Wednesday, July 9, 2014

10-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
Oh, what an age this is! 10 months already, and you are becoming quite into everything, quite independent at getting around, and quite a little boy! This past month has been exciting, challenging, frustrating, and fascinating all in one! Mostly, it's been a great month! I suppose since I'm writing this on a night when you are on the upswing from being sick yet still after many sleepless nights when you need us to rock you back to sleep numerous times a night, I have been more annoyed than celebratory lately. But, when I look back at the month as a whole (and not my narrow view of the past week), we've had a really great month!

Let me tell you more about it:

-You're waving hello and goodbye! I love this. It's such a fun way for you to communicate with others that you know what's going on. You've arrived, or they're leaving, or we're going, or company's here... you know what to do!

-Another favorite is: you shake your head no. At first I thought it was a sign that you were sick or not feeling well or perhaps had an ear infection, but nope. You truly understand what it means and even shake your head whenever you hear us say "No" to you or Banner or even in general - like if Daddy asks if I'm hungry and I say, "No, not right now," you'll be sitting across the room shaking your head. :) It's pretty hysterical and pretty awesome!

-You're dancing more and more these days. Sometimes I'm not even aware of the music playing - maybe on a toy or on TV, and you'll start bouncing your legs up and down to dance.

-You speed crawl now. You really don't even let your right knee touch the floor. You get from here to there faster with your left knee and your right foot. Pretty darn cute if you ask me! :) You also bear crawl when you need to get around something (like blocks or Legos) or don't like the feel of something (like grass) on your knees.

-One of your favorite places to be is in front of the open freezer door. When you hear the fridge or freezer open, you are immediately on your way to be in it! The freezer is particularly fun for you, and I don't mind when you take everything out of it. In fact, the other day, I needed to make a phone call and you were fussy. To get through the call, I placed you in front of the freezer so you could enjoy yourself and I could talk without noise! Win-win.

-You can stand, but you don't believe you can. If I put a couple items in your hands and you forget that I'm not holding you, you'll stand for a bit on your own. Then, once you realize you're on your own, you very mechanically and gracefully - and with full control - squat down to the floor. I wish you'd believe in yourself and show off a bit!

-You choke during almost every meal at least once. "Gag" is probably a better word. Either way, it scares the crap out of me. I know I wrote about this last month, but I had to write about it again here because it's not improving AT ALL. I've heard this could be related to enlarged adenoids, which I'm not convinced you don't have since you snore every now and then. At 12 months (or earlier!), we're going to an ENT whether Dr. B agrees or not.

-Speaking of eating, you are now eating turkey, chicken, and beef. We introduced these after your 9-month check-up with Dr. B. You love chicken and love deli turkey. Beef - not so much just yet. But, if your daddy has anything to say about that, you'll be loving it pretty soon, I'm sure. :)

-You don't have any words yet, except "mow," for "more." The /m/ almost comes out a /b/ sometimes, but I know what you're saying. When I put you in your high chair, you'll say it, and I finally figured out why you're saying it before we've even started - because Mommy always asks you if you want "more" while we're eating. :) So, for the past couple weeks, I've noticed you say it when you see your bottle, when getting in your high chair, and whenever we say it. I'm trying to teach you that it doesn't mean "food." So, when I give you tickles or kisses and then say, "More?" I'm hoping you get the idea that it means "again," or "I like that, do more!"

-You love to squeal . . . hmm, okay, scratch that. You love to SCREAM, like ear-piercing, deafening, shriekingly loud screeches of screams. It's really cute at first, then it's just plain painful! And the look on your face is priceless... with one eye winking and your mouth wide open that turns into a smile. Sometimes Banner will scream back with you, and then there's no turning back. You two screamers are awful together. I used to worry about what the neighbors would say, but then I realized I could get some payback for all the noise their dogs have produced over the past 6-7 years, so I let you keep screaming! :) Oh, and you like to click your tongue and make popping noises, too. 

