Saturday, December 28, 2013

Best Big Brother

I have to brag a little about Banner and what a fabulous big brother he is. I was terribly worried about how having Quinn would change my sweet boy, that he'd resent his little brother or Sam and me for having a baby when he was used to being the center of our world. Sam and I were talking tonight, though, about how lucky we are that Banner truly cares about and loves his baby brother. We were sharing some of the awesome things Ban does or says when it comes to Quinn, and I wanted to take a minute to just jot them down - for me to remember and for Banner and Quinn to see one day when they are older. I've already written about how Banner was handling the transition to big brother a couple months ago, but since then, he's fallen even more in love with Quinn.
The other night, my mom kept Quinn so we could stay at a Christmas Eve function longer with just Banner - rather than having to hurry home to get Quinn to bed or to unnecessarily agitate Quinn with lots of noise, people, and a late bedtime. After we left the event, on our drive home, Banner asked where Quinn was. "He is staying at Grandma and Papa's house tonight, remember?" I replied. "No, I want my Quinn with me. He needs to be at our house with Mommy and Daddy and Banner, " he demanded. I told him that it was Quinn's turn to have a night just by himself at Grandma and Papa's house - just like Banner has done before Quinn was born. The next morning, when I got home from picking Quinn up from my mom's, Banner was ecstatic to welcome Quinn home. He was waiting by the back door when I walked in, and he yelled, "Welcome home! I love you!"
 Other times, Banner is just so protective and possessive of Quinn. Yesterday, I met a dear friend of mine for lunch with her two boys. As her two-year-old reached for the cap to Quinn's bottle, Banner snapped, "No! That's Quinn's!" (And he says it so emphatically, with a heavy enunciation on the "QU"... "That's QUinn's!!!") This happens pretty much any time any of Banner's peers want to see, touch, or play with Quinn or "his" things. He even snaps at Sam or me sometimes when something of Quinn's is offered to Banner - a toy, a towel, a blanket. "That's QUinn's!"
And, this morning, I knew Banner's love for Quinn was so true, pure, and deep when he went to give Quinn a kiss. Kisses are abundant from Banner. He takes every opportunity to kiss on his little brother whenever the chance presents itself. He likes to lay in Quinn's crib with him and kiss on him; he likes to lay on the play mat near him to reach for a kiss; he likes to lean in to his car seat and give him a smacker; and almost every time Quinn is in the bouncer, Banner can be found bending down to kiss him. Well, this morning, Banner had a very runny nose. As I was pouring his cereal, Banner knelt down next to Quinn in the bouncer and was hovering over him trying to kiss his mouth. I asked him not to do that because I didn't want him to get Quinn sick. "Oh, Banner, please don't get in his face like that when you don't feel well." Immediately, Banner burst into tears, "But, I want to give him a kiss," he whined through his crying. Oh, my heart - it burst, it melted, it broke, it hurt - all at the same time. I felt so awful for stopping him, and I felt so overwhelmed at the love I could see Banner has for his Quinn. I told him he could kiss him all he wanted but to do it on his forehead, and that appeased him.
I'm just one proud mom. I love watching Quinn watch Banner. I love how Quinn is becoming responsive to his big brother. I love watching Banner light up when Quinn smiles at him. I love watching Banner be so tender, affectionate, and calming for Quinn. Sure, there are times when he has scared Quinn with his incessant, ear-piercing screams, but mostly Banner is so loving and sweet to him. I love hearing Banner say in his sing-song, soprano voice, "It's okay, Quinn. Don't cry. You're okay," as he tries to calm him when he fusses. I love how he wants to hold his hand, see him, greet him, and just LOVE him. True that this could end any moment - certainly when Quinn is mobile and wanting Banner's toys - but for now, I'll take it! So far, we're off to an amazing start thanks to Banner, the best big brother.

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