Sunday, September 1, 2013

There Once Was a Time. . .

Dear Banner,
As the birth of your baby brother approaches, I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about your life as an only child. It saddens me that you won't remember these past two years of your life as our only baby. You won't remember Daddy and me trying to figure out how to adjust to a new life with children; you won't remember us bringing you home from the hospital - not a toy in sight; you won't remember those quiet nights of midnight feedings, the trips to the park with just us, or the ample play time you got with our full attention. I'm more than excited for you to meet your little brother - and for you to become a big brother - but I'm just a little nostalgic as we end this phase in your life when you were our one and only. So, to help both of us remember and savor these short days left as a family of three, let me tell you a little bit about it.

There once was a time . . .

-when you didn't have to share your toys.
-when you didn't have to share your parents.
-when you had date nights with Mommy & Daddy every night!
-when you got to choose what we ate, what we did, what we played with, where we went.
-when you cried, and I answered immediately.
-when you didn't have to see your things being taken away, handed down, or reused by someone else.
-when you didn't have to wait your turn or wait for a littler person to catch up.
-when no one made fun of you, copied you, intentionally upset you, or competed with you.
-when you didn't have to negotiate, compromise, or give in.
-when you didn't have to have someone borrow, ruin, or take your things.
-when Daddy would come home from work and you'd run to him without competing for his attention.
-when you could be as loud as you wanted, night and day, without being told you were going to wake your brother.

Those times are quickly coming to an end, my love. But, just think: your baby brother will never, ever know a time like this. He'll never know a time when you weren't a part of his life. He already knows your voice. He knows the sounds of your toys. He knows the warmth of your touch. He will always be surrounded by your toys, your things. And, honestly, this makes me happy for both of you. He's blessed to have you as a big brother, and you were blessed to have a time to yourself. Life is about to change for you - as I've been telling you for months in these blog posts. And even though I'm saddened that your life will not be as you are currently used to, not all of these changes are so awful.

There will soon be a time. . .

-when you'll never have to look far to find a playmate.
-when you will live with your very best friend.
-when you won't be able to wait any longer to get home to see your little brother and to tell him something awesome happened.
-when you will have someone to vent to about how annoying your parents are!
-when you will teach your brother all kinds of things - like how to tie his shoes, write in cursive, spell his name, or say that new cuss word you just learned at camp.
-when you will get into trouble together by laughing at all the wrong times.
-when someone will come to you for advice or words of wisdom.
-when you'll be able to read someone's mind by just looking at him because you know him so well.
-when someone will want to be exactly like you and will look up to you in a way no one else ever has or ever will!
-when you'll realize that having a sibling was THE best gift Daddy & I could ever give to you.

I know these things because I have two amazing siblings I grew up with. I was lucky to be in the middle - and have both a big brother and a little sister. So, I know what it's like to be the older one and to be the younger one. I can see it both ways. But, one thing I never got to experience was being an only child. I am envious of you for that, and I hope you will read this letter one day and know that, even though you don't remember it, there once WAS a time. An awesome time. A time Mommy and Daddy will never, ever forget.

One thing that will never change, though, is our love for you. You were first to make me "Mommy," and you have managed to bear with us as we navigate our way into and through this thing called parenthood. You're our guinea pig, Banner - and you always will be. We're always new at this with you, no matter what stage of life you are in. Being your mom will never be the kind of experienced job it will be with your little brother, so thank you, for allowing me to learn with you. Thank you for letting us love you now and always.

You may not remember these early days. But, there once was a time when I held you in my arms and no one else. I will always, always hold you (and this special time with you) in my heart.

I love you so much, Angel Baby!

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