Thursday, June 16, 2016

4-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Today you are 4 months old! So many things to update you about! I have to admit, though, keeping up with this blog is getting harder and harder with the little time I have to do anything other than take care of you three boys and the demands of keeping the house running smoothly without burning down or looking like we were robbed - especially when we want to list our house and have showings pretty soon! The idea of it scares the bejeezus out of me to have to keep up with cleaning every little thing - but we CAN do it! Lucky for you, you won't be asked to keep anything clean.... just try your best not to spit up on anything like the carpet or couch and we'll be good! Ha... as if you can keep from spitting up on anything!

Anyway... what have you been up to this month?

-RICE! You have started eating rice cereal as of last week. You eat it for a 5:30/6:00 dinner each evening and have gotten great at knowing how to eat off of a spoon! Your first meal was at Grandma & Papa's house, and you had quite an audience watching you!

-You had your first ear infection (in the left ear) diagnosed on May 26th. You were 14 weeks old, and to be honest, I'm surprised it took that long for you to have one after RSV at 3 weeks old. Runny nose, cough, sleepless nights and decreased appetite had me in the office just days before your naming. Luckily, meds helped pretty quickly, although 10 days later we were back in the office for what I thought was a repeat diagnosis. But, this time it was just a cold - and only days before your 4-month well check.

-Speaking of that, here are you most recent stats:
  • Weight: 14 pounds, 2.5 ounces = 25th percentile
  • Height: 25.5 inches = 75th percentile
  • Head: 41.1 cm = 35th percentile
  • Developmentally, Dr. B says you are 4 and half months (but that was a week before you were 4 months) . . . just had to throw that in there! :) I'm pleased with your growth and development given how very little time you get to just play and be on the floor! So much of your time is spent in the car or at your brothers' events that you barely get time to build your skills.
  • 4 shots and an oral vaccine
-You are quite the talker! Cooing away and chatting up a storm still, and I love every little utterance! You get especially chatty right before you get fussy, like you need to get all your words out before you lose it. I kind of like that it's a sign you're about to melt down, so I'll take it. 

-Your head control is fabulous! We have been able to start using the Exersaucer and pretty soon the Jumperoo (if we ever get it out of storage!) now that you are so strong and sturdy. You like being upright - propped up on the couch with your brothers or in the Bumbo or bearing weight on your legs when we hold you on our legs or the floor. BeeBee is pretty sure you're ready to walk any day now! :)

-Just last week you found your feet.

-4 random facts for 4-months: You're pretty ticklish. You love a screen - definitely fitting in with your big brothers. You are drooling like crazy. And you like being patted to sleep.

-You are grabbing at everything. It's now time to move things we don't want you to grab out of your reach - like our plates at dinner, for example. You have recently found my face when I'm feeding you and like to grab my mouth or chin. 

-Size 2 diapers, level 2 nipple, size 3 overnight diapers, and you're growing so tall that you've almost outgrown your 6-month clothes. 

-Car rides are finally getting better! It helps significantly that you can entertain yourself by teething on little toys now. You also like the mirror I've put up for you. And Banner sits next to you and is able to give you your paci whenever you fuss. It's awesome that he takes the initiative to do that now without me even asking - because he just wants to help you and he knows what to do now!

-You're smiling all the time and giggling here and there. Mostly, your eyes are full of love and joy that let me know you are one happy boy who loves your mama!  Your first giggle was on May 20th at 13 weeks old - and it was for ME! I was gently tickling your chin saying "Here comes the tickle monster," and there it was - a chuckle just for me!

Knox Morgan, so many people want to weigh in on who you look like at this point. While most think you look more like Quinn, I see a good mix of both of your brothers. In fact, I've said you look like Banner & Quinn's kid. :) But, you are so unique and so your own person. You are getting cooler and more fun with each passing day. I wish you would sleep more through the night. I wish you wouldn't depend on 1-2 four ounce bottles in the middle of the night (which we've been told to stop giving you). And, although I'm tired and worn out from those midnight wakings, I don't mind holding you and feeding you during these special dates just you and me. I'll actually miss those little cuddles.... but, I won't miss feeling tired or the interrupted sleep! 

This month was one of more firsts. So many more are coming! It's going to be a big month in so many ways! I wish you a happy 4 month birthday, Baby Love! Can't wait to see all the milestones this month!
I love you with all my heart!

First cereal
First shower
At Banner & Quinn's Celebration (PreK Graduation)
On Aunt Kira's birthday
First time in Exersaucer

Little nugget fast asleep
First play date
My sweet Baby Love

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Party for FIVE!

This morning we celebrated Banner's 5th birthday party at one of the fun splash parks in town. I think it went really well! I'm pleased to say that the weather held out so we could actually have the party where we wanted and not have to reschedule like we did when we attempted a splash park party on Banner's 2nd birthday. It was very windy, but I'm glad it wasn't a gazillion degrees outside... it very much reminded me of the weather for Banner's 1st birthday party.

