Tuesday, June 9, 2015

21-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
My toddler! You so very much are exactly that these days, and just like last month, we are seeing SO much fast growth in your language development! It's hard to believe the words that come out of my baby - talking like such a big boy! We're hearing 2-3 word combinations these days, and I'm always shocked, amazed, and proud of your language. I read that kids your age are learning about 10 new words a day - and that did not surprise me given how much we are hearing from you!

So, what else are you up to these days?

-You have some new teeth! Finally, you have all four of your bottom teeth - that last left tooth came in this month. And, you have a final molar waiting to really pop out any minute!

-You are obsessed with M&Ms - always wanting "Ms! Ms!". Grandma taught Banner his colors using M&Ms, so we thought we could try this with you, too - but you are too demanding of the candy to even get you to stop to say the colors!

-But, you are recognizing your colors this month! You know yellow, blue, green, and purple great. Red is usually confused as blue, and orange is usually confused as green. I'm hoping you're not colorblind like Daddy!

-You love to blow bubbles in the bathtub. Banner taught you how to do that, and I'm glad you're comfortable with it, because Ms. Patty will love that in September when we start swim lessons!

-You made your first pee-pee on the potty this month! You asked Daddy to go potty - which you've done before but nothing happen; this time, you actually went right before bath!

-The "mine!" stage has just begun! "Winn?" "Mine?" "Mine!" "Me?" these are commonly heard around our house.

-When anything falls or drops or spills, you say, "Mad."

-You're beginning to count and say your ABCs. Last night, you counted from 1-11, only skipping "4" and needing a little assistance going from "8" to "9" (we prompted "nnnn...").

-You love hugs and cuddling with anyone (this has always been the case), but you are especially loving hugs from Banner. I am in love with the way you two love each other (most of the time)!

-The 2-3 word combinations are perking up all over the place. Just last week you said, "No, Winn hold it." It's not uncommon to hear "more milk," "walk outside," "daddy work," "more water, please" and statements like this. Your "please" is heartbreaking, though... sounding more like, "please!!!! please!!!" like you are begging us. A couple weeks ago, you saw Ms. Rhonda at carpool drop-off at Banner's school and said, "Rhoda, please. Rhoda, please! Please!" I felt awful that you didn't get to see her. You were practically begging for her, and I had to tell you we'd see her the next day at Toddler & Me.

-Speaking of Toddler & Me, we wrapped up the semester a couple weeks ago. I am so grateful that we were given the opportunity to participate in that! I saw big growth and major social growth throughout the time you were there with your "friends." It was bittersweet saying goodbye to those new people you had met and reflecting on how much everyone had grown and developed since December when we first started going. Some of the kids who were crawling only a few months ago were able to run freely across the gym. You were able to say some of your friends' names: "Luca! Luuuucaaa!" you shouted to him through the glass door. You learned to share your snack, to participate in library time, and to play independently and away from Mommy. I'll miss that time with you, sweet boy!

-The past week has been rough - you're very snotty and congested, and can be irritable. I'm wondering if you have an ear infection, so when we take Banner to his well check this week, I'm going to have you checked too.

-You stayed with Grandma & Papa this past weekend while Daddy, Banner, and I went away to Minnesota for Michael & Bre's wedding. It was the first time we had been that far away from you and for that long. It was the first time you had ever gone a day without seeing Banner, and it showed. You and Banner both asked about each other a lot - Grandma even said you saw a picture I texted her of Banner and your response: "my Banner."

-Speaking of B, you actually say his name now. You have always called him "MehMeh" or "MeeMee." Only this month have you started calling him "Ban-ner." I love that you say his name so well, but I kind of miss "MeeMee."

-This month, you went to Zaide & BeeBee's wedding reception, celebrated Aunt Kira's birthday, celebrated Mother's Day, had a double play date with Aaryn & Brett, celebrated Memorial Day, and went to the splash park for the first couple times this summer!

Quinn, I'm really looking forward to this summer with you! We've got some fun stuff planned during Camp Mommy this year! Throughout the summer, I'll be excited to hear what new words pop up and how that helps us get to know you and your beautiful personality even more! You are so very smart, and I love watching you learn.

One of my most favorite times of day with you is rocking you to sleep. I used to hate putting you down for naps, but in the past couple months we have found our groove. And, nighttime is no different. One of the sweetest things you do isn't new, but it's something I know I haven't written about before. You lay your head down on me as soon as your lamp is turned off. Then, I turn on your lullabies, and then we rock in the glider for a while. As soon as I sit down, I stroke your head, and I say, "Night night, Quinn," then I pause. "Sweet dreams," I whisper. And you nod your head - as if to say, "Back at ya, Mommy!" Then, I whisper, "I love you," usually with such intensity and meaning  - not like I'm just reciting a script, but so that you know I truly mean it. And, sure enough, you nod your head again - barely up and down on my shoulder or chest. You could easily say, "Love you" as you know how to do now, but I love that you just nod, as if to tell me "I know. Thank you for telling me. I love you too, Mommy." I just know what is in that nod - and it warms my heart. I know you know I love you in that moment. I know you know I want you to have the sweetest dreams and the most peaceful sleep. And that makes me happy.

YOU make me happy!
I love you, Quinn Redding!
Happy 21 Months!

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