Tuesday, June 10, 2014

And Another Year Makes THREE!

Dear Banner,
Well, it's official! We have known each other for a full 3 years now, and we celebrated that occasion yesterday! You are THREE years old, my sweet boy, and I want to tell you all about you and all about your party in what will probably end up being a REALLY long post. But, I have to get it out, jot it down, reflect, remember it all for you, and have a record of all the fun stuff going on in your big little life!

At 3-years-old, you are one independent, strong-willed, (usually) well-mannered, and thoughtful little boy. You wake up each day ready for a new adventure. In fact, you always start your day by asking, "Mom, where are we going today?" You like to know what's coming, what the plan is, who you will see... and sometimes you have your own agenda about where you want to go and what you want to do.

Most mornings, you wake up in our bed. You either come in our room around 4:00-5:00am, or you call out for one of us much earlier in the night. I'm not willing to fight this battle right now, but soon - soon! Then, it's a battle to get you to eat breakfast, and with some distraction of a game or a TV show, you let me dress you, brush your teeth, and comb your hair. You are pretty particular, too, about how you like your hair combed. I secretly like when you tell me where to fix it when you check it out in the mirror - mostly because I usually see the exact same spot that needs a little "tending to." Speaking of being particular - you are also very calculated in how you speak. You will correct me if I say something in plural form when it should be singular (like if I say, "Did you see some school buses?" you will say, "No, only one."). You are also very sensitive to little things, just like Mommy. You can't stand a little cuticle on your finger and will often ask me to fix it. You will find a strawberry seed in your mouth and will maneuver your tongue around just right with lots of concentration to get it out. Throughout the day, you are inquisitive, curious, and observant. You see shapes everywhere, and you point out what you see. In fact, you can do this without lines being connected to objects randomly-placed nearby each other. At school. Ms. Jennifer told me about the time you were in Mr. Abo's room holding three seeds in your hands. "Look, it's a triangle!" you said. She was pretty impressed, and I told her that Daddy had seen you do this at home a few times, too - seeing points on shapes without lines connecting them. You're very inventive and clever.

Some of my favorite quotations from this month:
-"Are they not in Texas where we live?" (when I told you that Randi and Ella were on a trip)
-"Jesus!" -said when you were just getting in the carseat after I told you to stop playing in the garage and get in the car already. Okay, this one's not necessarily a nice thing, but it was hard not to laugh... and I guess we gotta watch what we say a little more!
-"I'm sorry you yelled at me." (You say this when you are "talked sternly to" - pretty cute, even though you can't really apologize for something Daddy or I did!)
-"This is going to be exciting!"
-"I will give you a high five." (Said when you don't want to give a hug or kiss, and I can appreciate the alternative when you're just not in the mood for more.)
-"Have a good drive!" said to Lindsay and Myka after school
-"I was putting on my make-up. I don't want you to smear it!" (When I called you several times to come to the kitchen; of course, you weren't really wearing any!)
-"I love you more than anything in the whole wide wield!" you say this on occasion as I'm putting you to bed.
-Singing "The Eyes of Texas"

Other Things to Note:

-You are doing great with swim lessons, and Ms. Patty moved you to the next level in her program. Can't wait to watch my little fish this summer!

-Potty training has been great. I never say you are "fully trained," because well, I don't want to jinx it. But, you do very well telling us when you need to go, you go pretty independently, and you have even said you enjoy going potty on the toilet. I'm so very proud of you!

-You ask "Why?" all the time! "Why is that sign swinging?" "Why is the squirrel climbing that tree?" "Why are all the children leaving school?" "Why is that gorilla laying down?" Usually the answers are fairly obvious,  so I've been punting these questions back to you: "What do you think?" and you always have the answer. "The wind is blowing it," "He's chasing another squirrel," "School time is over, they're going home," "He's tired and resting."

