Thursday, July 31, 2014

Camp Mommy: July

This month started off with lots of prep and celebration for the 4th of July. Then, we had a few rough days because Quinn was off-schedule and not feeling great. But, when we could get out, we had some pretty cool stuff going on!
Banner's "firework" art from camp
We went to SeaLife at the mall and got to see lots of sea creatures! Gretchen, Ryan, and Grandma came with us, and everyone seemed to really enjoy this fun place we'd never been to. Then, after a quick lunch on a mall bench, we drove home for naps. When the kids got up, I took them to the splash park. This was Quinn's first time to play at the park. He was tentative and weary at first. But, then he got the hang of it and started to enjoy himself . . . of course, that was right at the time that Banner was ready to go home. But, at least they both got to have some fun and enjoy the refreshing water on what was (at that time) the hottest day of the summer. As we were leaving, Banner was several steps ahead of Quinn and me. He was moseying along not paying any attention - not seeing what I was seeing heading straight our way. When he finally stopped swinging his arms around and looking all over the playground, he looked toward the parking lot and stopped dead in his tracks. I can only imagine his wide eyes before he turned to me with the biggest smile and giddy expression. "Mommy! An ICE CREAM TRUCK!!! Can we get some?!" I couldn't resist, and we bought a Tweety Bird ice cream for him to eat while I changed Quinn at the car. Most of it ended up running down his hands/arms/chin or dripping onto the pavement, but he was one happy boy.
Quinn watching the fishies
Loved this little viewing window!
Manning his station at the Spray Grounds
"Quinn, come in the forest! It's a water forest!"

Later that weekend, Banner attended his first cooking class! It was so fun, and I loved that he did it all on his own. I had no idea I'd be watching from behind a window; I thought (and had even told Banner) that we'd be doing this together, but when the kids were taken without parents, I was excited to see how he'd do, and he did great! They made Ice Cream French Toast (one of the ingredients was ice cream) and fruit salad. He even got to cut up his own fruit (using a fun plastic wheel that looks like a pizza cutter).  Then, they got to eat their yummy brunch! The following day, Sam and I made a last minute decision to take the kids to a different splash park - WAY too far away from our house. It was a good time, but not so much worth the drive at 4:30 (and then driving home with two hungry kids)! Daddy got drenched with Banner, though, and Quinn liked Daddy holding him through the water.

 The following couple weeks, we did a whole lot of NOTHING because Quinn was pretty icky again (a cold followed by an ear infection). Although, we did make it to Hope Park one Friday afternoon when the whether was AMAZING (record cool high - not above 79 degrees in JULY!). Later that weekend Sam took Banner to a PJ Library event where he had a lot of fun swimming and playing, Aunt Gayle & Miles came over to hang out with the boys for a while, and by the beginning of the next week, we did manage to have some fun at Grandma's one day and to go to a puppet show at the library another day. Both boys LOVED the puppets and were still, quiet, attentive, and mesmerized by the show. Later in the week, Grandma stayed with Quinn while Banner and I went to see Charlotte's Web at Studio Movie Grill with Randi & Ella. The following day, we played hookey from camp and spent the day with Grandma, Aunt Kira, and Levi at Grandm & Papa's house. The highlight of that day was time in the pool with the three boys together and eating dinner with Grandma and Papa (which we rarely get to do these days of very early dinners and bedtimes).
Grocery shopping with Mommy
A quick visit to our library
First time to actually play at Hope Park
Listening at Story Time
Little Red Riding Hood Puppet Show
Listening so intently!
Watching the puppet show
We both loved it!
Eyes glued to the big screen
Me and my big boy
Swim time with Aunt Kira & Levi
"So big!"
With Cousin Theo
Raiding Grandma's pantry - busted!
"I'm a tootle!"
And, this last week of July, we have done a few fun things: we helped Daddy move from one office to another (and it was actually kind of fun!), we went to SciTech Discovery Center, worked on our scissors skills, had a play date with Blakely and Brittney, went to the final summer Story Time at the library (and ran into our friends, Sharron & Shayna!), and played at the play area before a Chick-fil-A lunch and show at the mall. By far, my favorite part of the mall morning was when Banner helped Quinn walk from one structure to the next, and then he kept telling the other kids around them, "Watch out for my brover, Quinn." It was the first time I could sit back and just watch them and let them do their thing! :)
"I'm like the old man in The Giving Tree."
Helping Daddy move out of his old office
Quinn cooperated very nicely in the Bjorn
Family selfie!
Feeding Quinn with Blakely's help at our play date
Cutting out colors from Daddy's law journals
While this happy boy had all the toys to himself!
At SciTech
Playing together at the mall
Big boys having lunch together

Less than 3 weeks before school starts and my big boy will be gone 5 mornings a week! But, until then, Camp Mommy continues - with lots of fun stuff coming in August! :)

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