Friday, June 30, 2017

Camp Mommy: June 2017

The summer Banner turned one year old, I had just resigned from my full time job as a school counselor. His first birthday marked the beginning of my time as a stay-at-home mom, and I was a bit overwhelmed at the constancy of my role and always having to be "on" for him. It's a heavy job to be your child's sole teacher and entertainer all day long, so I was anxious about what I would do with him that whole year. We did activities here and there, and then I started subbing every now and then during the school year. The school year brought lots of varied activities that were offered on a constant, routine basis: library story time, play groups at the rec center, parks and classes we could join, etc. But, once summer arrived again, I knew the typical activities we did weren't going to be available due to summer camps and various summer closings. I kinda started to panic as Banner turned 2, and I also wanted to make the most of our time together before he started preschool. I wanted to be the one to teach him how to cut, glue, play with play doh, etc. I didn't want his teachers getting those first experiences with him and me missing out. AND, the teacher in me wanted a plan so we I didn't lose our my mind over the long, hot summer. Thus began the first summer of Camp Mommy.

I had a calendar with an AM activity and a PM activity, and my entire circle of first time mom friends were invited to bring their little kids with us every day. We had a great first summer, and Banner had so much fun with his little first friends. Fast-forward 4 years later, and Camp Mommy is still very much alive and well, and I've gotten much better at knowing how to plan and what is appropriate for my toddler each summer. The only thing that has changed is the number of children (and ages) I plan around now - and of some new and old friends and their changing families. Another great perk is that most of what we do costs very little to nothing! I'm proud to say we find the best deals, go to places on their discount days, bring coupons, use teacher IDs, or use our Pearachute deals to get to these places for a great or (even better) NO price!

As the summer approached, I was giddy with the thoughts of spending more time with Knox, especially one-on-one when the big boys go to camp. I've been excited about the first couple weeks of summer with all three boys - although I'd be lying if I didn't say also that I was anxious at the exhaustion that I knew was heading my way with wrangling them, feeding them, consoling them, refereeing them, potty-ing them, buckling them, and simply getting out the door with them every day!  But, the thought of staying put for even a full day without getting out is enough to also wear me out, so my annual summer planning was a must!

June was a hit! Every day - EVERY day! - we did SOMETHING, and not one thing disappointed. We had such a fun month, and by June 15th, I was actually sad at how fast the summer was already going! So much left to do, so much left in store, and I was already mourning how fast I knew it was going to go and how I wish we had MORE time together. But, this last week of June, as Banner and Quinn headed off to their first of 6 weeks of full-day/full-week camp, Knox and I have been enjoying our special time together. Man, I love that kid! Of course I miss my big boys, but I know they are having a great time with friends and new things to explore and learn - just like we are!

A quick run down of the main highlights of our month: San Antonio and Austin road trip (Sea World, the Alamo, River Walk, the Texas History Museum, the Capitol - an entire post coming on that trip later), Quinn's celebration dinner at preschool, movies, birthday celebrations, play areas, parks, craft projects, haircuts, swim fun at Grandma's, martial arts classes, swim classes, a special zoo date with Banner to make up for missing his Kindergarten field trip there, pottery, arcades, dentist and doctor visits, library time, camp began, sleepovers, My Gym classes began, Father's Day, and fishing with Zaide at the lake.

Check out our busy JUNE! July fun starts TOMORROW!

The morning of Banner's last day in Kindergarten
He got in my car with this crown on for his birthday. He's a FIRST GRADER!
At Sea World
Sea World Selfie
Just walking across Texas (Bob Bullock museum)
Quinn's preschool dinner
Singing with his class
Last drop-off of the school year for Quinn
How to Train Your Dragon date
Happy Birthday, Ella - of course, at Menchie's!
We celebrated Bubbie's birthday with a special song and blow out in her memory.