-You know all your letters and sounds, and you're getting pretty competent with numeral recognition - thanks to The Letter Factory and Number Land DVDs! You're even pretty good at sounding out words to figure out what letters come next to spell it out.

-We had your 3-year check-up with Dr. B today, and it went VERY well! I'm super-impressed with how you handled yourself so nicely and mostly all on your own. You let him examine you, you were extremely sociable and friendly and talkative, and you were helpful giving him all the information he needed for him to determine you are very healthy! At one point, since we were also at his office for Quinn's check-up, he told us that Quinn is developmentally scoring as a 10-month-old, and "Banner is a 14-year-old." He's right, you are such a "threenager!" He saw how you only have two speeds: fast and faster! Here are your stats:
  • Weight: 31.4 pounds = 50th percentile
  • Height: 36.75 inches = 40th percentile (you usually are in a higher percentile than this, but Dr. B says it's probably just because this is the first time kids are measured standing up (rather than laying down), so most kids drop in percentile at this age.... But, then again, I was never very tall - always standing next to the teacher in class pictures as the shortest kid in the class most years.
And now, I want to talk to you about how we celebrated your big day! So, I started thinking about your birthday party theme back in March. I even asked you what kind of party you wanted. Construction was pretty much a hit right away. I immediately started having a lot of fun with this theme, looking up ideas online to get a springboard for my own creativity. Grandma was also showing you lots of cool stuff we could do, and while I appreciated the enthusiasm, planning a party starting in MARCH made for a very LONG road to your birthday party. You were very confused about when yours was, and explaining the calendar and helping you understand time at this early age is an impossible challenge. We began trying to explain whose birthday in the family would come next. Once Landry's party came and went, you knew yours was up next! That weekend of his party, you and Daddy started working on a "box" in the backyard. You didn't know what it was for, but you gladly helped hand him the tools he needed and wanted to help paint it. The following week, Britt came by with his pick-up truck to take you and Daddy to get the sand for the box. It was all coming together for you; you knew you were helping to make your own sandbox, a gift from Daddy and me. Britt, Daddy, and you got to watch the loaders dump the sand into the truck, and then you all came home to shovel and wheelbarrow the sand into your very own sandbox, which Daddy painted with a construction theme to go with your party (and because you are obsessed with "instruction sites.") You played in that sandbox all morning! Then, the following day was your party day, but you didn't know it. We knew if we told you, you'd never sleep and certainly not take a nap before the afternoon party, so Daddy drove you and Quinn to Grandma's house to nap there. Then, Daddy and I hurriedly prepared for the party!
Grandma said when you woke up from your nap, she told you where you'd be going. You got really excited to know it was FINALLY your party day! You asked if your friends were coming. You were all smiles she said. It was really fun opening the door to watch you come up the sidewalk and see how everything was set up. It was all for you, and it was all your favorite stuff! There was a Lego and blocks area, a road and parking lot made of masking tape on the carpet, there were tunnels to crawl through outside - along with the sandbox and lots of trucks and shovels, and Bob the Builder playing on TV. There were orange Solo cups made to look like traffic drums, a "Build" Your Own Sundae station, hard hats for the kids to wear, and even a bulldozer birthday cake. We had worked hard to make it special, and I have to say, I think we pulled it off! In fact, at the end of the night, as I tucked you in, you said, "Mommy, can I have another party?" and I said next year! We talked about your favorite parts of the party, and you said you loved the cake and your sandbox and you loved your friends being here to play with. Here are some pictures from the big day!
Bulldozer Cake I made the day before. I was bummed it was lopsided, but Daddy said maybe it is just on a hill! :)

