra seconds to run my finger along both sides of the diaper to pull the inside edge outward. Also, for boys, I believe Huggies are way better than Pampers - at least in the beginning. Pampers Swaddlers have a "netting" (not sure what else to call it) that always stuck to Banner's skin. . . WAY uncomfortable for a boy's sensitive areas. Huggies Little Snugglers worked much better for us. -Amber

-Set up "play stations" in different parts of your house. The first few weeks and months can feel a bit like Groundhog Day so you don't want to get too bored in your sleep-deprived state of mind. Examples of stations are: bouncer, tummy time play mat, books, baby yoga area, music/singing time, shake-rattle-roll play area with infant toys. You can set these up in different parts of your house or sometimes outside if the weather is right so you don't get too used to staying in one room. -Laura, mother of one (We did this, too, and it made each day less monotonous!)

-Never buy clothes in advance- you will never match the size and season at the right time. Buy few clothes as they outgrow them so fast! -Lori, mother of one

-Rinse bottles immediately! Same goes for sippy cups. I can't stand caked on, smelly, rotting formula or milk. Even if it's easier to just throw the bottle in the sink (or diaper bag) and wash it later, save yourself the agony of that awful smell and hard-to-reach-and-remove grime, and just give it a quick rinse. In fact, if you can, carry a small bottle of dish soap/detergent (we love Dapple baby bottle cleaner) in your diaper bag to go ahead and have that bottle ready for its next use. -Amber

-Baby proof your home ASAP. Before you know it, he can open your oven. -Mischelle, mother of two and stepmom to two older children

-You should always have Shout in all major rooms, nursery, playroom, laundry room, small one for diaper bag. Resolve and Oxi-Clean work great too! It's a personal preference! Make sure grandma has them, too! - Lori (While I didn't do this specifically, I definitely agree it's helpful to try to get stains out pretty quickly. I use the products my mother sells from Melaleuca (it is the best stain remover I've ever, ever, ever used - contact me for her information if you want it!). I would use it right after a spit-up or a blow-out to preserve Banner's clothes.)

-On taking care of yourself: Cry.  Get it out then move on with your day. Breathe.  Take really deep breaths. When you feel sad, give yourself some breaths, when you are frustrated with your toddlers, allow yourself some breaths, when you are exhausted, take a few really deep breaths. Stretch.  As soon as you get up, or as soon as you set the baby down even just for a minute, stretch. Standing up, sitting down, leaning over, work through your legs, arms, joints and neck as you have a minute, or a second throughout the day. Your body will appreciate it.  Your mind will clear a little.  Your breath will even some. Talk to someone.  You aren't alone.  You aren't the only mom thinking it.  Talk. -Casey

-The three best pieces of advice I got when Banner was about 3 weeks old were (from a mom of three boys): it's okay not to listen to the doctor on every single thing, wear your baby as much as possible, and go somewhere alone every now and then - and let Daddy gain some confidence in his parenting skills. As for the doctor part - well, I needed someone to give me permission to listen to my gut in those early days. This friend, who uses the same doctor I do, told me that our pediatrician has a rigid feeding expectation; in fact, he has a reputation for that among the moms who use him. He wanted Banner to go 4 hours between feedings at night starting at 2 weeks old, and my baby was hungry! He would wake up at 2.5-3 hours sometimes, and I was trying to follow the doctor, but I was feeling like I was failing my son. This friend helped me know it was okay to deviate from the doctor's schedule if it wasn't working for me. The "wearing" Banner came in so handy when I needed to get things done around the house, but my kid wanted me to hold him ALL the time! Honestly, there are times even now (when he's 2 years old) that I still wish I could wear him! Take advantage of being able to carry your child hands-free! And, as for the leaving Baby with Daddy early on - well, we both needed that! Sam learned to trust himself, I learned to trust him, and I needed to get away! He didn't need me breathing down his neck watching, guiding, fixing, instructing, etc. So, this was awesome advice early on - and I plan to continue to follow it with Baby #2. -Amber