The Tubes & The Bugs
Swimming at Grandma's
Baking with Grandma
Jungle Joe's

Ella's birthday party
Seeing Matilda at Alamo
Enjoying the dentist's waiting room

EQ Kids Club 
Can you spot Quinn?
Post swim lesson car wash!
Little archeologist digging for some dinosaur bones
Giving Daddy his Father's Day craft
Happy Father's Day!
Father's Day at Big Boss's house
On the monorail train at the Zoo!
Color Me Mine with Levi
While this little dude waited so patiently for them to finish their projects
Bubble Man at the mall
Nickel Mania with Levi
Banner gave Knox his first lollipop
Kid Expressions 
Waiting for library story time
After story time - we went to the Coop
Music class at 7 Notes
Knox gave Damon his pacifier to see if he liked it
Mommy/Daddy date night - while the boys had sleepovers!
Riding Thomas at My Gym
Splash park fun
Hope Park

Klyde Warren Park

Saturday, June 17, 2017

16-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Last week I told Daddy that I love watching you grow and learn and develop, and I am excited at each milestone you reach... BUT I'm also so sad with each new accomplishment as my baby being a baby fades away! Your infancy and babyhood are becoming distant memories, and I hate that for myself, but I know you are loving becoming the curious, active, into-everything toddler you are. My sweet boy, you are catapulting your way to 2, and I wish you'd inch a little slower, but I am so enjoying you and watching your easy-going personality unwrap itself before us. You LOVE love LOVE your big brothers, giving them hugs ("hayi"), copying whatever they do (especially after bath when they run around naked and lay on their backs on the floor... it's weird and hysterical to see you three do this), and trying to play with them.

What else are you up to this month?
  • You have at least five new teeth since last month! Maybe more, I can't tell well. But, you are cutting all of your molars, and you have the top right (our left) tooth that took a while to grow in to match the other side. Now, six little teeth are seen when you smile, and at least 4 more are there in the back, and thank the Lord you were not a miserable teether during this month like you once were during that first miserable tooth!
  • You say "peek-a-boo," "uh oh," "nigh nigh," "baby," and copy so many more words. You still have a word for Banner that I can't quite translate, but it's something like "Bayyahh," and you are usually yelling it. I have not heard a word for Quinn yet. You have mastered Dada and Mama, but pretty much both of us are Dada until I remind you of who I am. :) You are amazing at copying what we want you to. Just last night you were trying to copy me saying "Jello" with each bite of the new food you finally tried (after many attempts being rejected because of your inability to get past the texture). 
  • You can wink... but it's a blink. But hey, you know what we are asking for when we ask you to "wink."
  • You adore Papa.
  • You love any sports ball and play with it while saying "bah" repeatedly.
  • We got rid of the bath ring this month and you are winging it on your own while sitting in the tub with your brothers. You don't like to sit down much, though. I think you feel unstable, and I don't blame you.
  • Your favorite foods are: pretzels, Danimal smoothies, pasta, pears, chicken, mac and cheese, and grapes.
  • You like Mr. Potato Head's glasses - meaning, you like to put them on you! :)
  • You're still a pretty good eater - at least for a few bites and then most everything ends up on the floor, and you might go to your "buffet" later.  You've trained me well not to give you too much food on your tray at a time.
  • Mommy's horrible - so you still have 2 bottles a day - morning and night. I know you could totally do without them, but they hold you off on the crank factor a bit. The morning one simmers you down before breakfast while we are getting dressed in the morning, and the night-time bottle gets you through the pajama shenanigans. My goal is that you don't have any bottles by next month!
  • Your favorite activities are: brushing your teeth (ironically, quite the opposite of Banner's 16-month post), dancing!!!, playing chase, watching Gabba (you'll even let me cut your fingernails easily when watching this, thank goodness!)
  • We met baby Damon this month, had your first road trip and hotel stay, went to San Antonio and visited the Alamo and Sea World and the River Walk, celebrated Caden & Mara's B'nai Mitzvah, wrapped up Banner and Quinn's school year, and celebrated Banner's 6th birthday. 
  • We also started trying to drop your morning nap. That is still a work in progress. You're still doing better with two naps, but you CAN do one if you had to... it's just a matter of keeping you awake on the way home from whatever we did in the morning.
  • You got your second hair cut... this time a big boy cut! EEEK! I adore your hair - so silky and shiny and straight and sleek. I am hoping the cut will give you more comfort this hot summer, though. But you look so grown up! :(
Knox Morgan, I have SO been waiting for this summer with you. It's been on the horizon for a long time but had taken it's sweet time in getting here after a busy school year. Specifically, I'm so excited to spend more morning time with you once your big brothers are off at camp. The past few weeks, we've enjoyed some really great, new activities for you. We've had more time away from the house at play areas, and you've explored new places and new activities. I have so much more in store for you during this summer of "Camp Mommy." We're going to swim and play and visit and learn and explore so many cool things! 

