Thursday, June 8, 2017

Favorite Sixth Year Memories

  • The morning you woke up on your fifth birthday, came to cuddle with me, just you, me, and Daddy in bed, and later playing with balloons with Quinn, and watching Ella's birthday message video she sent you
  • Our last hug at Darion in the playroom as we cried
  • Waving goodbye to you through the glass on your first day of kindergarten, a look of seriousness and discomfort but confidence
  • Watching you in my rearview mirror as you walked in to school on your second day of kindergarten as the principal walked next to you
  • Urban Air when we were leaving and you (unprompted) said, "That was fun! Mommy, thank you for taking me on a date there!"
  • Watching Wizard of Oz for your very first time - eating pizza next to Quinn, and Knox in the high chair booster on the floor
  • Swaying with you under the shower as you relaxed and let the water run down your head
  • Oh my goodness!!! The Mother/Son Dance!
  • Safari Run and Hope Park during Thanksgiving Break
  • When you kissed your shoes goodbye before we trashed them - I let you wear them one more weekend but then that Sunday night, you kissed them goodbye one last time ... loved it!!!!
  • The morning you ran in saying you had a loose tooth! And then, of course, the day you lost your first tooth at Knox's first birthday party (Uncle Brock pulled it, and I was in the middle of watching Knox's video Daddy had made!)
  • The day we got the letter telling us you made it into the PACE program
  • Your consecration... Dancing with the congregation and getting your first Torah and the suit you wore... just priceless!
  • The day you figured out how to ride your bike. You were scared and nervous you couldn't  do it, but then you did, and you wanted me to send a video of you riding "to our whole family!" Later, you told me you were proud of me too  - for teaching you how to ride a bike! You knew it was my first time to teach someone how to do that, and you let me know I did a good job!
  • Singing Adele's "Hello" with you in the garage and belting it out just the two of us
  • Oh, the Kindergarten performance, and you delivering your (awkward) line so perfectly! You sang so many of our family favorites ("What a Wonderful World", "Bushel & a Peck", and "Grand Old Flag")
  • The Outdoor Learning Center field trip with you - and when you saw me come in to your classroom, you LIT UP! That made my day, week, month!
  • When the field trip guide at the OLC asked what the birds might be tweeting about and you sang "Cuz ya got to have friends..." and our little group (Michelle, Bradley, Tati, and Kate D.) started laughing
  • When you asked if we could go to Sea World and I said yes (you were pooping in the Spring Creek BBQ bathroom) :) 
  • Oh!!!! Riding the roller coaster together at Yesterland! What a memory! That was SOOO fun!
  • Some of our chats at bedtime - about God, about religion, about childbirth, oy, you have tested me this year and kept me on my toes when it comes to pretty deep conversation!
  • The night you wanted me to sing a song, but the song made you cry; I think I sang "Hushabye Baby" or another one of the songs from your infant play list. I changed the song to "Dream", and you did fine. But, you wanted one more, so I sang "You'll Be in My Heart." You turned away from me toward the end, crying. I asked if you were sad or feeling loved. You said loved. We held each other. You were a basket case, which made me one. You said, "The line that says, 'I may not be with you,' made me sad that one day you will die and I will miss you so much." And more crying ensued. Daddy eventually came in and talked to you with me. We just all laid there together. Tears. It was nice, a little melodramatic, but nice and heartwarming. 
  • Singing "Side by Side" with you and calling Grandma and singing it with her on FaceTime at the end of Mother's Day
  • On my last work day this school year, you missed your second-to-last school day because of a fever the day before. Therefore, you got to come with me to work, and it was so fun to have you there with me - just us - as you helped me pack up and move boxes from my old office to my new one. Later that day, before we had to pick up Quinn from school, we went outside and saw the Kindergarteners on the playground at recess from our garage. Everyone shouted, "Banner!!!! Banner!!!" and you waved and said hi to everyone. You teased them again and again, going back and forth from the driveway to back in the house. I know you would love McDonald's any time - but you especially wanted it that day, so you could wave to your friends again and drive down the alley with them cheering your name - and they did - not once but twice: on the way to McDonald's and the way back! They ran down he fence, following our car. I'm glad I gave in to McD's and let you feel that love from your classmates.
  • Watching you ride Abby Cadabby's Rockin' Wave all by yourself at Sea World. Your face. Oh, your sweet face just a big bright light of smiles!
  • Hauling "tuchus" to get from the Capitol building in Austin to the Bob Bullock Museum to see the Texas history movie. We ran down that street so fast, and you were quite a trooper because you are one big history buff!

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