-Your naps and night sleep have been WAY off this month. It started because Banner's camp pick-up time was after the start of your second nap. By the time we were getting home from camp for naps, you were overtired. Luckily, a sweet friend has helped pick up Banner so you can get back on track for napping on time! You've also been sick twice this month. The first time was a couple weeks ago when you had been up all night. Daddy and I tried to let you cry-it-out, but it only made matters worse. I was at a very low low not knowing what to do the following afternoon after two awful naps, and then you tugged your ear. I immediately called to see if the doctor could see us that afternoon. 20 minutes later, we were in the office. Surprisingly, it wasn't an ear infection; it was a mouth/throat viral infection called Herpangina. Dr. B's remedy was a mix of Benedryl and Maalox, along with Tylenol for pain. It worked perfectly! A couple weeks later (this week), you weren't sleeping again. (I tend to know when to take you to the doctor based on MY frustration level. If I'm completely at a loss and want to throw you out the window rather than deal with you, I start thinking maybe you're sick. That's kind of what happened with the RSV diagnosis at 4-months-old, too. Everyone says "you'll just know when to take them to the doctor," and I say that's BS. No Mother's Intuition here - just plain old "I have no idea what else is wrong, and I think I need help!" So far, I've been right though, so maybe that is intuition... who knows?!) You had thrown up once (ALL over me, right after finishing a whole bottle before bedtime), and your poop was really runny and leaking out of your diaper numerous times. Finally, I'd had it. So, we took you to the doctor, and it turns out - at least we think - you had a tummy bug last week (Banner may have had it too), and your body got rid of all the good bacteria. Dr. B thinks you developed a lactose intolerance - hopefully temporarily. So, now you're on Acidophilus (a probiotic) and a sensitive formula until your tummy gets back on track. Today was your first normal day of poops. And, your appetite is back! You slept well last night. I'm hoping that's the start of a new trend, but - I've learned not to count on anything!

-One of my other favorite things, one thing that will end one day soon when you get some teeth (YOU STILL HAVE NO TEETH!!), is how you like to kiss and suck on my chin. Just tonight, as I turned your lullabies on, you leaned in for your typical open-mouth kiss. Then, you started sucking on my chin. I know it sounds weird that I like this so much, but you're being affectionate and you giggle after you do it. I know this little thing we have will end once those teeth come in, so I am savoring each "make-out session" until then!

-You are VERY clingy, and separation anxiety is at an all-time high right now, so it's no wonder the staff couldn't get you to stop crying when Daddy and I took you and Banner to the gym to play in the kids' area for the first time. I'm hopeful you'll get over this soon and enjoy playing there because I really need some gym time!

-This month, you celebrated Banner's 3rd, my 34th, Uncle Paul's 40th, Ella's 3rd, and Blakely's 1st birthdays. You had your first swim on Father's Day, you got to play with the Burck's during a fun July 4th visit, you "celebrated" Independence Day, had a photo shoot with Ms. Casey, and went to an orchard! You have become my fellow errand-runner while Banner is at camp. You love looking around the stores and hanging out in the cart (at least for a little bit). And, you've pushed through some awfully hot swim lessons watching Banner splash away with Ms. Patty.

Quinn Redding, you are one of the cutest things ever! I can't get enough of your little body, your ticklishness, your silliness, your softness, your sweet hugs and kisses. I recorded you laughing today. I never want to forget that sweet giggle. I love coming in your room in the morning (more so on the nights you actually slept!) and seeing your sweet face hovering above the crib rail waiting for me to pick you up. Your little fingers perched on the rail, and your big, beautiful eyes peering over the edge. Such an awesome sight, and such a great way to start my day! I love rocking you to sleep each night, watching your face and body relax into a peaceful, secure place in my arms. I love "wrestling" with you when you get all my attention and we are rolling around the floor together being silly. I have a feeling we'll be chasing you around even more sooner than later - with first steps coming quickly! While I can't wait to see that, I am holding on to my baby before he turns into a toddler. . . so don't be in much of a rush! I'm just savoring these days with you - my little baby boy who is eager to keep up with his big brother! Oh, it's coming soon, Quinn. There's enough time for that later - just be my baby a bit longer!

I love you so, SO very much, My Love.
Happy 10 months!

You're starting a scream/squeal here - see the wink coming?
One of my favorites from our photo shoot

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