Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bringing in Quinn

Dear Quinn,
This is my first official blog post to you! Welcome to it! :) I am full of so many things to say to you, so deciding where to start is difficult. I've already written you a letter about what my hopes and dreams are for you and all about your conception, about your family, about your brother, but this letter is about your birth and about our first few days with you. But, the first thing I want to say to you is how in love with you I am! You have stolen my heart, sweet boy. You are such a special gift, and I am enjoying every moment with you. . . . even as you sleep next to me pooping in your diaper!

Your birth was significantly different from your big brother's. I knew you would be a C-section, and I knew the day you were going to be born going into my "labor day." In fact, I never even had labor with you. Because I had a C-section with Banner, my OB/GYN's policy was that you would also be a C-section, assuming I kept him as my doctor. Because I actually like the idea of knowing more and having some control over a stressful, unpredictable situation, I decided I was all in for a scheduled C-section. Although I knew you could have come at any time before our scheduled surgery date, I was pretty sure you would hold out and we'd make it to that date: Monday, September 9th, 2013. What I love about your birthday is that it's three days after Daddy & my anniversary, it's on the 9th, just like Banner's (in June), and it's a double (9-9) - and according to NaNa, your Bubbie loved doubles.

Luckily, there were no signs of you coming before your scheduled delivery date, and Daddy and I were able to take our time packing up, cleaning the house, and saying goodbye to Banner in the morning. He slept in that morning - we actually had to wake him up. Aunt Kira spent the night to be able to take Banner to school, and she was in Daddy & my room when Daddy brought Banner in. Before we headed out, I told Banner that Daddy and I were headed to the doctor. He said, "Hopital?" (Hospital?), and I said, "Yes!" Then he said, "Baby brover?" I said, "Yes. You're going to meet your baby brother today!" He then looked at Aunt Kira with the widest, happiest eyes and biggest grin. He was so happy! He said, "Baby brover come out Mommy's tummy?" and I said, "Yes!" And, again, he was filled with joy and happiness, smiling big and jumping on our bed! Then, Daddy and I headed to the hospital where we were quickly checked in and escorted to our room where I was going to get prepped for surgery.

This was vastly different from my previous birth experience. I was calm, I knew what was going to happen, I was not in any pain or discomfort. Grandma came to be with us before surgery, and before the nurse escorted me to the operating room, we asked for some time alone - just Grandma, Daddy, and me. At that time, Daddy and I read a prayer I had written and said aloud with Daddy the day Banner was born. So, both of you had the same prayer and blessing read before we brought you into this world. I cried while I read this prayer, and I felt the deepest longing for you to be healthy and for your delivery to be smooth and safe. Then, Grandma joined us in saying the Sh'ma, as tears continued to stream down my face. And, soon, I was being walked to the OR where I received my epidural, and then Daddy came in to join me.

The doctor took a while to come to the OR (even though I had already seen him while the nurse was prepping me). I was getting very anxious waiting for the C-section to start as I laid there on the operating table cold, numb, and nervous. Time seemed to slow at that point, and I kept wishing the doctor would walk in already to start the procedure so I could meet my baby! Once the doctor arrived and they started operating, everything began to speed up, and a few moments later I heard your first cry.

I remember closing my eyes and being more than relieved to hear your strong cry. It was stronger than when Banner was born - his was weak and quiet at first because he had been in distress. But yours was powerful and continued to be strong and loud. Within seconds, the doctor held your body up so I could see you over the sheet. My first thoughts were that you were such a big boy and that you were so pink. And, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you as they cleaned you off and weighed and measured you. Daddy was taking lots of pictures, and he kept checking on me, too. He even said, "I don't know where to go! I want to be next to both of you." I told him to go be with you, and soon after, the nurse put you in my arms. I got to hold you and check you out - and you got to listen to my voice and slowly open your eyes to check ME out. It was our first moment together, and remembering it now makes me tear up. I'll never forget holding you up close to my face and stroking your soft cheek as you opened your eyes to meet me and the world.