I love you so very much, and I can't wait to watch you blossom this summer even more. Just promise me to take it slow, and don't be in such a rush to join your big brothers in this mad dash for big-kid-hood! 

Happy 16-Months, Knoxipoo!
With all my everlasting love,


Monday, June 12, 2017

Party Time! Banner Turns Six

Dear Banner,
This year, you wanted a Pokemon theme. You wanted it at your favorite pool where you swam twice a week at camp last summer (and will this summer). You wanted Pokeball cupcakes. You wanted to give out Pokemon cards as favors. You wanted your entire class there. You wanted to invite everyone you knew. You were so upset that you had to make decisions on who we could and couldn't invite based on the number allowed, but you were SO excited about this party. You knew exactly what you wanted! And that made planning this particular party so easy for me! It really was a breeze.

The only task I had was to make the Pokeball cupcakes, which was so super easy! See my steps here:

Voila! We were set! We made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, and friends got to choose which kind they liked. We had fun making them, and other than slightly time consuming that morning, they were the easiest cupcakes I've ever made probably. Sorry the pictures below are upside-down (the red is supposed to be at the top).

The pool was the perfect place for the party. It has so many different places for kids to play: a very shallow end where Knox and the other babies could play and walk easily, some slides (that Knox even went down a couple times with BeeBee and Grandma's help), a volleyball net, an island in the middle of the pool where Quinn liked to jump off of to Grandma or Daddy, a diving board, and even a toddler area that was perfect for everyone who wanted a break from the pool (including Knox who adored this area). Our table was in the shade, which made the perfect little sitting area for parents and grandparents to hang out. 

With Ella
With Landon
With Madeline
With Marin & Landry - I love watching you three grow up together!
Party favors were Pokemon pencils, Pokemon cards, and several Hershey miniatures wrapped up in Pokemon character wraps (which were easily secured on during our road trip to San Antonio last week)! 

I always enjoy putting together your parties, Banner Boone. I love celebrating you, the people who love you, the themes and things you that make you happy, and most importantly, another year of a healthy, happy, beautiful life!
I LOVE YOU! Happy 6th Birthday Party Day!

Friday, June 9, 2017

And Another Year Makes SIX!

Dear Banner,
Happy 6th Birthday, Angel Baby! Oh, what do I want to say to you this year!?! It zoomed, it challenged me, it awed me. What a whirlwind of a big year for you - for all of us! Kindergarten, losing teeth, riding a bike, whistling, moving houses, starting a new school, meeting Hayla and Damon, wanting to be on swim team, reading like a 2nd grader! These are the big things that happened for you this year, but there's so much more!

I told myself when you turned six I wouldn't do these little updates any longer - that maybe they would start to embarrass you or that they'd be too hard to keep up with. But, I feel a yearning to write all this out. I want to capture you at this age and be able to share it with you one day. As always, the years fly by, and you won't be six for long! The days are long, but the years so short, and I just can't help but want to reflect and reminisce about the year you were 5.