The Guest of Honor arrives!
With Ella
Worker Colby!
Levi (almost 4 months) and Grandma
Aunt Gayle & Quinn (9 months)
Ian and Brycen
Lilly, Lilly, and Mara
Gretchen made your shirt!
Caden and Big Boss
Our Family
Lighting the candles
We're singing to you here
No one had to tell you what to do this time!
Foreman on site! Hard hat from Cherie, Jed, and Avery
Aunt Kira and Quinn
Ian and Emma
Brycen and Uncle Brock
Ryan, Avi, Daddy, and Aaron
Kiki, Levi, Uggy, and you
With Jorryn
With NaNa & Uncle Paul
With Zaide & Vicki
Quinn eating his hard hat
Evan in the tunnels
Hugs for Myka
Avi & Ryan

With Big Boss
Julia Bella
With Cherie & Jed
For whatever reason, Uncle Brock ends up tickling and shaking you at the end of each birthday party!
Emma and you in deep conversation
Nami (14.5 months)
With Aunt Mischelle
Kisses from Grandma
With Grandma & Papa
You went to bed a two-year-old (this is the last picture of you as a 2-year-old)
And woke up a 3-year-old!
The following morning was your actual 3rd birthday! You had made your way into our bed during the middle of the night, which we expected. So, after I got Quinn and his bottle to feed him in our room, we emptied a bag of balloons on the bed and sang "Happy Birthday!" Then, Daddy went to get donuts for you! When we sat down to breakfast, I asked if you wanted a candle. You were already starting on a kolache (a favorite of yours) and with a full mouth said, "Not yet." Then, when you had finished the kolache, you got a donut hole and said, "Now I want a candle!" So, we sang again and you blew out your candle. Then, it was time to get ready for your first day of camp! It was hard for me to leave you at a new place on your special day, but you did great. The teachers made brownies with you and your new camp buddies sang "Happy Birthday" to you. The rest of the day was pretty typical, except after your nap, I let you have a cupcake while Quinn and I sat with you eating some snack too... I thought of the minute of your birth while we sat there at 4:04 just enjoying a little chit chat with each other and Quinn. Then after a dinner at home, we ate some ice cream with toppings just like we had at your party. After bath and stories, I came in with a special gift from me to you.

Back in high school, I wrote Daddy and a couple friends each their own a list of all the things that were special memories between me and each of them. I called it "I Believe." I wanted to document each of your years this way starting this year. So, in the past couple months, I've been thinking about all the special times we had this past year when you were 2, and I wanted to read it to you to end your birthday. You were an awesome listener, and you were able to recall a lot of what I had written. It was a nice way to end your day, and then, as we laid next to each other in your bed before you fell asleep, I told you how your birthday is also the same day that you and I met. I had tears in my eyes, which you didn't know about, as I looked at your sweet face and thought about how I can still see parts of my newborn baby. Your eyebrows and how they furrow, your nose, your lips, even the expression in your eyes - I see my little baby boy. I love that I can still see that little infant. But, he's not so little anymore. He's growing so quickly.

At that point, you sat up and said, "Mommy, I want to hug you." To me, it felt like you were acknowledging the anniversary of the day we met. It felt like you were thanking me for something - your party? being your Mommy? birthing you? I'm not sure.... but I LOVED it. It was MY gift. You leaned down to hug me and as I wrapped my arms around you, you said, "No. Just me hugging you." So, I let you hug me. I had a hard time not embracing you back, but I was grateful for you wanting to snuggle me. "Thank you," I said, "but doesn't it feel better when I hug you back?" You nodded, so I threw my arms around you tightly. Then you said, "Mommy, will you rock me?" Still with tears you couldn't see, I agreed and swayed with you in the dim room. You said, "Can you rock me for more minutes and more minutes and more minutes?" Again, there was that little newborn staring at me! The newborn who was also a smart, sweet, curious, rambunctious, active, social little boy with a huge personality. It was such a treat. We just loved on each other, and then we said goodnight. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, reminiscing about your weekend and how proud you make me. In fact, I was still awake around midnight, apparently wanting to stay up late enjoying every minute of your birthday.
36 Months, that is!