Then, you and Daddy went to the recovery room to wait for me. Once I got you back in my arms, we laid together skin-to-skin for about an hour or so. When I was ready, and you were showing signs of being ready too, I slowly led you down to my breast where after a few tries, you finally latched on to me and started sucking - our first of many successful feeding moments. This was a big deal to me and to Daddy. In fact, Daddy told me he was pretty emotional watching us together because he knew how much I wanted this to work for us. Both of us were amazed that this moment was actually happening!

More time passed as we got to nuzzle and cuddle together, and then it was time to meet the family. Once we got settled in our hospital room, Daddy went to get Banner from the waiting room - which he had been in with your aunts (Gayle, NaNa, and Kira), Zaide, and Grandma. We let Banner "help Daddy" bring you to me, and he got to meet you for the first time. He kept coming over to my bedside throughout his visit to ask, "Mommy, how you feeling?" (He is a sweet, thoughtful boy - you will really like him!!)

Next, Zaide and Grandma came to meet you. They got to watch as Banner gave you a gift and you gave him a gift. He gave you some stickers with your name on it as well as a "Lil Bro" onesie. You gave him a Big Brother book, a doctor costume, and a "Big Bro" shirt. Soon, Aunt Gayle, NaNa, and Aunt Kira came in. I loved sharing your name with all of these special people, and I loved watching each of them get a turn holding you. There was lots of discussion about who you look like, and everyone has their own views - some said you look just like me, some say you look just like Daddy, some said a perfect mix, and some said just like Banner. I'm still undecided - after all, you are YOU! You look just like Quinn - just as you should! :)

The rest of the day was spent welcoming more visitors - Papa, Uncle Erick, Uncle Brock, Aunt Mischelle, Caden, Mara, Brycen, Nami, Uncle Paul, Big Boss, Ansyn, Tyce, Cherie, and Jed. We were sending emails to family members and close friends, posting on Facebook, texting to our friends, taking lots of pictures, and just snuggling with you! Banner came back up after his nap, and when he walked in to see you again, you were swaddled in a blanket and starting to chew on it. Banner said, "Baby Brover eating blanket?" He was so curious about you, wanted to touch and hold you, and kept asking how I was feeling.

I had been doing great, and you and I were getting the hang of the feeding thing, although your suck (just like Banner's) was beyond strong, which equaled PAINFUL for me! (More on that in another post!) But, later that night, my back started itching pretty badly. I kept asking Daddy if there was anything there that he could see. All he could see was the epidural still in place, which the nurse took out the following morning (Tuesday). By Wednesday morning, my back had turned very red, and it continued to itch. When I'd get up to walk or to take a shower, it would get even worse - bright red, itchy, and angry looking. Apparently, I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive tape used in keeping my epidural in place. It was truly awful! But, I kept thinking that I'd rather be the one in pain than you. I was still so thankful that you were healthy and safe.

Speaking of, your doctor came to check on you Tuesday morning. He noticed a heart murmur which frightened me so much! I had been concerned about your right eye tearing and looking gunky, and here he was talking about your heart! I don't know that I heard much more of what he said because I was so concerned about your little heart. MY heart! Oh, how it ached in that moment. I was hormonal, itchy, in pain, and now terribly worried about you. As Dr. B began to say his goodbyes, I just looked at Daddy and burst into tears... unable to hold it back any longer. Dr. B asked what's wrong. All I could say is, "His... heart...." through tears and gasps and a definite "ugly cry!" Hiding my face with my hands, I tried to control myself, but that was beyond difficult. Dr. B told me not to worry that he sees this all the time, and that most babies hearts are just transitioning from the womb to outside, and the valves need time to adjust. He said he believed the murmur would be gone the following day, but he just wanted to let us know in case we needed to get a consult or it was more than "just a murmur." I appreciated him telling us, but it was frightening and worrisome. He told me that we pay him to do the worrying and that I shouldn't worry about it. Easier said than done! When my nurse came in a few minutes later, I was an emotional mess. She, Petrina, was so sweet. She kept reassuring me that they DO see this all the time, and it's usually nothing - that it was perfectly normal. But, she also reassured me that I was, in fact, a mother - and there was nothing for me to do BUT worry. She reminded me that I was just doing my job, that no matter how old you get - I will always worry! She didn't make me feel embarrassed for crying, and I just let it all out.