-Don't forget to ask questions. And don't be afraid to ask for help. Your true friends will never laugh and will always make good suggestions that you can play with. -Gretchen, mother of one

-For comedic relief, tune in to Nick Jr's "Nick Mom" - which starts at 9:00 every night. I watch on occasion, and it's pretty funny. They have stand up comedians, documentaries, and other "mom" shows, and even the commercials can be funny. If anything, I am able to see my struggles are universal and the daily grind of raising a kid really can be hilarious! - Amber

-Write it down.  Don't stress yourself keeping track of everything in a fancy way at first.  I love Maybooks and have one for each kid. They are small, sturdy and cute - perfect for jotting little milestones or memories as I see them and then documenting it "officially" later. -Casey

-Always tell your children the truth, and don't make up funny names for private parts! -Lauren (As a counselor, I 100% agree with this! We also don't laugh at body parts. Banner learned the word "penis" and "vagina" long before he was a year old, and they are not "bad" words or inappropriate in our house. These words are treated no differently than "arm" or "knee.")

-Invest in a video monitor. It is worth every penny and will pay for itself in times you can check it instead of stand outside doors or peek in and risk waking. We have loved our Summer video monitor and had great customer service when we were replacing the large video screen after 3 years of use! -Casey

-Boppy Newborn Lounger was a must for us (since nap nanny is no longer around!!). -Edie

-Have date nights. Happy couples=happy kids! -Mischelle (seconded by Casey who also suggests at-home date nights if getting out of the house is too stressful, as it was when her youngest child's medical issues kept her and her husband housebound for a while)

-Sign up for an Amazon Mom membership. It's free, and the first three months of your membership include free two-day shipping, as well as 20% off diapers and wipes, which can be delivered right to your door through a Subscribe & Save offer. We love Subscribe & Save! I never have to buy diapers or wipes at the store; they come directly to my house, and I get to control how often they are delivered. We get our Overnite diapers, regular daytime diapers, wipes, Diaper Genie refill bags, and we used to even get our formula delivered from Amazon Subscribe & Save. -Amber

-Set a consistent bedtime routine that you would like your child to keep at an older age, like bath, brush teeth, bed time story, then good night. - Mischelle

-If pumping -- the hands free bra saved my life! - Edie (Even though I only pumped for two weeks, I agree with this. I plan to take it to the hospital with me this go 'round!)

-Stop comparing. Stop competing. Stop judging. Stop doubting. You are an expert on your child. Start believing that. -Amber (seconded by Edie, Lauren (mother of two) and Kelly (mother of one))

- Add 30-45 minutes of time for each kid you have to get ready to go/leave the house. -Lisanne (Oh, man! Lisanne has three kids! I'm in shock at how much time it takes to get out the door with only one child - great advice! Bowing down to Lisanne!)

-Don't be afraid to turn guests away...the beginning is so overwhelming and if you aren't up for company or guests, it could only make it worse. If they offer to help fold laundry, unload the dishwasher, etc. - take them up on it! -Edie

-Find a baby carrier that fits you well - Moby Wrap, Ring Sling, Bjorns, Ergonomic, the list goes on. Everyone has a favorite, everyone has a reason, try them on in store and pick one that fits.  You will get use out of it, especially when you have more than one kiddo! -Casey

-Don't over read! I have a friend who reads a new parenting book every few days and so many theories in her head have confused her and more importantly, her child! -Anonymous (Agreed! I definitely read a lot in the beginning, and still do from time to time. But, I also think it's important to choose a theory, program, plan, philosophy (whatever you wanna call it) that is right for you and your family and tweak it how you want. Not everything is a science. I also think it's important to know WHY you are doing what you're doing so it makes sense to you - then you can buy into it better and STOP reading everything else!)