Happy Third Birthday, Banner Boone! I hope all your birthday wishes come true, and I hope you have many, many, many more birthday candles to blow out and to make wishes upon! "I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!" Thank you for letting us celebrate your life. You are a gift every day!

I love you, Angel Baby!

Monday, June 9, 2014

9-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
What a month! I say that for various reasons. I feel like this particular month has been both amazing and awful at the same time. I'll start with why it's been so awful. You've been pretty icky feeling. You had an ear infection, and most of the month you've had a runny nose and a cough. Midnight wakings have been back in action, and I'm hoping they are on their way out! The amazing part is that you are extremely active - crawling and pulling up on anything and everything. But, that also brings the awful part back because you are constantly getting bumped and bruised from minor falls here and there. You've knocked your head into walls, tables, chairs; you've fallen down or slipped from trying to cruise around unsuccessfully; you lose your balance from time to time while sitting up from a crawling position and fall backwards. You're a mess. But, you are one determined little mess. And, you are getting better and faster and stronger with every day. It's just been really rough as you become more mobile because you want more! I just KNOW you want to walk, want to keep up with Banner, want to reach anything and everything. I feel so annoyed and frustrated for you because you seem so pissed at not being able to really do or go where you want. You want out of my arms when it's really not a safe or good place to play (like at the doctor's office or on the playground floor). When you tire yourself out, you want me to hold you, but then you want to go crawl, but then you can't really muster the strength after a while, so then you want back up, and then back down... It's exhausting for all of us. But, it's part of the process!

What else have you been up to this month?

-You can sit on the floor and spin in a complete circle. I love watching you do this.

-You've started bouncing! Sometimes it's a bounce to a song (a dance?), sometimes it's in the jumperoo or the excersaucer, and a couple times I've seen you bounce when Banner or I sing.

-You're giving awesome open-mouth kisses! My absolute favorite memory of this is when I had been in Austin for Uncle Sage and Uncle Trey's graduations and came home while you were already at Colby's birthday party. When you saw me, you did a double-take and then reached for me. Then, you leaned in for a kiss. It was THE best moment!

-You're more aware of what words mean. You know what "kiss" and "more" mean. I'm pretty sure you know what "bottle" and "eat" mean. You also know who everyone is - including your own name (which you've known for a while).

-You have such a fun sense of humor! This is the first time I've written about your humor mostly because it's just starting to come through. You love when we nod our heads at you, or rub noses, or jump up and down. You love peek-a-boo with us - especially when we hide you and ask, "Where's Quinn?!" You'll just pull the blanket down and giggle with a smile that lights up the room. You seem to really "get" when we are being silly and like to be silly too. You squeal and scream for fun and laugh when we do it back. I love this little window into your personality. Every day we are seeing more and more of who you are and how your personality is unfolding. That little giggle is precious!

-On a related note, you are copying us a lot. Daddy and I both, on separate occasions, have each played games with you where you copy our little yells. "Ahh!" we say, and you repeat with the exact same length of "ahh!" back. Sometimes it's a short yell, sometimes long, and you will giggle and do it back. 

-I already wrote about how you're pulling up everywhere, but I haven't mentioned how you do it. When a table or shelf is a little taller than you're used to, you use your mouth for leverage. It's quite clever, I think. You'll put your hands/fingers around the edge of the table and scoot as close as you can, then you'll get your mouth on the edge and bear down on it to get your legs under you better.

-Your sense of balance is awesome, too. You are cruising better and better now, and you are fully able to get down from a standing position. This only took you 2 days to figure out. You will now slowly lower yourself to the floor, and you are very careful about it. It ticks you off to fall or lose your balance - even if it's just falling to your tush from a very short distance, so you have become great at calculating and maneuvering your body to the floor gracefully.