Shortly after, Grandma and Banner came up to see you, and of course, seeing MY mommy made me burst into tears all over again. I told her what was going on while Daddy took Banner for a walk around the hallways. Oh, hormones and my mommy heart! They kept me crying throughout the day, but holding you and feeding you just elated me as we kept bonding and growing more connected. That day, Banner opened (probably) his favorite gift from you: an Ice Cream Truck Mater die cast. When he opened it, he was perhaps the happiest I've ever seen him, and it was like he thought you were the coolest kid ever for getting him his most prized possession. He seemed to light up as he wondered how you possibly could have known that he LOVES ice cream trucks, LOVES to watch them on YouTube, and LOVES the Mater Ice Cream Truck video the most! Such joy in that kid in that moment! Playing with it kept him entertained for a good half-hour at least!

The rest of our stay at the hospital was filled with more visitors (Miles, Gretchen, Avi, Logan, Aunt Jacque, Marin, Landry, Uncle Greg, Aunt Julie, Aunt Karen, Trace, Pierce, Uncle Barry, Aunt Susie), more gifts and gift-giving, and bonding with you! Daddy and I loved just looking at you, in such awe of this life before us: your skin so delicate and soft, your hair so brown and curly, the dimple we saw on your right cheek (still not sure if there's one on the left yet!), the little dent in your chin like mine, the color of your eyes and how they go back and forth between looking blue and looking brown, your long big toe and how your other toes look just like mine, the tininess of your tushy, and how you have peed more on other people than in your diaper perhaps! (You peed at least 5 times before the OR nurse could even get a diaper on you while she weighed and measured you. You also "tagged" Daddy in the OR! And, after your second bath at the hospital, you not only "tagged" your nurse, Donna, but you managed to pee across the room, sprinkling the floor about 3-4 feet away!)

Just like after Banner's birth, Daddy and I enjoyed our "alone" time to marvel at our son. We did a lot of holding you. . .  in fact, I don't think you were in your little crib there for more than a few minutes at a time - even at night! We were both such suckers for you wanting to be held, and I LOVED holding you. (Still do!) We just tried to savor our time with you and with each other. On our third night, Daddy gave me a gift and a card that will forever be one of my favorite gifts. His card was perfect (he always does find the most perfect greeting cards!), and on the inside, he had written the most beautiful message to me - thanking me for sharing my body with our children, telling me how proud he is to be my husband, friend, roommate, and co-parent, looking forward to raising you in our family of four, and then telling me how he decided upon the gift he wanted to give me. He wrote:
"I thought hard on an appropriate push present for you with Quinn. Money is tight - tighter than when B was born, so I'm sorry there aren't as many diamonds - but please know my love for you is the same (if not more) as when Banner was born. The best gift I could think of is for you to carry on with something you already do that my mom did so well: love. I gave you both this necklace years ago - a circle, representing the eternal bond of love. Today, I'm giving you the necklace I gave her to honor in particular the eternal bond of a mother and her love of her children. I hope you'll be able to wear it around your boys every now and then, not only to carry a piece of my mom with us in our daily lives, but to remind us of the unique, special love you give to both our boys every day - a love that can never be replicated or bested by anyone but you."
To say I was in tears before even finishing his message is an understatement. I immediately hid my "ugly cry" face as I took in these heart-felt words and this huge idea to give me such a meaningful gift. I still tear up thinking about how special this gift is and how much it means to each one of us on so many levels. Damn, your daddy is a good man! 

Since we left the hospital, you've continued to do very well! You love the sound of water, enjoy having your hair washed (still no real baths yet until your cord falls off), love being held, like being swaddled, and are so beautiful! Your big brother calls you "Baby Brover Quinn," as if that's what we named you. We've told him he can just call you Quinn, but he still calls you this long name! He loves to stroke your hair gently, to put your paci in your mouth even if you're sleeping, to try to pick you up, to hold you, to hold your hand. When he gets home from school, he immediately asks, "Baby Brover Quinn is?" to find out where you are. You did great at your 1-week check up: no more heart murmur (which the doctor never heard again after that first time), your right tear duct remains clogged which makes you tear and we have to continue with the eye massages, you're gaining weight since leaving the hospital, and you are meeting the little milestones already in place for a little one-week-old baby (smiling in sleep, looking at faces).