In years past, I pretty much picked the theme based on things Banner was into. This year, I let him choose. I was thinking he'd want a Mario party or Batman. But, he chose Star Wars and pretty much stuck with it for the last several months. This was an easy theme as it's so popular right now! With all the other stress in our lives right now (just had Knox's naming, planned and had Mischelle's sprinkle, and planning on another shower for another friend right now all while trying to put our house on the market and deal with roof damage from a hail storm in March), I wanted this party to be super fun and super easy! I also wanted it to be super inexpensive - and it really turned out to be all of the above! Mostly, I'm glad Banner had a great time with his friends and family!

Colby & Quinn
Bree & Evan

They both turned 5 this week!

With Teddy

3.5 months

With Evan and Ivy

Happy 5th Birthday, Banner Boone!

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Dear Banner,
Each night I tuck you in bed, you change just a little bit more. Seemingly overnight, your hands have gotten more sturdy and less soft and chubby. They are no longer the hands of a toddler. Your body is getting longer and leaner, no longer the roundness of a small boy. Your clothes and shoes barely make it a couple months before they are tattered and torn up - showing the work of a growing boy who is hard at play all the time. You've made some great friends this year - again. And, you've stood up to the tall challenges of starting a new school in your final year of preschool, of being part of a soccer team, of strengthening your swimming skills, of taking on reading books, of becoming a big brother all over again! This year we've seen such phenomenal growth and learning, and I'm always so proud of you.

Here's a little more random stuff about you at FIVE years old now:

-You've become extremely animated. Not just when signing or acting out a YouTube song, but when you are telling us a story or giving a response to a question. You shrug your shoulders or wrinkle your nose or throw your hands up while elaborately telling a story. It's awesome. I absolutely love this and find it so entertaining. You will even sometimes nonchalantly say things so maturely... even things like "Broccoli? No thank you, I'm not a fan of broccoli." Or, you'll stand up from dinner and tell us very emphatically, while pointing to the respective person: "It's Mommy's responsibility to count. It's Daddy's responsibility to come to the bathroom when I yell for him."

-Speaking of how you speak, your vocabulary and precise language is something to note. You are particular about the words you choose and even the words that others use. You love to know what certain words mean and like to pay close attention to grammar. When a new word is introduced to you, you immediately pick it up and use it as if it's been a word you owned for years.

-You are quite musical and vocally gifted if you ask me. You love to sing, and you sing on pitch and with great tune. Daddy even asked me the other day if we should get you singing lessons. I think it's a bit early, but it's something to consider for the future!

-Things that make you ecstatic: Legos, our neighbors Don & Jeanne, donuts, iPad games and when I agree to let you buy more of them, Addy, going to Grandma's house, kissing Knox, screen time, and dessert or getting candy

-As much as you love Quinn, you can't stand him. I get so frustrated with the sibling rivalry that's escalated since Knox was born. You love Knox and would do anything to protect him and keep him safe and happy. But, when it comes to Quinn, at least when at home, you would do anything to piss him off or hurt his feelings. This is luckily not true at school - and we hear you are the best brothers at school. You take great care of him, want to play with him, are sensitive to his feelings if he wants to play with you but you want to play with your friends on the playground ("I'm going to play with Jack today; you go play with your friends and we will play later.") But, you constantly say things at home that are meant to upset him: "I'd cheer for anyone in our family, except for Quinn," "If Mommy could go on a trip somewhere, she'd go to Hawaii with Daddy, me, and Knox. We would leave Quinn at home with Grandma," (on a Mother's Day response at school), "I don't want Quinn to come to my birthday party. I don't like him." Yet, I know this is not true. You two have so much fun together, and I tell you time and time again how much he idolizes you - copying you and wanting to do just what you do. I know this is exactly what upsets you - you often feel like you don't have your own space and have to entertain a tag-along kiddo. But, he brings you so much joy and you often overlook how happy he makes you when you make these comments that are probably more aimed at getting a rise out of me and Daddy than at upsetting Quinn.

-A few months ago, you started showing interest in reading. Whenever you thought you knew a word, you would point to it and say, "Mommy, does that say ___?" And, most often, you'd be right. You were pairing words to places nicely. For instance, you'd notice the restroom would say "Women" or "Men" or you'd read traffic signs. "Does that say 'Do Not Block?'" And you'd be right! So, I started some sight words and we'd review them nightly. Then, one day Grandma brought out some old Dick & Jane books, and we took one home that night. Right away, you were able to put words together. The text got harder, but you stayed with it! Then, we would go to the library and pick out books that you could read all on your own. Most importantly, you are comprehending what you read. I ask questions after you finish a book or during the story, and you always know exactly what you've been reading! Reading with you is my absolute favorite thing to do with you!