-Your schedule is pretty much the same as last month - two naps, start bedtime routine at 6:45, bathing with Banner now, taking 4 bottles (7ish, 11ish, 3:30ish, and 7:00 - with the middle two bottles being the most difficult for you to take/finish), lunch and dinner but adding in breakfast (mostly just some little bites of bread or bagel)

-You're gagging and choking a whole lot on your table food. I wish you could eat it better, but maybe we'll give it a rest for a bit until you are more successful with it. It seems to really bother you and you often still spit it out or cough on it a little. There have been a handful of times you scare the bajeezus - no, more than that - you scare the shit out of us and we rush to help you. Oh, sweet boy, stop with the choking!

-Your favorite toys are, by far, our car keys! You also enjoy anything that belongs to Banner, especially his riding toys. Your new move is belly-sliding over them, which used to be more scary than it has become because you would land on your head, but now you are super skilled with maneuvering over gracefully. You love B's trucks, trains, train tracks, blocks, and cars. And, you love pulling up on the coffee table.

-You hate the changing table, and sometimes you even hate your room if you think it's nap time before you're ready to sleep (like when I just go in there for one quick thing, you start crying/whimpering). You also hate when we take anything away from you - your water cup, your toys, books, or anything you have in your hands. Distracting you really helps, unless you have our car keys. . . then nothing helps! :)

-New foods this month: honeydew, grapes. You LOVE your cereals though. If you could just eat rice, barley, or oatmeal all the time, you would be perfectly content. You also really enjoy your cup with water.

-This month, we celebrated Landry's 3rd birthday and Colby's 4th birthday, we went to the Bowie Fun Run and also ate lunch with the Bowie teachers a different day, we had Mother's Day and Memorial Day celebrations, we had Banner's 3rd birthday party (yesterday), we went to the zoo with Blakely and her family, and you went to the trampoline park for the first time.

-We have your 9-month well-visit tomorrow with Dr. B. I will post your stats here after our visit! **Okay, after the doctor visit, here are your stats:
  • Weight: 20 pounds, 11.5 ounces = 50th percentile
  • Height: 28.25 inches = 50th percentile
  • Head: 44.9 cm = 45th percentile
  • Developmentally, Dr. B says you are more like a 10-month-old. You're doing great!
  • We get to add in meats starting now, but we are still waiting on dairy, eggs, nuts, strawberries/raspberries, fish, and honey.
  • You got two shots: Hep B and IPV (Polio), and you had a finger prick to test your iron level - which came back normal.
  • You are a healthy, growing boy! And that makes ME so happy!
Quinn Redding, you are such a joy! A joy to be around, a joy to watch, a joy to have as a son! I love you so much, and I can't believe you are already 9 months old! I know the past month has been slightly frustrating since you want to do so much and are "into" things that can be dangerous (plugs, climbing chairs, pulling on the dishwasher door...), but you have been such a trooper! You wait for your naps when it's time to get Banner from school/camp, you tolerate the errands I take you on when it's just us and we can get done quickly, you handle Banner's loudness and his play dates with his friends, and you hang with me (usually) peacefully when we're outside in the heat while Banner plays in his sandbox or has his swim lessons or runs around the playground. I promise when you can walk and get around more easily, you will start really enjoying these outings! Thank you for your patience and your sweetness.

I love you so much, My Love!
Happy 9 Months!

Getting dangerous! Nearly crawled off the chair before Grandma caught you!
Such a happy boy!
Today, while eating your green beans!
I can hear your squeal of laughter in this picture!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