I, on the other hand, have not done great with this recovery. I had such an easy pregnancy and delivery with you, but this recovery is slow and problematic! My back continued to stay red and itchy even after a fourth night in the hospital to try to find a medication to help me with the allergic reaction. And, by Saturday night (the second night home), I began to itch throughout the trunk of my body: chest, belly, hips. After I spoke to the doctor on Monday, he referred me to a dermatologist, and that doctor thinks I'm having yet another allergic reaction, but this time to the pain medicine I've been taking. Thank goodness, the medicine she prescribed has helped the redness and alleviated some of the itching in only one day. I know I'm on the mend, but I can't wait to be more comfortable in my own skin to take even better care of you and Banner. I still have my staples in from my C-section incision, and I won't get those taken out until this coming Monday (two weeks post-delivery) because the doctor couldn't use any adhesives given my previous reaction. Can't wait for those to come out! :)

But enough about me... this letter is to YOU! The other big event that's happened so far is your bris. We met at Big Boss's office to have a private ceremony with just Rabbi Stern, your grandparents, and Daddy and me. You did great! Big Boss circumcised you, and then you were blessed by your grandparents, by us, and by the rabbi, and you had your first taste of wine (gotta love you some Manischewitz!). Daddy and I then talked about the specialness of your Hebrew name and whom you are named after. I can't wait to tell our family and friends more about this and how you came to be known as Quinn Redding at your naming in a couple months.

Here are some other important stats I want to record:
  • Birth weight: 7 pounds, 14 ounces
  • Left hospital at 7 pounds, 7 ounces
  • Current weight at one-week check-up: 7 pounds, 9 ounces
  • Height: 20 inches
  • Head: 37 cm
  • Apgar ratings at 1-minute-old: 9
  • Apgar ratings at 5-minutes-old: 9
  • Passed hearing screening as well as the congenital heart disease screening
  • Eating about 2.5-3 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours (I stopped nursing a few days after you were born... more on that in another post)
  • Sleeping lots - but you definitely have day and night mixed up because you sleep more during the day and sleep seems deeper then, too. Hoping to change this soon!
Quinn Redding, we are so blessed to have you in our lives. I cannot describe my love for you - nor could I ever explain it or tell you the depth of this love. In the 10 days I've known you, I have cried at least once each of those days while holding you, as I think about how gorgeous you are, how grateful I am that you are here in my arms, that you are healthy and so very strong. I cry because I'm so happy and overwhelmed with gratitude for you and your precious life. I cry because I'm sad that my sweet newborn will only be this tiny and tender for such a short time. I cry because these early days are fleeting and (way too) fast! I cry because I'm excited to get to know you more, to become your biggest fan and most adoring advocate, to watch you meet milestones, to witness a brotherhood develop with Banner, to watch you grow and learn. I cry because I'm so appreciative that I get a front row seat as you grow from a tiny little baby into a curious little boy. . . and eventually into a big boy and then man. And, this will happen in - what will feel like - a blink. But, oh, I can't wait to enjoy this journey with you!

I love you so much, my baby!
Welcome to the world, welcome to our home, welcome to my heart!
39 weeks
Milliseconds before I met you!
First time holding you
First picture with Mommy & Daddy
Daddy's first time holding you
Skin-to-skin time
Meeting Banner and giving him his first gift
First family photo
With Aunt Gayle
With NaNa
With Zaide
With Zaide & Grandma
With Papa
Getting your footprints made for your baby book
And.... the much more difficult handprints
With Aunt Kira & Uncle Erick (aka Kiki & Uggy)
Entertaining Big Brother
With Uncle Brock
Nami is not the youngest cousin anymore!
With Aunt Mischelle
With Mara
With Caden
The cousins with Grandma
With Jed & Cherie
Meeting Big Boss
Meeting Miles
Gretchen helping Banner hold and kiss you
Mommy's allergic reaction to epidural tape used! OUCH!

You in your very first crib (in the hospital)
Getting ready to head HOME!

Our precious cargo!
Mommy & her boys at home
Hanging with Banner and Grandma
At your bris with Rabbi Stern