Saturday, September 16, 2017

19-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Geeez! Time is speeding. Just "yesterday" I was writing your 18-month newsletter, and it seems that I literally blinked and you're bigger, more mature, such a little boy and no longer a baby! I'm going to keep this monthly update (a little) short and sweet because, let's face it, I'll be writing another one before we know it. Bottom line: you are just growing and changing every day so fast - but all in the same way: language! More and more words, more and more communication. My absolute favorite is still that you say, "I love you," although it's more like "ah-yuv-ew." You like to tell us this when we leave or at night. You will shout it from our front door when our guests leave, and you sometimes add in "Ha-goo-day!" (I wrote about that last month, but it's too damn adorable to not say again!)

Man, I just love you! You are truly so much fun! I'm going to just free write and list random stuff that I adore about you:

We have started back up at My Gym for the fall on Mondays, and on Fridays we go to the library for story time. You are my little buddy on those awesome days we have together just us. You adore the song, "Touch Your Toes" - especially the part: "With my little hands I go clap, clap, clap; with my little feet I go tap, tap, tap..." You know it well, do the actions, and ask for more again and again! You love to listen to The Countdown Kids in the car, especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Your favorite part is at the end when the boy says, "Look, there's a spider!" and the little girl says, "EEEK!" You think it's hilarious. You also love to say "CHEW!" when I sing the fishy song: "Down in the meadow in an itty bitty pool, swam three little fishies and a mama fishy too......Boop, boop diddum daddum waddum CHEW!" Speaking of fishies, you LOVE fish. You point them out wherever we go, and you like to see them on your sound machine projector and tell them goodnight before getting in the crib each night. You are liking learning more about animals and their sounds. You now point to certain body parts (nose, eyes, ears, hair, head, tongue, mouth, tummy), and sometimes you will say them "nose," "eyes," are favorites. You've started sleeping with a blanket on you - in addition to the sleep sack over your pajamas. I don't blame you for wanting to be a little cozier at night. You are still our dancing fool - with such great rhythm and awesome moves. You are working on jumping - but it's more of a skip or a prance from one foot to the other. You'd sure be thrilled with yourself if you could master that skill! When we get home and are getting out of the car, you want to wave to the kids at recess if they're outside. I don't blame you. If it's the right time of day, we can spot Banner and say hi to him! 

You are climbing on EVERYTHING still. Just this past Thursday, you were climbing up on the stroller, trying to climb up on the handles! Luckily, I was holding it down so you didn't fall over, but it was super annoying. You hate sitting in your high chair and are wanting to sit in a big chair like the big boys, but you don't stay seated to eat, so we are still strapping you in the high chair.  You tell us when you poop - although sometimes you are wrong and you don't have one, but it's still nice that you consider telling us. You've added to your vocabulary with: "eat," "down," "out," "hat," "bubble," "bite," "want," and you still love to ask "why???" Your most commonly used word is probably "watch," and it's the cutest little /ch/ sound. You will prop yourself up on the couch and look at the TV and tell me, "watch." It takes me a while to figure out what it is you want to watch when it's not Yo Gabba Gabba. Each option I start is met with a whiny "noooooo, noooooo." 

You LOVE: your pacies, grapes, pretzels, dancing,  Sing! (the movie), Danimals (and getting them yourself, and throwing them away on your own when you're done), running around naked after a bath, a game of chase, running to us and giving hugs, putting on shoes (anyone's!)

You HATE: staying still while we're trying to get your ready for bed, brushing your teeth (you like to hold the toothbrush yourself; you don't like us to actually brush your teeth), school

Oh, school. You're not a fan. It's getting better, but you still cry on and off from what I've been told. I hate that I'm not the one to pick you up or drop you off, so I'm hearing all of this second-hand. I've been told that you try to go to your backpack throughout your 4 hours there, and the teachers couldn't figure out why at first. I knew right away - you were trying to say, "Peace out! Gimme my bag and I'll be on my way!" We have gone up to school every Friday with Quinn for Shabbat, and you cried upon entering the parking lot the first time. The second time, you were fine, but you prefer to stay close to me and not even go see your teachers. You watch them from a distance at Shabbat, and you like to dance to the songs we sing, but you have no desire to stay for the day like Quinn does. 

Knox Morgan, there is something so sad with each new milestone you meet. It's exciting and amazing and beautiful, but there's a sadness there too for me. Daddy and I were talking about how it's time to start putting you on the potty before bath time since you seem to be more aware of going potty and showing a little bit of interest. Daddy said, "We're already there?!" And, while we aren't in ANY way going to potty train you, just the beginning stages being discussed makes me sad. Sometimes Daddy will say something that you did or said that was so cool, and while I agree it's so cool, I almost reluctantly say, "I know," with a bit of disappointment. It's not that I'm disappointed in you; that is far from the case. It's a disappointment in time moving so fast, that my baby is growing up faster than I can keep up, and once again, I feel that sand slipping through my fingers as I try to capture it. Time is getting away from me. You are getting away from me. Yet, you're becoming this magnificent child who is blossoming so beautifully, and I never want you to think I don't want you to keep growing and showing us more of your personality and gifts. I feel so blessed to have three healthy, growing, brilliant, gorgeous, kind boys. Obviously, I wouldn't really want it any other way. I just wish it would last a little longer.

I love you, my 19-month-old!
Here's to a great month ahead!

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