Sunday, December 27, 2009

In Sickness and In Health

So, my winter break started off great; then I got sick. Horrible allergies at first, I thought. Then, got a fever and had to sit out traditional Christmas events - movie with my side of the family, dinner and gifts with Sam's side of the family. I haven't missed a Christmas movie with my family - ever! So, I'm really bummed that I had to miss it. I'm the one who remembers all the annual movies in order and what we saw each year, from Nell to Anna & the King to Finding Forrester to Stepmom to Titanic to Catch Me If You Can to The Family Stone to Dreamgirls to The Great Debaters to Valkyrie. . . just to name a few. I am still upset that I couldn't go, but I felt so ill. The night before, as we do every Christmas Eve, we were at my ex-stepmom's sister's house (long story!). I felt pretty crummy that night, but made it to the party bad allergies and all. As the night went on, even though I was loving the white Christmas Eve and the cold weather, I felt more and more miserable. Sam put up with me on the slippery drive home as I worried about us crashing or skidding or bumping into other cars.

The next morning, Christmas Day, I awoke with a fever, sore throat, congestion, and a weak, achy body. I didn't want to keep Sam from going to the family events, but he chose to miss the annual movie and be with me. Later that afternoon, he went to his parents' to be with the family and open gifts, but he called to check in on me throughout the night. He's been such an amazing caregiver. He's made me countless cups of tea with Throat Coat teabags, insisted I keep drinking water or orange juice, brought me Christmas dinner from his parents' house, rubbed my back to help me sleep, gone to the pharmacy 3 times in 48 hours, and continued to keep me entertained with hours of Lost reruns. He's picked up dinner, fed me snacks, and brought me little treats throughout the past couple nights. He's never complained or moaned/groaned about my need for him to pick up a medicine or remedy. Sam's practically brought the pharmacy to me: Kleenex, Carmex, Mucinex, Benedryl, Sudafed, Abreva (for my new fever blister, lovely I know!), refill of my allergy prescription, milk, Popsicles, a box of cereal to satisfy a craving, and life's best medicine: laughter.

The past few days have been part of Sam's long weekend off of work. I have felt horrible that I'm sick and can't go out and have fun with him elsewhere, but he maintains that he's had a good time just hanging out in our little house. He could easily have just left me at home to go make plans with friends or hang out more with his family, but he doesn't want me to be at home alone. He's just been awesome. I hope I feel better soon, so we can get back to our normal active lives, but it's been nice having my husband here for me in sickness and in health.

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