My Favorite Third Year Memories

  • Going to the Ft. Worth Zoo with Daddy during our Camp Mommy last summer
  • When you met Quinn for the first time and how you kept asking me how I was feeling
  • Your first swim lesson with Ms. Patty - it was rough but you felt so accomplished and a little cocky afterward
  • Taking you to school for the first time
  • Our Day out with Thomas
  • Your first Havdalah service - you waved and smiled to Daddy and me throughout the service
  • Pulling me in for "paci kisses" during bedtime
  • Camp Mommy events last summer - the Shuklah concert, the movie we went to with Grandma, Owens Farm, swimming at Muehlenbeck, SenseAble, Heritage Farm, Children's Aquarium
  • Pumpkin Farm with Daddy
  • Shopping for "our boy," our angel Axel 
  • My first night back from the hospital as a family of 4 - watching Yo Gabba Gabba "Farm" episode with Farmer Josh. . . I cried just having my normal evenings back with you but I knew life was suddenly so different
  • Fourth of July fireworks on Aunt Jacque and Uncle Freddy's rooftop
  • Telling you about Nami's surgery; you wanted him to be all better
  • Picking you up from first day of school, and the ice cream we ate later that evening
  • Our dinner date with Daddy at Mooyah when Grandma unexpectedly and generously decided to keep Quinn for the night
  • Building your ice cream truck Halloween costume
  • Ice days (we didn't leave the house for 5 straight days!)
  • When you read Brown Bear, Brown Bear for the first time
  • Looking up at me on a walk outside saying (about your scooter), "I can ride it like the big kids?"
  • Hanging on the bars at My Gym with Ella
  • Our last donut day before Quinn was born
  • Pee Pee and Poo Poo dances (with two index fingers in the air, sometimes saying "this is for pee pee, and this one is for poo poo" and singing "Pee pee in the pot-ty, poo poo in the pot-ty!")
  • You teaching me how to make a fire in the fireplace like Daddy. It was a lot of gibberish it, and then you ended with, "And then you need to stoke it."
  • Making s'mores in the fireplace during the many days of ice outside
  • When parents came up for the blessing at your first presentation at Shabbat, you hugged and kissed Daddy and me and said, "I love you Mommy and Daddy."
  • The night you started humming your lullabies with me
  • The first night in your big boy bed. I was so very overwhelmingly proud of you and kept checkin on you to tell you you were doing a great job, and you were so very proud of yourself, too.
  • Going to the Gaylord ICE! Exhibit. Oh my goodness, I wanted to just gobble you up in your little winter hat! You looked so adorable and loved watching the trains in the atrium. 
  • Camp (Winter) Mommy - the trains exhibit, Perot Museum
  • Staring off at the dinner table and saying, "Creeeeeepy!" in a whisper after Daddy said that word
  • When you asked Daddy to rock you while I was still laying in your bed telling you stories. He picked you up and I think you wanted to see your shadow... I teared up watching him rock my big boy in his footsie tan and white striped pajamas.
  • Watching and hearing you tell Siri what you wanted to watch on YouTube
  • When you helped the rabbi at Quinn's naming
  • The first time you pooped in the potty (which was at Grandma's house.) :)
  • Potty training in general - went so much better than I could have expected, and it made our Passover break go so fast and feel so successful
  • You taking my hand and kissing it on the couch at the end of that Passover break 
  • Visiting Bubbie's grave on Mother's Day, you held Quinn and just looked at the headstone. Many questions started stirring after that day. "Is Bubbie under there?" "Does she have a face?" "Is Bubbie far away?" "Why doesn't she live in a house anymore?"
  • Your first real bath with Quinn, giggles and giddiness galore!
  • By far NOT a favorite - but one that I know I will remember from this year ALWAYS - the first (and last) night you climbed out of your crib after hours of crying (which had become a habit the several nights before). I was livid, but mostly I was terrified that you were already ready for a big boy bed - just a short 3 weeks before school started and before Quinn was born. 
  • Meeting Levi for the first time, and watching you love on him since then, kissing his hand, talking sweetly to him
  • When you were home sick with a fever, Ms. Betty called and let your friends say hello, to tell you they missed you, and to wish you well. The second child spoke, and you immediately said, "Thank you, Myka!" I have no idea if it was really Myka, but you seemed to know. You were beaming at hearing your sweet friends calling you at home.
  • The past few times you have been around Nami, you go over to him and take his hand to walk with him
  • When Quinn cries and you say, "It's okay. I'm here." Or when you want to play with him, "Hey, Little Buddy!" or "Hi, Quinny!"
  • Memorial Day at Aunt Jacque and Uncle Freddy's house, when Logan asked Landry to take his plate to the trash, you said, "I'll get the cup." I loved seeing you be a helper.
  • Our play date with Bree at the park, watching you two play together on your own and be so grown up.
  • Your "shows" on the fireplace with Ella.
  • Leaving school one day, you yelled, "Have a good drive, Lindsay and Myka!" 
  • Seeing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with you at the theater and you sat so still and held my hand through most of the movie
  • When you interrupted your swim lesson to tell Ms. Patty, "My mommy is so pretty." Just like when I picked you up from school and your teachers told me that you had said the same thing, and that I was "pretty-ful." 
  • The discussion we had just the other day about Good Will. You asked me, "What's that truck?" referring to the donation center. I told you that when people are finished using their things or have outgrown them, they donate them to people who will enjoy them more and can get use out of them. I gave the example about when Quinn outgrows his baby clothes, we could donate them to smaller babies who can use them. I gave another example about how if there were books that you had that you thought other children might enjoy reading you could donate them. You then said, "Mommy, I want to donate some toys to the children." I could have cried right then. We talked about what a mitzvah it would be to do that, but I'm not sure you really understood that if you donate them, you won't have them again. I did remind you about the donation you made to the Paci Fairy for the babies in the hospital, and that helped you understand that you'll never see these things again, but you still said you wanted to give some of your toys, specifically your trucks. When we got home, all on your own, you started looking through your toys. We will definitely be doing this, and I am so proud of you and how you think! 
  • Your singing voice - it's so sweet as you sing along to your "Banner" CD in the car - and any other song you know these days!
  • Your precious smile while jumping into the trampoline park pit. "Can I do it again, Mommy?" you kept asking.
  • Building our "city" together with masking tape on the carpet . . . it was pretty cool with a zoo, a lake, a bank, a school, a park, and later a railroad track!
  • Many, many nights tucking you in, but one in particular when you told me, "I love you. And, I like you."
  • Waking you up with a bag full of balloons to fill your crib the morning you turned two! We have made this a tradition, and tomorrow morning, we will fill your bed with balloons to celebrate THREE!! Can't wait to make another year of favorite memories with you, Angel!