Academically, you are at the top of the class. You are excelling and reaching far beyond what is expected. At the beginning of the school year, you were reading at the beginning of first grade level, but now you are well into 2nd grade level. At the beginning of the school year, you hated to color, but now, you know how to take your time and enjoy making something beautiful. You don't hate it as much, but it's still not your favorite. Your math skills are also impressive! Although you don't call it multiplying, you do it well in your head and understand how to add numbers multiple times. For instance, at Sea World last week, you told me, "Mommy, we rode the roller coaster three times - but it was really six, because each time we went twice around the loop." Or, you will tell me how many seconds something is if I said we have 3 more minutes and you'll count to 60 three times. You are also in the gifted program at school, and you adore your GT teacher and the activities you get to do with her. I've taken a few classes to learn more about GT kiddos, and now that I have my own, I fully understand why it can be quite challenging. I'll explain below later...

Socially, you are Mr. Popular. You know every kiddo in Kindergarten and whose class he/she is in. The kids all seem to know you, too. You love to stick your head out the window and wave to all your friends as we leave the carpool line. "Oh, Mommy, there's Jood! Roll down the window!" or going through drop off in the morning, "Oh, hurry, Mommy, I see Kate R; I'm gonna walk in with her!" And, maybe you'll see Andrew walking in, too, and the three of you will hold hands walking in together. You LOVE play dates and want to go to friends' houses any chance you can. You so enjoy Knox - with an occasional frustration at him when he unknowingly turns off your Xbox game by pushing the lit-up power button on the console. You and Quinn have a love/hate relationship. Best friends who make each other laugh, but you two can be so mean to each other a second later. I try to stay out of it, but man, you can be one mean little booger to him. You forget he's only 3 and adores you with every ounce of his being. He copies you and wants what you have and what you want. It's the ultimate form of flattery, but you don't see it that way. He chose the same stuffed animal from the Sea World gift shop and he wanted to name his dolphin the same thing you did... and you said that was so mean. But, he just wants to BE you! One day you'll get that and love him for it, but right now, not so much!

Physically, you are long and lanky but still on the shorter side compared to your peers. That could be because you're one of the younger ones in the class, but we'll find out your percentiles next week at Dr. B's office. We plan to talk to him about a few things that have been bothering you and us a little: the continued bedwetting, continued transient motor tics (opening your eyes wide), and perhaps some inattentive behaviors that we feel may be ADHD. Those are my only worries with you, but they are aren't small. As I was writing about before, you also have some GT overexcitabilities that come into play and cause emotional outbursts and frustrations for you. You have an imaginational overexcitability and a sensual one... you hear everything, you imagine everything and then it makes you become a scared little kiddo. You don't like to go places by yourself (upstairs or to your room or even playing Xbox by yourself). You like someone to stay in your room with you until you are asleep - often asking us to hold your hand. You end up in our bed pretty much every night, but we are working on this! The inattention, forgetfulness, and impulsivity pieces are what get you into trouble a lot, and you have even started noticing this yourself. It breaks my heart when you have said some of the following: "Mommy, there's something wrong with my brain," "God made me wrong; there's something wrong with me. You have to ask me to do things over and over again, but you only have to ask Quinn once," "No one likes me," and through tears, "I'm trying my best, but I can't do what you ask me to."  Because you are so bright and don't get into much trouble at school, it's hard to know what's really going on with the ADHD concerns, but my goal for the summer is to try to figure this out with you. We are open and honest with you about our desires to get you help, as you have expressed your own concerns that you need it. It's just so hard to separate ADHD from giftedness and from strong-will and from first-born and so on!

Lately, we are utilizing a nickel system to help encourage you to both listen to our directions and encourage you to make good choices. We also have noticed that this system is helping you monitor your screen time and is reinforcing your skills with money. Every Monday, you get 36 nickels in your baggie from the "bank" baggie. You have the ability to earn more nickels if you go above and beyond our expectations. You lose nickels to the bank for poor choices. You owe Quinn nickels if you hurt him in any way. For every nickel you have, you have 5 minutes of screen time. You can cash in however many minutes you want at a time, during allowable times. The nickel system seems to be working pretty well. You have quite an addiction to the iPad, so this helps you realize how much time you're spending on it and helps us monitor it.

