Friday, December 30, 2011

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

Most of my winter break, I was sick... again... as usual during this time of year. As I've already discussed in a previous post, being a sick parent is awful, but I still made some amazing memories during the past couple weeks, and I want to document them here. These are some of my favorite things that happened over my winter break:
  • Every morning, I took Banner's first nap of the day with him in our bed. I have missed these naps since being back at work, so it's been nice to reunite with my sleeping baby, watching him doze off snuggled up in our big bed, and catching some Z's of my own. But one morning in particular stands out. I was in a deep sleep, and Banner woke up before I did. I woke up to the soft touch of his hand on mine. When I opened my eyes, I saw him looking at me, and he was just sweeping his hand across mine as if to say gently, "Mommy. It's time to wake up, please."
  • When I'm getting ready to leave the house (getting dressed, made-up, and hair done), Banner plays in his Pack-n-Play and seems to love his time in there. On a couple of occasions, I've put the TV on the "Toddler Tunes" channel so he and I can both listen to children's music. One day, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," came on. This was a favorite of Caden & Mara's when they were itty bitty, so it was fun to pick Banner up and introduce him to this song. He just smiled and giggled as I swayed and bounced him to the "weema weh" song!
  • Now that Banner can sit up unsupported, we have experimented with the bath ring (a bath seat he can sit upright in). One day, I took Banner into the shower with me, placed the bath ring on the shower floor, and I washed my hair on the floor of the shower. Now, that sounds gross, but the detachable shower head became quite the entertainment, providing a sprinkler/fountain effect for him to play in. He loved it, and I was able to shower and watch him at the same time (a challenge for any new mom, right?!).
  • Baby Boy has gotten to be so animated and fun this past month or two. He's got an incredible sense of humor, and he's so fun to interact with. When our friends, Gretchen & Avi, came over one day, he was quite the entertainer! He was cracking up - and cracking us up! I loved watching Avi get Banner to just giggle away with delight. High pitched squeals, giggles, and belly laughs were abundant, and I don't think I've ever seen Banner have SO much fun before for such an extended period of time! 
  • Speaking of animated, Banner's face when Sam gets home from work is priceless! Most days, when Sam makes his appearance from the garage, Banner starts bouncing and smiling. I love watching this!
  • I recently took Banner on his first trip to the mall. Not only did we go to one mall, but we also went to a second mall - and the grocery store - and the baby store - and Sam's club! Yes, all in one day. I hate shopping, and I was on a roll and in the mood, so Banner was my captive helper, and he did great!! This was a fun day for both of us, as he sat in his stroller like a big boy for the first time, taking in the sights, venturing from one store to the next while Mommy tried her best to shop fast. It was the perfect day to shop - after the holidays - and we got a lot done! During the last stop, I knew I was pushing my luck, but Banner did great. The best part, for me at least, was when he was reaching for me while in the cart. I promised him I'd hold him soon, and since he fell asleep on the way home, when we got back to the house, he just slept in my arms and had a great little nap on me.
  • I got in the mood one day to do some major cleaning... you can't tell now that my house was once immaculate because it doesn't stay clean long around here, but I digress. . . and I decided to vacuum. Banner used to vacuum with me as I would have him in the Bjorn, and I'd wear him around the house as I tackled the floors all over the house. Now, he loves to watch me. This particular day, he was on his play mat, and his head moved back and forth as I vacuumed around him. It was too funny as I lifted the play mat and vacuumed all around Banner. He looked fascinated with this machine, and I was fascinated watching him watch me!
  • One final favorite was after another morning nap. Banner woke up after 30 minutes, much to my frustration because I was really wanting to continue my snooze. I told him I would wake up in a minute, and he just smiled at me like he always does when he wakes up. Finally, I just pulled him over the body pillow that separates us and he snuggled up close to me. Within minutes, both of us passed out again! We slept for another hour like that - just holding each other and cuddling in bed. Seriously - best cuddle ever!
I had a lot of other favorite things happen over break - including becoming addicted to the Family Feud app on my iPhone, times with family and friends, amazing holiday memories, celebrating the victory of Banner's newborn picture in a photo competition, cooking because I actually have time and desire to do it, and staying in pajamas way too long during the day! Even being sick and at times feeling like I wouldn't make it through the day feeling so icky - I have really enjoyed my time with my little family of three. My heart is so full - ready to burst open so much of the time - and I love spending these great moments every day with these special boys in my life. I just want to soak up what I can of these tender days with Banner as I feel them running away from me all too fast. I try to memorize his face, his hands, his voice, his laugh, his touch, his smell... and I miss him already... but I look forward to each new day with him, learning all about him. I continue to pray for his health, his safety, his growth, his development, his learning, his sense of security and love, his happiness. I'm pretty sure this kid knows he is so loved, but I hope he knows how proud of him we are, how happy he makes us, and how much fun we're having with him. And, if he feels even the smallest amount like we do, then he is one happy boy!

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