Monday, June 2, 2014

First Last Day of School

Dear Banner,
Back in August, I wrote you this letter about your very first first day of school. I also wrote a blog post about how I was feeling as you were about to embark on the new school year. To sum those feelings up, I was feeling somewhat sad that our time "just us" was over, that you would be impacted by so many other outside influences that I had no control over, that you were growing up so (too!) fast! I was also worried about how the year would go - how you'd do being all on your own without a family member with you (as you'd always had until then), how you'd eat your lunch without constant reminders to keep eating, how you'd ever manage to use the potties at school, how you'd decide to stay with your class and not run off, or how you'd treat the other students. There was a lot of anxiety on my part, and even though I knew it would all be perfectly fine, I'm still allowed to be your mom - which often entails worrying!

As the last day of school approached, I found myself getting more and more sad. What a year it has been! So many changes and challenges that our family has faced together, and through it all, I felt like your teachers were holding my hand just as much as they were holding yours to guide you through it all. You began the year having JUST moved to a big boy bed and bedroom. You were expecting a new baby brother, and you had no idea just how much life was about to change. Then came Quinn and lots of change at home. Soon, you were saying goodbye to pacifiers and to diapers, and you were  attending swim lessons and then learning to be independent with the potty. Big changes! And you handled every single one of them gracefully! I owe so much of the consistency in your life to your school and your teachers and even your classmates and their parents. Those familiar places and faces have been a rock for you. You truly love your school, love learning, love all the experiences you've had.

