Friday, September 8, 2017

Favorite Fourth Year Memories: Quinn

  • Going to Daniel Tiger Live! and our special date. "I love Daniel Tigah!" when I told you where we were going
  • Going to the Arboretum, seeing pumpkins and getting so excited: "A pumpkin house! A pumpkin house!"
  • When you grabbed my head to position it right on top of yours so we were cheek to cheek while laying in bed so you could fall asleep.
  • Watching Wizard of Oz with you and your brothers
  • Swaying in the shower early in the morning before anyone else had woken up. I had to go to work, but you came in the bathroom and asked if you could shower with me. I said that was fine, even though I was annoyed by it really. Then, it turned out to be one of the most special memories. I picked you up right before I was ready to turn off the water, and we just danced in the shower, hugging, swaying, and letting the water relax us. I had the hardest time ending that shower.
  • Knox kept making the carbon monoxide monitor go off in Grandma's hallway by pushing the test button. You were covering your ears and getting all worried about the loud beeping. You were scared. I said, "Look at me. You're okay." You said, "Well, it's FREAKING ME OUT!"
  • Acting out your favorite "Sound of Silence" scene from Trolls with you. You were Branch. I was Poppy. We memorized our lines, and we showed the scene to anyone who would watch: Banner, Daddy, Grandma, Knox. 
  • Watching you sign and sing your song on Shabbat at school: "The mo-ah we get togevah, togevah, togevah, the mo-ah we get togevah the happier we'll be. 'Cause your fwends are my fwends, and my fwends are your fwends. The mo-ah we get togevah the happier we'll be."
  • Doing mazes with you when you were home sick. 
  • When Ms. Patty told you that you could have two lollipops if you jumped off the diving board, you refused to get on the board and said, "I'm fine with one."
  • Swimming with you at Grandma's when you learned to come up for air. We just kept swimming together, and you were full of hugs and kisses.
  • Watching you on your first roller coaster ride - full of fear and uncertainty. Then watching you begin to enjoy it and start smiling then asking to do it again!
  • Picking you up from school and Ms. Robyn telling me you got in trouble for saying "Oh my God, look at her butt," over and over again after being asked to stop. You were trying on your spring bad guy (like you did last year at that same time: "I'm a bad guy!"), and in the car, you continued to say you shouldn't listen to your teacher when she asks you to stop. We went home and wrote notes to Ms. Robyn and Ms. Paige to apologize for not listening. You dictated to me (something like): "I'm sorry for not listening when you said to stop saying "Oh my God, look at her butt." 
  • When Knox hugged you for the first time - in the kitchen, near the counter. He did it again and again, and I was on the phone with Grandma. I'm pretty sure I said out loud, "My heart is melting!" (April 5, 2017)
  • Our ferris wheel ride - just the two of us - at Sea World this summer.
  • Always looking at you immediately when the washer or dryer (musical) signal is heard, and we dance to it, pointing our fingers up to the sky with the last note. We do the same thing with the ride-on airplane that plays a song. 
  • Watching you rock out on your air guitar to "Final Countdown."

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