-Your teachers had only positive things to say about you at your spring conference. The only area on your conference sheet that indicates a need for improvement is "accepting disappointment." Well, while I'd agree with this, we all need help with that area! You are quick to defend yourself or argue with a consequence. You might swat at your brother, for instance, and when I reprimand you, you will start saying, "But he...." or "Well, Quinn wasn't...." and try to get out of trouble and not take responsibility that perhaps you shouldn't have reacted that way. But, every other area was proficient, and they feel strongly that you will do just fine in Kindergarten.

-KINDERGARTEN!! Oh my! Cannot believe it's time for that already. I won't go there yet.

-STATS: You are currently wearing 4T and 5T clothes. Your shoe size changes all the time! You are wearing size 11 right now, but 12 isn't far away!

We had your well check with Dr. B the day after your birthday (I'm inserting this information here after this was originally posted so all information is in one place). You did great with him.
  • Weight: 40 pounds exactly - which is the 50th percentile
  • Height: 42 and 1/8 inches - which is the 35th percentile
  • Vision is 20/20 - and slightly stronger with your right eye
  • Developmentally exactly where you should be
  • Need to drink more milk!
So, how did we spend your big day??

Last night, I read to you my list of favorite memories for this past year. When I got to the one about how you worried about how the doctor was going to take the baby out of my belly and how you didn't want me to hurt, you teared up and said, "And, I missed you when you were in the hospital. I wanted you to sing to me." You crawled out of your sheets and climbed into my arms, and you asked me to rock you. I loved how "in the moment" you were with me - just reminiscing with me and loving each other so very much. It was a perfect ending to a great afternoon saying goodbye to four. You kept telling me that I was the BEST and how much you love me. And, I am sure you could feel my love for you.

Then this morning, you woke up first, which is unusual lately (you have been starting to sleep in later, which is AWESOME....except it comes at a time right before starting Kindergarten and will have to get up earlier next year!). But, I know you were excited about your big day! You came into our room, and when I opened my eyes, I smiled and said, "Happy Birthday!" You said, "Thank you!" with a smile and then climbed into bed with me. It already made next year's favorite memories list as you and I cuddled together and then Daddy and I held hands. There we were, just the three of us, and we were embracing you on this big birthday of yours! Soon, Quinn came in with a balloon. He said, "I found a balloon!" You asked, "Is that for me?" Daddy got up and brought back in a bag of balloons, and you and Quinn were thrilled to have fun with this birthday tradition that started on your first birthday. You played for a bit, and then Daddy surprised you with donuts he had snuck out to go buy while you and Quinn kept playing with the balloons.

Later, we went to Grandma & Papa's house, took Levi with us to the splash park where you played with Levi & Luca, Bree & Lexi, and saw some old friends from last year's class, picked up lunch and ate it with Caden & Mara while Aunt Mischelle had a garage sale at Grandma's house, and then it was "Turtle Time." After that, you and Quinn played in the pool for a bit. Then, we got ready to go to Chuck E. Cheese's! After a night of games and pizza and cake, you and Quinn took a very bubbly bath at Grandma's followed by a sleep over there (while our roof is being fixed). After your bath, I read you the "I Believe" I wrote for the year you were 4, and we reminisced some more about this past year.

It was a day filled with all your favorites! Donuts, chicken tenders, pizza, cake, swimming, splash park, Grandma's house, cousins, iPad, family, Chuck E. Cheese, games, and bubble bath! I couldn't have asked for a better day for you, and you kept saying, "This is the best birthday EVER!" I sure hope so, and I sure hope it just keeps getting better and better!

Banner Boone, I often sit and rock Knox while thinking back to when you were his age. That seems like yesterday. While I miss you as a baby and those early years, I am so loving getting to know you as this grown up little boy. You are one awesome kid! You're so cool - and funny, handsome, thoughtful, loving, polite, and so smart. You're creative and inquisitive and curious and silly and cute as can be. You're also strong-willed and frustrating and adventurous to a point I'd rather you not be! But, that's what keeps me on my toes! You test your boundaries daily, and you test my patience at least weekly! But, we "get" each other, and I love you more than you will ever know. You've entered a phase of wanting to please us more, and that REALLY pleases me! :) I'm liking that you're out of the "threenage" year and more and more done with the "fournado" year! But, all of those stages made you who you are and helped you and I navigate each other better. I'm always going to worry about you or feel like I don't know what I'm doing as your mommy, and I've come to learn that over 5 years of motherhood. You teach me DAILY how to be a better parent, and how to be YOUR mom. I think back and look at how far you and I have come... and sometimes how we are still stuck in that hospital bed frustrated at each other that we can't get this nursing thing down. Five years together, and we know each other better than we ever have before - but there is still so much more to come. And, my sweet Angel Baby, there's no one else I'd rather be on this ride with than you!

In May, as I tucked you in one night, you looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you for loving me."
Oh, Banner Boone, thank you for letting me!

Happy 5th Birthday, Banner!
I love you love you LOVE you!

Watching Ella's birthday message to you that Randi sent first thing this morning