You love... donuts, candy, chocolate (quite the sweet tooth!), Lego Dimensions on Xbox, Slurpees, history, iPad, playing on the computer, Legos (and Tinker Toys and K'nex, too) buying your lunch at school, riding your bike, going to the park, Pokemon cards, doing "experiments" with random items around the kitchen and building concoctions and art work with recyclable stuff, color baths, the color green, desserts, swimming, learning the words to new songs - this year it was: Replay, Cake by the Ocean, Hello, One Call Away, Shake It Off, Man in the Mirror (Lego Batman version), and Friends are Family.

You hate... homework, getting up early when you're not ready to wake up, staying in your seat at meal times, bugs, being alone, surprises, when someone takes the remote from you, being told screen time is over

Last night when I tucked you in, I asked if you were going to miss being 5. You said yes, you would. I asked what you would miss about it, and you answered, "Kindergarten." We talked about how first grade was going to be great, too, though. I asked if you thought six would feel different than five, and you said yes. When I asked why, you said, "I'll be nicer when I'm 6. I'm going to get rid of my 'baditude' and have more 'gratitude.'" I LOVED this answer. You were remembering a book (Baditude) that I've read to you a few times. This morning, you certainly seemed to already be modeling that idea. You woke up in our bed - to Quinn and I showering you with balloons as Daddy and Knox came in. You were smiley and let me cuddle you after we sang "Happy Birthday." Then, we went out for donuts and let you blow out a candle when we came home. Then, we went to a new play place with Ella, Brycen, Nami, and Hayla - and Levi joined later. I reluctantly ordered you the Sprite you were begging for, a new favorite since getting one at Camp Gan Izzy over winter break nearly 6 months ago. Then, Aunt Mischelle took you to her house for a play date with Brycen and Nami, another favorite treat. At the end of the day, we had some fun at Chuck E. Cheese's - yet another favorite - where we celebrated with more of your favorites: lots of cousins, grandparents, friends. Before you went to bed, I read you your 5-year-old "I Believe" that I wrote for you. As you've gotten older, it's fun reminiscing with you as you remember more and more of the year, and so many times your reaction is "Oh, yeah! I remember that!!" I think it helps us put the last year to rest and to remember all the funny, the happy, the challenges of "5."

Banner Boone, it's hard to believe it's already been 6 years since we met. In other ways, I feel like I've known you MY whole life. We are still learning this parent/child thing together, and I often feel so sad that I don't have my shit together better for you. I'm getting there, and you've been more than patient with me. I wish I could say the same about me - that I've been patient with you. You challenge and test me daily with your inattention and difficulty following directions. You are on a path of your own so much of the time - wanting to do what you want to do when you want to do it, the way you want to do it. Dr. B usually reminds me that you are doing exactly what you're supposed to do - trying to pave your own way on your terms to become independent. I'm trying to remember that! My favorite time of day with you is at night when you just want to chat, ask questions, open up to me about anything. I love this time with you, and I love how cuddly and sweet you are. While you are getting to be so big and mature, you also still need me to kiss away boo-boos and hold you when you are sad, and we still "argue" over who loves who more. No matter what, I will ALWAYS love you more than you could ever love me - so there!

Happy 6th Birthday, Angel Baby!!!
I love you so very much! More than you could ever possibly imagine!!
Bright light!
At Jungle Joe's
At Chuck E. Cheese's

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Favorite Sixth Year Memories

