Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Half-Birthday, Sweet Boy!

I've been waiting for December 9th. I've been waiting to celebrate half a year with our little boy. I can't believe it's already here! The first three months of Banner's life seemed to creep by, and ever since then, it's flown! As trite as it sounds, and like so many parents often say, time does really fly, and every day IS better than the last. It's amazing how far Baby Boy has come in the past 6 months. Here's an update since he was 5 months old:
  • Banner is eating fruits and veggies! His favorites, so far, are apples, squash, and sweet potatoes. He likes pears, peaches, carrots, and bananas. He tolerates green beans. We'll have to give peas another chance at a later date!
  • He is a pro at turning from his back to his belly - always flipping over in his crib to sleep more comfortably on his belly.
  • He's sitting like a pro, too.
  • I thought we had another month before he became mobile, but true to Banner's history, he's hitting these milestones on the early side of normal, so I should have known. He's been creeping for a while, making his way around a play mat or blanket in a scooching-kind-of-way, but now he's just days away from hitting the CRAWLING milestone! He's up on all fours, rocking back and forth, moving his knees forward... if only he could figure out how to move his hands forward, too. But, I'm seeing improvements there already, so I feel like it's gonna happen any day!
  • He's playing with his tongue a lot. Loves curling it up, sticking it out, sucking on it, and making raspberry sounds. He's also growling a lot, again, too.
  • Banner had his first cold this past month. He was very congested, and he had a runny nose most evenings. The humidifier in his room helped a lot, and the "snot sucker" was helpful from time to time, but the biggest help was Banner's attitude the whole time! If we hadn't been able to hear the mucus in his nose/throat, we would have thought everything was a-ok! He was a champ the whole week and a half of his cold. . . smiling, playing, giggling, etc.
  • Banner officially became a son of two working parents this month. Mommy went back to work, so he spends a lot of his time with Grandma, and he just loves her! He's getting to soak up some time with her, Papa, Aunt Kira, Uncle Erick, and Theo (their dog) before he heads to daycare next month. Banner sleeps well on weekend/holiday nights. . . but he knows when Mommy has to work, and to boycott the situation, he wakes up very early on those work mornings!
  • He recognizes favorite songs. Grandma sings "I've Got the Whole World in My Hands," and Banner loves that song. He smiles when he hears anyone sing it or even that tune. And, he still loves his morning wake-up song, especially the ending when I sing, "I love you. I love you!"
  • Reflux: Very much still in action. Boo! 
  • Eczema: Very much under control. Yay! 
  • Banner said, "mama" clear as day last weekend. Since then, I've only heard "ma" in isolation. We're waiting to hear more consonant sounds. He loves when I say the alphabet to him in sound-form /a/, /b/, etc. His favorite sounds to hear me say are /l/, /m/, /v/, /w/, /y/, and /z/.
  • My most favorite change this month: Banner is reaching for us! He's been "eye-ing" things he wants for a while - staring at a toy or a bottle to indicate that he wants it. But, just this past week, he's been actually leaning and reaching for US! Be still my heart!
What's IN: drooling, pacifiers, zerberts, being dressed only in a diaper, apples, singing/music, hugs, naps with Mommy/Daddy/Grandma, sleeping on belly, waking up 10 minutes before Mommy's alarm on work days (ugh!)
What's OUT: peas, putting on long sleeves, tolerating me putting lotion and/or eczema meds on his face, staying up past bedtime

At Banner's 6-month check-up:
  • he weighed 17 pounds, 15 ounces (55th percentile)
  • he was 26.5 inches tall (55th percentile)
  • his head was 43.8cm (50th percentile)
  • he got four shots but handled them like a champ!! He only cried during the shots, and as soon as I picked him up, he had completely forgotten about those mean nurses with the sharp needles!
  • we were told that he is developmentally somewhere between a 5 and a half month old and a 9 month old!
  • we were given permission to start water, a sippy cup, and finger foods!
Grandma came with us to the appointment, since Daddy couldn't make it this time. She was so helpful keeping Banner, the busy little boy, entertained and happy! It was a great check-up!

The night before Banner's half birthday, I kissed my five-month-old goodnight for the last time and teared up. I couldn't believe December 9th had already come so fast, and I feel so much love for my little guy - so much love in 6 fast months. Like I said before, I feel like (since 3 months old), time is slipping away from us. Especially after going back to work, I feel like my baby is growing up all too fast. I'm both loving that and hating it all at the same time. I love watching his personality unfold and develop. I love watching him discover this world around him. I love watching him interact with his many family members who love him so much... watching them get to know each other and watching how Banner loves them already! The morning of December 9th, Banner woke up to me singing "Happy Half-Birthday to You!" and what a great half-birthday it was. What a great half-YEAR it's been! Happy 6-months, Banner!! We just can't get enough of you, and we love you so much!

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