Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
So, yes, you have a mom who will write you letters throughout your childhood to reflect on your growth, development, and experiences. I'm sorry if you get annoyed at all my record-keeping, but I like to look back and see what was going on in your life, in our lives during these precious times of you being so little. It's hard to believe that a full month has already come and gone, but at the same time, I can't believe it's only been a month of knowing you. I feel like I have known you my whole life.

This month has been challenging for Daddy and me as we adjust to life with two children on little-to-no sleep, cope with recovery from surgery, and remember what life with a newborn consists of: several clothing changes (for ALL of us!) per day and per night, doing things one-handed while we hold you, being quick to change a diaper on a boy who is ready to spray us at any moment, keeping track of pees and poops and the last time you ate and how much, taking everything-under-the-sun with us to leave the house, driving with high anxiety as you scream in your car seat and we hit every red light, doing more loads of laundry in one day than I used to do all week (okay, I exaggerated, but - we've done a LOT of laundry!), and using up formula, wipes, and diapers way too fast! But, I happily tolerate these frustrations for the immense joy and love you bring to our family.

Let me tell you about yourself at one-month-old:

-You are such a sweet, cuddly baby! You love to be held. And, as you've approached your one-month birthday, you are getting really demanding about being held. I love, love, love holding you - especially because you snuggle so well, nuzzle into my neck and tickle me, and turn your cheek towards mine almost like you want to hug or kiss me. But, I wish you were a little more accepting of some time NOT in someone's arms. But, I know this time will pass too soon, and I'll be wishing you wanted me to hold you.

Here's a picture of you laying on my belly and hips last night - hugging me as if you missed being "home." Hard to believe you fit inside here just a month ago. I think we both miss that a little.
-Your eyes are still blue...definitely bluer than when we were in the hospital, and probably getting lighter, but we will have to wait and see what the true color is for a while. Your hair is still dark with a wave or slight curl to it. Soon, I think your eyebrows will make an appearance! :) I still only see one dimple when you smile - on your right cheek. And, when people ask me who you look like, I never really know... I see a lot of Daddy, but sometimes I see Banner, and sometimes I see Uncle Brock or even some of myself as a baby. I think you have your Big Boss's (and also your great-grandfather's) bottom lip. And, today, as you woke up from your first nap of the day, I saw Bubbie and even told you, "You look so much like your Bubbie right now!" So, go figure! I have no idea, and I know all of this will change in the coming month or two. But I think you're precious no matter who you look like! Fair skin, perfectly round head, button nose. Just perfect!

-You had a cold at 2 weeks old, and you're still a little congested. Because of this, you've been sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's bed, right between our pillows so we can hear you breathing. We've had to suction your nose, use a humidifier, and give you saline drops to help you breathe better. Poor thing.. I hate seeing any baby sick, but this early in your life is awful! I hate seeing you start your life feeling so icky already!

-Your right eye still has a clogged tear duct. It's green and gunky, and we are giving you some antibiotic ointment to help with that. I'm hopeful that it will open up on it's own, but Dr. B says we can't really do much about it until you are 6-9 months old.

-Your cord fell off at 2 weeks, and you have the cutest little belly button! Since then, we've been able to give you real baths. Bathing you is a challenge as your body is so scrunched up and fragile, but I love getting you squeaky clean! You like the water, but since you HATE being cold, you cry when we first put you in and when we take you out - and a few times in between if the water isn't running over your shoulders.

-You've been doing tummy time here and there... but since we are allowing you to sleep on your tummy and side more than we should (we shouldn't really at all!), you get plenty of time on your belly. 
I think Banner was a little nostalgic!
 -You're taking about 3.5 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. Mostly every three hours during the day, and you've gone about 4 and half hours at the longest stretch at night. You gulp the formula at the beginning of each feeding, just like Banner did when he was a baby - but then you slow down to a more manageable speed. Luckily, you don't seem to have the same kind of reflux that Banner did. (Hallelujah and praise God!) Each time you spit-up, it's typically a normal amount, but I still "duck and cover" as if I'm about to be soaked like with Banner. Some things are just so hard to unlearn!

-You're finding your voice just a little bit. The other night, you wouldn't go back to sleep because I think you were experimenting with little sounds here and there.

-I'm learning what really ticks you off and sends you into crying spells, and if I think about your schedule, I can pretty much know right away what's wrong. You cry when hungry, wet, cold, or when you are trying to fall asleep and get pissed that you're not already asleep. You also cry to be held, and lately, I think your tummy is hurting and you cry because of that... we may switch your formula and see if that helps, although I've read it's pretty common for babies to become more gassy at this age. (And man, are you gassy!)

-If I had to guess, I bet you weigh over 10 pounds (based on weighing you with me on our home scale). We have already switched you out of newborn diapers! You wear size 1 diapers, and pretty soon you'll probably outgrow your newborn outfits! Some of them are already too tight for your growing body.

-Big events this month: You went to Nami's baby naming this past weekend. It was the first time for you to meet some of our extended family and family friends. You did great! You also had your first big photo shoot with Ms. Amy at 10 days old! I can't wait to share those awesome images with family and friends so soon! You slept through our first adventure with Banner at the rec center gym where you met Laura, Simon, Shauna, and Brayden. Just today we went on our first family walk around the neighborhood. You had your first official "play date" where you were actually awake and enjoying a bouncy seat just yesterday at Anya's house. We celebrated Lilly and Papa's birthdays, and you got to meet Lilly, Jackson, Uncle Scott, and Aunt Marni. You also got to meet other special people this month: Colby, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Marc, Natalie, Kevin, Robin, Jordan, Keaton, Uncle Freddy, Zach, Alan, Aaron, Matt, Jeff, Brooke, Julia, Regan, Lindsay, Myka, Randi, Ella, Anya, Shayna, Arielle, Brandon, Sally, Jackie, Steve, Bev, Gary, Mimi, Barry, Marla, Vicki, Avery, Blair, Cara, Carsyn, Alicia, Brittney, Blakely, some of the parents and kids in Banner's class, and lots of Mommy's former coworkers! 

-You smiled at me this past Sunday night (3 weeks, 6 days). You did it three separate times, and Daddy saw the first smile, so I know I'm not making it up.... but I haven't seen a social smile since then. Hopefully, by this time next week, we will start seeing those eyes light up with those gummy grins! CAN'T WAIT!!

One of my new favorite songs is called "My My Love" by Joshua Radin. The lyrics remind me of you, Quinn. It's become our song, really. We listen to it in the car, and you calm for it immediately. I played it while watching you sleep a couple weeks ago, and I just tried to memorize that moment as your little sleeping body barely filled a couch cushion. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched you breathing on your belly while I touched your so-soft skin and felt your tiny fingers wrapped around mine.  I won't remember what you were wearing or what day it was - but I will remember sitting next to you on the floor by that couch just soaking you in as this tiny, bitty baby with such a sweet personality already!

I love you, my little cuddle bug! I hope this first month of life wasn't so bad and adjusting to life outside the womb has been okay for you. I miss feeling your body in mine, but I have loved getting to meet you, see you, watch you, snuggle you, and welcome you to our family! You are so loved!

There you have it, your first month update. Here's to MANY, MANY more newsletters in the coming months and years!
Happy One-Month, Sweet Boy!

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