Wednesday, May 24, 2023

End of Year Family Awards Night

Banner, this year, we're awarding you the Champion of Change Award! Think back to the end of fifth grade when you were uncertain about what was coming in middle school. Friends were going their separate ways, and a new building, a new schedule, new friends, and new teachers awaited you at Frankford. It took some time to adjust to learning how to study, how to remember test dates, how to practice percussion, how to keep up with pre-athletics clothing, and adjusting to having 7 different teachers - of which two were pretty worthless. You maintained friendships with old friends, made new ones, signed up for new things next year like AVID and debate while pushing forward with band and taking on another honors class. You were dreading cotillion but forged onward and learned to make the most of it with friends. You had your first girlfriend and your first breakup. You didn't like studying, but you persevered even while fighting with us, and you realized that studying helps. You didn't argue when I hired Daly to help you with math, and you learned that learning feels good. Success feels good. You handled change so well - a true champion of change.

(This is you while we read about your award! Haha!)

Quinn, we have awarded you the Eye of the Tiger Award - for exceptional courage and bravery this year! Remember when you found out which teachers all your 2nd grade friends had in 3rd grade? Remember how nearly none of them had Ms. Kruder? You were bummed, but true to your personality, you forged ahead and made so many new friends. That took courage. When things weren't going your way, you made lemonade out of lemons. You signed up for basketball again, after a frustrating experience on the last team you were on. You were brave enough to try out baseball when you'd never played before. You rode Splash Mountain all by yourself in the dark, in the cold. You asked for help when you needed it from Ms. Kim. You were worried about Ms. Jaco being too strict, and then you ended up loving her. You signed up for the spelling bee and studied for WordMasters. You attacked the Bluebonnet reading list. You also braved a first break up after being courageous enough to tell your friend that you had a crush on her. You made all A's (except one 89!) the first year you started getting number grades. You rose up to the challenge of your rival and showed what you are made of! Not just a Hightower Tiger, the spirit of one, too.

Knox, you are awarded the Leaping Learner Award this year! Out of the three of our sons, you made the most academic growth this year. Your MAP scores jumped the most, your reading level soared, your understanding and curiosity about math increased. You took PACE testing seriously this year, and you got in to the program you say is your favorite thing now. You improved the most this year, and you were willing to try new things. Your soccer skills grew, you were willing to ask for help with social skills - even if you don't love going to Ms. Dinah, and you even try new foods now (like hamburgers and tacos). We have seen you so happy - beaming with delight - when you know you did a good job. We love to see you love learning!  

Tova, you earned the Tame & Trustworthy Award this year! At the beginning of this school year, we were unable to leave you alone in the house without putting you in your crate. But, now, you stay out for many hours when we aren't home because we trust that you will behave. You have gotten out of the house unleashed a few times and generally come right back when we call for you. You love the dog park and will go play, but you look for us while we walk the path and come right to us when you're wanting to be near or when we need you to come back. Your routines are very predictable now, and you also trust that our routines are. You trust that when we leave you with a dogsitter, we will always come back to you! While you can be very excited when guests come over or when you see a squirrel while out on a walk, you are not as crazy as you used to be, and we've seen some growth in this this school year.

We are so proud of all of you for your growth, determination, perseverance, courage, strength, kindness, positive attitude, and learning this year. 

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