-Don't give up on veggies or any other kind of food your kid may not have liked at first. Each day is new, and his taste buds are constantly changing. -Mischelle

-When your baby gets shots, it's okay to bring a favorite lovey or paci to help soothe him. Another plan of action is to always leave the room the shot was given in as fast as you can. A change of scenery takes that pain away faster. And, have your baby dressed (as much as possible) and ready to go before the shots are given for faster evacuation. -Amber

-Say No.  If it doesn't work for you, your baby, your family, their schedule, say no.  You don't have to go on every outing or playdate.  You don't have to go to every family event.  If it is going to make things harder on you right then and that is just too much, say No.  There will be another opportunity. -Casey

-As much as I can't stand having to think about food all.the.time with my little guy, it's a must when planning your outings. I wish I could tell you the number of times Sam has left the house with Banner on his own and come home with a cranky kid because he refused to take a snack or sippy cup of water with him - even on a quick trip to Home Depot or the grocery store. ALWAYS take snacks and keep some in the car for emergencies. Always have a cup for water or milk. This goes for infants, too. If you are formula-feeding, always carry a back-up "on-the-go" formula packet and a bottle of unopened water in your diaper bag. You never know when that doctor's appointment will last too long or you get stuck in awful traffic, etc. Oh, and, I also try to plan grocery trips in the middle of snack time - so Banner is less annoyed at the time he's in the cart. -Amber

-You will get LOTS of unsolicited advice so take everything with a grain of salt, especially from people who don't really know you. -Edie

-As you have read through this list, you may have noticed there's lots of advice about always having this or that with you at all times: wipes, change of clothes for baby (and for you!), bibs, formula, water, snacks, etc. When Banner was very young, we didn't use the typical diaper bags you see a lot of moms and dads carrying - we didn't even use the one we had registered for and received as a gift from my mom and sister. We used a heavy-duty backpack with many compartments. We took that everywhere - for the first 5-6 months or so. It had everything in there from an extra bottle to extra shirts for Sam and me (due to our baby's incessant reflux and spitting up at any moment) to hairbands for me to toys to pacis to burp rags galore! It was awesome! Eventually, we didn't need all of that, and we switched to the regular diaper bag. And now, with a two year old, I really only carry a small diaper changer with a pocket for my wallet and cell phone in the front. I don't even carry a purse. When our second child is born, we're definitely going back to the backpack for a while. Do what works for you and make it easy! And, every evening, take a few minutes to reset and reload it so you won't spend forever trying to simply get out of the house! -Amber

-I'm not gonna lie: the first months are the most difficult. The first 3 months even worse! It does get better, and you do start to find your new normal/routine in your new life. -Lori (She summarized two blog posts in a few sentences! Read all about it here and here.)

And then, for all those moms who need a reminder that things really will be okay, that you don't have to be such a control freak (like me!):
-I'm a little bit of a hippie when it comes to parenting - so I kinda do my own thing - I never read books or blogs (with the exception of Amber's). I don't have a diaper bag. I always forget to bring much needed items - sometimes food, water... I don't have a fancy stroller and never did. My kids wear used clothes. They eat Mac and cheese almost everyday. I started potty training them at 9 months. I rarely put shoes on my kids to play outside (that drives my husband crazy). I don't apply sunscreen or bug spray daily. But somehow I'm managing to raise triplets - go figure! I would just say: consult with good friends and drink wine daily (oh, and play Bob Marley to dull the screaming of three two year olds). - Laura, mother of triplets

As you can see, even in the midst of a chaotic new lifestyle, a huge life change, you CAN make it work, it will be okay, and you will get the hang of motherhood eventually. You'll become an expert on your child, you'll navigate your way into getting more sleep, reading your child better, and finding a balance in your life again. But, in the meantime, I hope some of these tips will help you settle in a little easier. Let me know what strategies, techniques, tips, and advice you can offer to new moms. Leave a comment!