Friday, December 4, 2009

Me or the Bossman, Revisited

Apparently, since my last blog, I've upset a few of my readers who believe I'm being too negative about the Bossman (and maybe a few other things I've given some social commentary on in the past). All's fair in writing and social commentary - so whatever you believe is fine with me. Furthermore, if you don't like my blog, then please don't upset yourself by reading it. I'm free to write about what I want, and you're free to read about what you want - so stop reading if my opinions are upsetting to you. Or, better yet, start your own blog about things that you'd like to report about. You have to understand that I'm a counselor, and I listen to others tell me about their feelings all day long! While I enjoy my profession, I deserve a chance to get to tell readers (people who elect to view my thoughts I'm willing to share) how I feel. It's also a place to think about things in a unique outlet. It's not a diary or journal, as it's for public eyes. (That's right; I don't blog about my most personal happenings or thoughts. Believe it or not, I do believe some things should not be discussed on the web for strangers, or even family and friends, to know.)

My blog has given me a great place to start conversation between friends, open up new ways of thinking about the world, and unleash in "public" some of the ideas that many women have but won't say. But, I don't want anyone to ever feel personally attacked by anything I write - including my husband, who is the first to read every entry - in fact, I read it to him before I post whenever he is included in a post - as a rule of fairness. He has never asked me to change anything, unless my point is unclear. If people feel that he is upset or offended by my posts, then be reassured right now that this is not the case and that my husband loves that I am able to speak my mind, consider new ideas and share them, and get things off my mind in a way that allows for continued dialogue rather than just journal writing (which I've done all my life and felt like I wanted to try something new in blogging). In addition, I think he's incredibly accepting and has been entertained with these discussions that begin on my blog. Lastly, if you know me well enough to hear my voice in my postings, you know that I'm rarely negative in these posts, but rather scarcastic, funny, and only good-intentioned. Sam laughs with me when I read him my blogs, or he likes the way I think or state something. So, please be assured that the blog has done only positive things for my relationship with him.

As for the previous entry, someone noted that missing my husband is the world of working life and being married to a lawyer. Yes, I realize I married a lawyer (see the first paragraph in the last posting). I said that. I know that. And, yes, it would be the same as being married to a doctor or other job where the employee is far away or working late hours. However, my point was that I miss my husband and wish I didn't have to miss him like that. This previous someone made me recognize that I had forgotten in my post that I should be thankful and appreciative that Sam has a job these days and that he is successful. I do recognize this, and I was glad that someone reminded me to be thankful. I did, by the way, state that I was thankful that he had a job at Thanksgiving last week. But, I suppose my point was not that I'm disappointed in him having a job. I am glad he has a job, and I'm even more elated that he LIKES his job! I merely suggest that as a society we value work more than family sometimes. And, I miss my husband when he has to work long hours. I think that's a good thing. It's certainly better than sitting on the couch thinking, "Man, I'm glad he has to work a lot tonight. Who needs him?!"

Look, when the man gets home at 12:30am sometimes, I have the right to miss him. I don't get upset with him, and I cut him all the slack he needs. I don't bother him about it or get mad at him; I realize he misses me, too, and wishes he could be here with me. My blog post was merely a way to vent about the hardships many of my friends and collegues complain about when it comes to our husbands working long, crazy hours. I'm very proud of Sam. I love that he's motivated to please his boss, and I'm glad he gets up each day and puts in the time he does to his work. He's a good man. He's a really great husband, too. I hate it for him that he has to be at the job so many hours, sometimes frustrating hours, while he knows I miss him.

If you've ever been in love or had a husband, you can understand what I'm talking about. The weekends (that your partner is not working) are amazing, and by Sunday you don't want them to go to work the next day, because you're having such a nice time with them, without the chaos and unpredictablity of the work week. Neither of us want to go to work on Monday mornings, and it's hard to get back into the swing of things. However, I'm thrilled that I have a job and that he has a job when we both want to be working and contributing to an income. But my frustration with missing my husband only means two big things: I LOVE HIM, and maybe more importantly, I LIKE HIM!


  1. I agree 100% that those who don't like what they read should not read at all, I'd also like to request that if you are someone that chooses to read and have a negative opinion, please keep it to yourself -- don't upset others that are related to those writing or being written about.

    Am -- you and I are so alike and if it weren't for plain fear and laziness I'd update my blog much more often. I don't read your blogs often, unless you post to Facebook or mention for it to be read but I always enjoy what you have to say; I've learned a lot. I think that more than not, the people who question what is written are just surface readers, they don't understand or appreciate the depth, your depth. There isn't anything wrong with that other than in my opinion if you don't fully comprehend that there is more depth than just the words, chances are your quick judgements are wrong. I love you and I love Sammy more than anything and I know that you would never publicly attack him, his character, or even us - his family.

    To those that do read and question Amber's intentions or that she is a very strong, independent woman going through new adventures in life, perhaps you need to keep your opinions to yourself, you're only hurting others by being vocal.

  2. I wasn't offended by your last post, in fact, I laughed out loud! This new post made me revist my thoughts. It is hard. So many of my friends dont' care to hang out with their husband or boyfriends or fiances. They would rather be out with their girlfriends on any given night and never care about spending time with their significant other whether alone or in a small group. You and me on the other hand, we WANT to spend time with our husbands. We value that time we have together. I can undestand you missing always having Sammy around. I do too when A is gone. Keep speaking your mind...because someway, somehow, it is always what is going through my mind too! xo
