Saturday, June 17, 2017

16-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Last week I told Daddy that I love watching you grow and learn and develop, and I am excited at each milestone you reach... BUT I'm also so sad with each new accomplishment as my baby being a baby fades away! Your infancy and babyhood are becoming distant memories, and I hate that for myself, but I know you are loving becoming the curious, active, into-everything toddler you are. My sweet boy, you are catapulting your way to 2, and I wish you'd inch a little slower, but I am so enjoying you and watching your easy-going personality unwrap itself before us. You LOVE love LOVE your big brothers, giving them hugs ("hayi"), copying whatever they do (especially after bath when they run around naked and lay on their backs on the floor... it's weird and hysterical to see you three do this), and trying to play with them.

What else are you up to this month?
  • You have at least five new teeth since last month! Maybe more, I can't tell well. But, you are cutting all of your molars, and you have the top right (our left) tooth that took a while to grow in to match the other side. Now, six little teeth are seen when you smile, and at least 4 more are there in the back, and thank the Lord you were not a miserable teether during this month like you once were during that first miserable tooth!
  • You say "peek-a-boo," "uh oh," "nigh nigh," "baby," and copy so many more words. You still have a word for Banner that I can't quite translate, but it's something like "Bayyahh," and you are usually yelling it. I have not heard a word for Quinn yet. You have mastered Dada and Mama, but pretty much both of us are Dada until I remind you of who I am. :) You are amazing at copying what we want you to. Just last night you were trying to copy me saying "Jello" with each bite of the new food you finally tried (after many attempts being rejected because of your inability to get past the texture). 
  • You can wink... but it's a blink. But hey, you know what we are asking for when we ask you to "wink."
  • You adore Papa.
  • You love any sports ball and play with it while saying "bah" repeatedly.
  • We got rid of the bath ring this month and you are winging it on your own while sitting in the tub with your brothers. You don't like to sit down much, though. I think you feel unstable, and I don't blame you.
  • Your favorite foods are: pretzels, Danimal smoothies, pasta, pears, chicken, mac and cheese, and grapes.
  • You like Mr. Potato Head's glasses - meaning, you like to put them on you! :)
  • You're still a pretty good eater - at least for a few bites and then most everything ends up on the floor, and you might go to your "buffet" later.  You've trained me well not to give you too much food on your tray at a time.
  • Mommy's horrible - so you still have 2 bottles a day - morning and night. I know you could totally do without them, but they hold you off on the crank factor a bit. The morning one simmers you down before breakfast while we are getting dressed in the morning, and the night-time bottle gets you through the pajama shenanigans. My goal is that you don't have any bottles by next month!
  • Your favorite activities are: brushing your teeth (ironically, quite the opposite of Banner's 16-month post), dancing!!!, playing chase, watching Gabba (you'll even let me cut your fingernails easily when watching this, thank goodness!)
  • We met baby Damon this month, had your first road trip and hotel stay, went to San Antonio and visited the Alamo and Sea World and the River Walk, celebrated Caden & Mara's B'nai Mitzvah, wrapped up Banner and Quinn's school year, and celebrated Banner's 6th birthday. 
  • We also started trying to drop your morning nap. That is still a work in progress. You're still doing better with two naps, but you CAN do one if you had to... it's just a matter of keeping you awake on the way home from whatever we did in the morning.
  • You got your second hair cut... this time a big boy cut! EEEK! I adore your hair - so silky and shiny and straight and sleek. I am hoping the cut will give you more comfort this hot summer, though. But you look so grown up! :(
Knox Morgan, I have SO been waiting for this summer with you. It's been on the horizon for a long time but had taken it's sweet time in getting here after a busy school year. Specifically, I'm so excited to spend more morning time with you once your big brothers are off at camp. The past few weeks, we've enjoyed some really great, new activities for you. We've had more time away from the house at play areas, and you've explored new places and new activities. I have so much more in store for you during this summer of "Camp Mommy." We're going to swim and play and visit and learn and explore so many cool things! 

I love you so very much, and I can't wait to watch you blossom this summer even more. Just promise me to take it slow, and don't be in such a rush to join your big brothers in this mad dash for big-kid-hood! 

Happy 16-Months, Knoxipoo!
With all my everlasting love,


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