Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Quick Vent about the Irking Mundane

I'm typically a pretty positive person and don't get bent out of shape over normal, everyday stressors. But, hang with me for a minute as I have some little things on my mind that just plain irk me. I've been bound to my house for the past 5 days, sick and groggy day and night! Today I made my first venture to the store, actually got dressed and put on a little make-up! It was a big step after laying around in pajamas for 5 days straight only really moving around to shower, change pjs, brush teeth, blow my nose, drink some liquids, or take meds. Add that to being on a winter break that spoils me rotten. With that combination, getting back into the "real world" only reminds me of what just kinda bugs me about being a mature adult. With my regular work routine looming just around the corner, I am going to allow myself just this rare moment to be negative about typical, mundane things; just hear me out while I vent! Below is a list of things that just grate on my nerves as I continue to maintain and take-on adulthood:

-Remembering to pick-up our dry cleaning

-Dry cleaning at all!

-People who don't turn right on red

-Unpacking after a trip

-When it rains after you just cleaned your car

-Bananas that go bad too quickly

-Having to fill the gas tank up when it feels like I just friggin' did that!

-Cleaning up the house when I just did that, too!

-Annual doctor's appointments

-Getting in the short line at the store, then the longer one moves faster, and you realize you picked the wrong damn line!

-Paying for health insurance and still owing money at each appointment that is not covered by insurance

-Jury Duty - well, actually, this isn't so horrible and can be a day off work, but it's still boring

-Trying to figure out what to make for dinner

-Trying to figure out what to wear to work each day (or the next day)

-Throwing away food that has expired/rotted - I hate being wasteful and now I just have to go buy it fresh, again!

-Needing to buy stamps

-Getting caught up on paying off all bills and then getting another bill the next day

-Weeding the lawn/garden, again!

-Raking the leaves, again!

-Unloading the dishwasher

-When it seems every radio station is taking a commercial break and there's no music on

-Needing more milk or not having enough for my cereal

-Needing a hair cut

-Having to go to bed at a reasonable hour

-Waking up before the sun does

-Trying to get back into a work-out routine

-Shaving, again!

-Driving the same path to and from work - gets a little redundant, right?

-Putting on make-up each morning and taking it off each night, only to do the same thing the next day

-Maintaining my car: oil changes, inspection, how many years ago did I get new tires?

-Straightening my hair, or worse yet, and my best friends will agree with this one: actually planning when I should straighten my hair - like what day and what time of that day! sheesh!

-Ironing clothes

-Annoying "unknown" or "unavailable" calls from telemarketers we've already told to take us off of their list

As you can see, many of these items are basic upkeep/maintenance of everyday life and self-care. It's just funny how 5 day off from these little tasks will make you realize how much we really do as adults who are fortunate enough to be able to take care of ourselves and others, able to have a home, a job, and all that comes with it! I know I'm fortunate and lucky to have all of these things to "have to do," but I just needed five minutes to vent about it! There's plenty of things I didn't put on my list that I've come to actually enjoy, like laundry and grocery shopping and keeping up with emails. But, admit it - there are plenty of things that we all have to do to keep living a nice life but are just plain obnoxiously annoying. What are those things for you?

*Now, for more fun, uplifting things, check out! It will make you smile! :)

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