I am so grateful that you've had an amazing first year of school and that your introduction to "formal education" has been a fabulous one! I'm just a little sad that it's already over - that it feels like yesterday I had all those anxieties about you starting out. I'm thinking I'll probably feel this way every year - especially the big years like PreK and Kinder and 1st grade and your last year in elementary or your first year in high school or certainly your Senior year.... But, how can I not get attached to teachers who take care of you, to friends you make along the way, to parents who look out for you, to administrators who want you to always do your best... They are all part of this village it takes to raise you well, and it makes me sad to say goodbye to them. And then I realize that most of these people will still be with you next year - but your teachers won't. And, Quinn will most likely have these same teachers and go through it all too. But, honestly, that doesn't help. I'll feel the same way when it's "his turn," because he's my baby, too. Yet, this isn't about just the other people. It's about you, Banner. It's about my little Angel Baby getting so big so fast and slipping away. I look at your first day picture and see how soft and chubby your little hands were and how thin and sturdy they've gotten this year. I see that little boy who had no idea what adventures he was about to have. I see how small and inexperienced you were and how far you've grown. And, while these changes are positive and wonderful, I just miss you already!

In one short, fast 3-days-a-week school year, we've already had lots of lunches packed, snacks distributed, backpacks strapped on, getting dressed and fed and teeth-brushed and hair combed (and gelled!), snow days, a sick day, art created... You've learned your Jewish holidays and prayers, sung new songs, experienced awesome science experiments, baked lots of cakes and breads and matzah, celebrated your friends' birthdays, learned to jump and throw and catch, taken good care of library books, presented 2 Shabbat performances, invited your grandparents to join you at school, enjoyed a Passover sedar and made a Haggadah, introduced your baby brother to the school, played with new friends and learned to share and cooperate, read great books, heard amazing stories, joined in many circle times, played Pharaoh in a class skit, experienced new textures and sounds and sights and materials, and learned so many wonderful things about seasons and plants and nursery rhymes and bugs and . . . the list is nearly never-ending. Then, just as quickly as the school year began, it came to an end.

So, with a heavy but full heart, we had your last days of the 2s class, your very first last days. There was a library day when you didn't check out a book to bring home. There was a final lunch packed and a final Shabbat to celebrate. There was a cubby to clean out and artwork to bring home. There was a swim party and a summer birthday celebration. There were teacher gifts and pictures to take. There was both excitement and sadness in the air. There was a final discussion with your teacher, a night filled with looking at all your work throughout the year in a very cool book your teachers made for you, a dinner spent looking through the photo books they made for you and reminiscing about what you were doing and who else is in each picture with you, and lots of discussion about what happens after the last official day. Then, that day came, and there were final goodbyes. A final walk through the classroom, a final kiss on Myka's shoulder, a final stalling to leave, a final hug for Ms. Jennifer, a final embrace from Ms. Betty, a final goodbye to Nadine and Aunt Kira - who showed you a few different rooms that might be yours next school year, a final chocolate from Ms. Sheryl, and a final stroll down the ramp. And then, summer began!

Class party
Wading with Ryan
Water table with Myka
Giving Ms. Betty & Ms. Jennifer their summer survival kits
Blowing out your birthday candle
With Mommy and Quinn (8 months)
Best Teachers!
Excited to open your gift from your teachers
Photo books and Bubbles
Your work throughout the year all in one book!
You were telling us about this project from Rosh Hashanah
You liked feeling your old work
{Pay no attention to the chocolate on your face!}
"Look, Mommy, see the spider?"
I read this note to you from your teachers - and maybe got a little teary. ;)
Last day!
Last day/first day
Off you go!
Saying goodbye to Ms. Betty
Mommy and Ms. Betty both had tears in our eyes.
Ms. Betty and her "Banner Boy"
You just couldn't leave - wanted to play with the cupcakes one last time.
One more goodbye to Aunt Kira at school
The ramp

 First and Last Days of 2's Class

With Daddy
With Aunt Kira