Monday, October 14, 2013

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful . . . Beautiful Boy

Today was his first picture day. I walked him into the building, on the first rainy day of the school year (of course!), wanting to tell his teacher that we added insult to injury this past weekend. You see, on Friday, I got a call from the school that Banner had slipped, fallen, and bumped his head on the classroom shelf while reaching for a toy. When I picked him up, I could see a gash on his hairline, but it was mostly hidden by the short wispies of hair. By Saturday afternoon, though, he was even more scraped up. Sam took Banner on a tricycle ride - his very favorite activity while searching out the ice cream truck. They made a pit stop at the mailbox, and as Sam pointed out a cloud made orange by the setting sun, Banner looked up, lost his footing, and fell off the curb and into the street. This accident left a bloodied lip, chin, and space beneath his nose. I was so sad that he was hurt, I was immediately worried about his teeth and his nose, and I tried to help Sam calm and clean him while my hands were full with bathing Quinn in the kitchen sink. Shortly after, Banner requested to keep riding his bike, and off they went back outside. . . my little tough guy!! And, it was shortly after that that I remembered picture day was in two days.

I was so bummed. I was so frustrated. I was in a hurry to heal his scabs. I caked ointment on him that night, and I kept it coming the next day. But, lo and behold, Monday morning came, and those scrapes were still very visible. Oh well, I thought, there's nothing I could do about it anymore, and maybe this picture will perfectly capture my little boy - so rambunctious and active, so daring and into everything! I came to terms with the fact that it is what it is, and this will be a memory we will have captured by the photographer.

But then, after Banner's nap, I got Quinn to nap in the other room (and not in my arms for once!) so Banner and I could have our own little play date for whatever time Quinn would cooperate. It turned out to be about 40 minutes. During that time, we played with Play Doh, had a snack, and giggled at funny things we were making and pretending with. It was in this rare moment, a moment I had alone with Banner, that I grabbed my camera to capture how I saw my son. I wanted to play with him forever in that moment. I wanted to capture those beautifully long, curled eyelashes. I wanted to savor those sweet, chubby hands. I wanted to memorize those gorgeous blue eyes. I wanted to grab those dimpled cheeks and kiss him a thousand times. I decided I'd have a picture day of my own - and I'd really get in his face with how I saw him. 

We were having so much fun, and we were reconnecting after weeks of losing ourselves to this new baby. My heart was melting, and my Angel Baby was having so much fun with me! We so needed this day. And, at the end of the night, not only did he tell me he loved me, but he looked up at me while I was getting him ready for bed, and said, "Mommy, kiss." Seriously, doesn't get any better than that!

And, I was so pleased with how my photos turned out. I can hear his giggle and smell his sweet skin. And yes, there are gashes and scratches on his face. But, look at how beautiful he is! Look at my boy. Look at this little love. No school picture could ever capture all the love and beauty this boy brings to my life. Only his mommy can do that - and only his mommy can boast about it!

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