Monday, May 16, 2016

3-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
A quarter of a year! 13 weeks old tomorrow. The fourth "trimester" is over! You are no longer a "newborn," but an "infant" at 3-months-old. And, we're within the same week that I was technically (but not officially) pregnant last year (we hadn't conceived yet, but it was technically week 1). This month, you made big strides in the happiness department! We both did. You are smiling tons, almost ready to laugh, and chatting up a storm! You most definitely seem to feel better than ever before, and I feel like maybe we've figured a few things out to help you. That sensitive formula is definitely better than the regular one, and Mylicon here and there helps you stay less gassy. I'm not completely convinced that your reflux med (Prevacid) is working 100%, and I think the Nexium might be better for you, but that's a work in progress. I'll give it a little more time and see.

What else have you been up to this month? (Minus a few differences, I really could have cut and paste from Quinn's 3-month newsletter since it's so very close to describing you, but alas, I will give you your own update!)

-You are taking anywhere from 4-6 ounces at each feeding. You usually have 6 bottles, and one during the night. Your longest stretch of sleep has been 10 hours, but that's only happened a couple times. More recently, you've been sleeping about 9 hours at night, but that's extremely new! We are doing a lot of re-pacying you in the middle of the night to help you reach that stretch; we're trying to train you to sleep longer. We just moved you up to size 3 overnight diapers, which seems to keep you more comfortable longer during the night.

-Stats and Sizes:
Size 2 diapers, Level 2 nipple (just started this week), 3M or 3-6M or 6M clothing (I like 6M pajamas on you).

-You tire easily after an hour of awake time, but we are going to start trying to stretch that time a little bit. Like Banner, you get very still and quiet when you are tired and yawn a bit. You might get a tiny bit cranky and just want to be held, and then your activity slows greatly.

-My most favorite thing is your smiles and your coos. I love hearing you "talk" to me and continue a turn-taking conversation. My favorite time of day with you is still bath time - always a fun, favorite for both of us, I think.

-You squeal and are SO wanting to laugh. Burrowing into your jaw/neck elicits the closest thing to a laugh, but we are not there just yet. You are also pretty ticklish, but that hasn't made you laugh for real yet either.

-This month, you had your first Passover and Mother's Day. We went to Banner & Quinn's school for their Mother's Day performances, as well as their Music Shabbat where they fluttered like butterflies and bumble bees. Because we couldn't find a sitter, you also attended your first symphony orchestra performance just yesterday. You did awesome!

-You nap 3-4 times a day, and that last nap is usually in the swing. You LOVE that swing, and it's usually a "go-to" when you are fussy and won't calm for Daddy or me.

-You LOVE your fingers/hands. If you didn't have a paci, you'd 100% be a thumb-sucker, so I'm going to keep giving you that paci! I'd rather have a paci user than a thumb-sucker!

-You LOVE when I sing to you. I sing "Baby Mine" nearly every night and it calms you if you're cranky or overtired.

-Car rides are getting easier, although you hate red lights still.

-You're bearing some weight on your legs - which happen to be starting to bulk up and get rolls!

-My hair is shedding ALL OVER the place and coming out in clumps in the shower (typical for the 3-month mark for me), and you often grab at it and end up with strands tangled in your fingers. This drives me nuts because I bet it's annoying to YOU, so I'm always trying to keep my hair away from you.

-You are batting at and even beginning to reach for objects. You're really enjoying your play mat links and the bouncy seat. And your favorite place to poop is the Nap Nanny! :)

Knox Morgan, I am seeing so many big changes in you. Changes that mean you are growing up and maturing a little bit, and I love seeing that personality unfold. You are such a gift. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the loud, chaotic place that is your home and anywhere your big brothers or cousins are. I promise, I'm trying to keep you away from the unruly loud voices and actions that those active little people continue to bring upon our house, but they're 4 and 2, and one day - God-willing - you will be, too. And, you'll be just as rowdy and noisy, and in all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way. Those boys are so happy, they love you so much, and they so badly want to interact with you. Quinn, actually, has become quite the loud little boy, and there have been times when you are frightened by him or his high-pitched squeals and outbursts. When I show him your bottom lip pouting out or how you are beginning to cry, he gets very concerned that he may have upset you. But, I promise you, no matter what I say or do, they are going to continue to be loud and ridiculously hyper, so you and I will have to learn to bear with it. It's only because they are such happy boys - and I hope you are too! But, I'm here for you - trying my best to protect you and nurture your need for quiet and less stimulation!

I love you so much, Baby Love. I can't wait to keep getting to know you as we head through this next month.
Happy 3-Months!

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