  • The morning you woke up on your fifth birthday, came to cuddle with me, just you, me, and Daddy in bed, and later playing with balloons with Quinn, and watching Ella's birthday message video she sent you
  • Our last hug at Darion in the playroom as we cried
  • Waving goodbye to you through the glass on your first day of kindergarten, a look of seriousness and discomfort but confidence
  • Watching you in my rearview mirror as you walked in to school on your second day of kindergarten as the principal walked next to you
  • Urban Air when we were leaving and you (unprompted) said, "That was fun! Mommy, thank you for taking me on a date there!"
  • Watching Wizard of Oz for your very first time - eating pizza next to Quinn, and Knox in the high chair booster on the floor
  • Swaying with you under the shower as you relaxed and let the water run down your head
  • Oh my goodness!!! The Mother/Son Dance!
  • Safari Run and Hope Park during Thanksgiving Break
  • When you kissed your shoes goodbye before we trashed them - I let you wear them one more weekend but then that Sunday night, you kissed them goodbye one last time ... loved it!!!!
  • The morning you ran in saying you had a loose tooth! And then, of course, the day you lost your first tooth at Knox's first birthday party (Uncle Brock pulled it, and I was in the middle of watching Knox's video Daddy had made!)
  • The day we got the letter telling us you made it into the PACE program
  • Your consecration... Dancing with the congregation and getting your first Torah and the suit you wore... just priceless!
  • The day you figured out how to ride your bike. You were scared and nervous you couldn't  do it, but then you did, and you wanted me to send a video of you riding "to our whole family!" Later, you told me you were proud of me too  - for teaching you how to ride a bike! You knew it was my first time to teach someone how to do that, and you let me know I did a good job!
  • Singing Adele's "Hello" with you in the garage and belting it out just the two of us
  • Oh, the Kindergarten performance, and you delivering your (awkward) line so perfectly! You sang so many of our family favorites ("What a Wonderful World", "Bushel & a Peck", and "Grand Old Flag")
  • The Outdoor Learning Center field trip with you - and when you saw me come in to your classroom, you LIT UP! That made my day, week, month!
  • When the field trip guide at the OLC asked what the birds might be tweeting about and you sang "Cuz ya got to have friends..." and our little group (Michelle, Bradley, Tati, and Kate D.) started laughing
  • When you asked if we could go to Sea World and I said yes (you were pooping in the Spring Creek BBQ bathroom) :) 
  • Oh!!!! Riding the roller coaster together at Yesterland! What a memory! That was SOOO fun!
  • Some of our chats at bedtime - about God, about religion, about childbirth, oy, you have tested me this year and kept me on my toes when it comes to pretty deep conversation!
  • The night you wanted me to sing a song, but the song made you cry; I think I sang "Hushabye Baby" or another one of the songs from your infant play list. I changed the song to "Dream", and you did fine. But, you wanted one more, so I sang "You'll Be in My Heart." You turned away from me toward the end, crying. I asked if you were sad or feeling loved. You said loved. We held each other. You were a basket case, which made me one. You said, "The line that says, 'I may not be with you,' made me sad that one day you will die and I will miss you so much." And more crying ensued. Daddy eventually came in and talked to you with me. We just all laid there together. Tears. It was nice, a little melodramatic, but nice and heartwarming. 
  • Singing "Side by Side" with you and calling Grandma and singing it with her on FaceTime at the end of Mother's Day
  • On my last work day this school year, you missed your second-to-last school day because of a fever the day before. Therefore, you got to come with me to work, and it was so fun to have you there with me - just us - as you helped me pack up and move boxes from my old office to my new one. Later that day, before we had to pick up Quinn from school, we went outside and saw the Kindergarteners on the playground at recess from our garage. Everyone shouted, "Banner!!!! Banner!!!" and you waved and said hi to everyone. You teased them again and again, going back and forth from the driveway to back in the house. I know you would love McDonald's any time - but you especially wanted it that day, so you could wave to your friends again and drive down the alley with them cheering your name - and they did - not once but twice: on the way to McDonald's and the way back! They ran down he fence, following our car. I'm glad I gave in to McD's and let you feel that love from your classmates.
  • Watching you ride Abby Cadabby's Rockin' Wave all by yourself at Sea World. Your face. Oh, your sweet face just a big bright light of smiles!
  • Hauling "tuchus" to get from the Capitol building in Austin to the Bob Bullock Museum to see the Texas history movie. We ran down that street so fast, and you were quite a trooper because you are one big history buff!