Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

My fabulous day began with a late wake-up since Sam got up with Banner and let me sleep in! That's already the best gift! I got up around 9:15 and texted Sam: "Good Morning! I'm ready to see my baby!" Soon, in walked Banner and Sam with a card and a donut breakfast on a platter (with a side of chocolate milk). YUM!

Love this "mid-donut-eating" face!
Banner's card he made at Mommy & Me last week
Inside of his card - can barely see his hand prints on the bottom right, but so cute!
I read my card, holding back tears, and then Sam was giddy with excitement to give me my gift. He left the room and came back with this:
It's a photo mosaic of Banner and me (from last year's Valentine's Day), and it's one of my favorites. But, it's made up of 433 other photos of Banner, Banner and me together, or my family of three. Some pictures repeat, but it's really fun to look at and see Banner growing up through all the photos Sam sent in to the company that made it. It was such a surprise, and it is a really special gift!

After we hung out in bed for a bit, the three of us got dressed for the day. Our first stop was to the cemetery to pay our respects and visit Sam's mom. Banner surprised us when we got to Leslie's resting place as he said, "Balloons?" He was remembering when we went to this same spot to share our news that we were having another boy. That was two months ago, so we were shocked that he remembered this. Banner told Bubbie he loved her, Happy Mother's Day, and that he misses her. I get emotional every time we are there. I still miss her so much - and I miss her even more for Sam and for Banner - and for all the memories she'll never get to create, all the love she's missing here. I always have some internal dialogue with her when I'm there, sharing with her all that's been going on and letting her know how much she is missed and still loved. I let her know how grateful I am to her for raising such a strong, caring man to become a devoted, loving, nurturing daddy and husband. She deserves to know that everyday, but especially on Mother's Day. I just wish she could see it for herself.

After we left the cemetery, we went home for lunch, and then Sam and Banner made my day by going to the grocery store and giving me some time in the house alone! :) When they returned home, it was nap time - for Banner and for Sam. I was able to watch an entire movie on my own during that time as well as catch up on blogs, Facebook, and emails. We had to wake Banner since he slept so long! And then, it was time to go hang out at my mom's house, where Banner enjoyed some outside time in the dirt!

Soon, the rest of the family joined us at her house, and we all enjoyed dinner together. . . with Banner providing lots of silly entertainment. Caden likes to try to get Banner to say all kinds of stuff, which Banner generously does: "Caden is my favorite cousin," "Caden is . . . awesome!" and all kinds of other words and phrases in Banner's growling voice. He cracks us up!

Next came cards and gift-giving. Kira gave me the most awesome key chain. It has a penny for each life-changing year for my growing family: 1998, the year Sam and I started dating; 2009, the year Sam and I got married; 2011, the year Banner was born; 2013, the year our second son will be born. Such a thoughtful, creative idea!

Then, it was the much-anticipated moment: when we finally got to give Mom her photobook we had been working so hard on for the past month or so. The idea was Mischelle's, and while it took a lot of work and coordination to finalize with everyone's input, it was such a fun gift to give! It's a photobook that includes a section for each child and grandchild - including a letter from each one (Brock, Amber, Kira, Mischelle, Sam, Erick, Stacy, Pat, Marni, Scott, Ted, Cody, Lilly, Caden, Eli, Mara, Jackson, Banner, Brycen, Nami, and even the grandchildren yet-to-be-named). I just love this book, and it seemed like Mom did, too. It was a lot of fun watching her read through all of our letters and reminisce at photos taken throughout the years. Kira and I were emotional watching her read it, especially when Caden and Mara read their letters aloud to Grandma. Nami's letter is very touching, and I love the poem that Mischelle found for our "still-baking" baby (and all those future grandkids!).
Let the opening begin!
Caden and Mara looking at their dad's "little boy" pictures
Mom and me looking at my kid pics
Mara reading Grandma her letter
Banner's spread

Here's the poem from all the "yet-to-be-named" grandchildren that I love so much! At the top of the page, we added a 4D sonogram photo of my little nugget.

I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.
I don't yet have a name.
Not yet can you hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.
All I ask between now and then
Is your love for me to grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait;
Just think of all the joy we'll know!
So as you're waiting patiently,
Please pray lots of prayers for me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!

And, there you have it. My second official Mother's Day! We didn't get home til about 8:30 or so, WAY past Banner's bed time. We had already skipped a bath the night before since we were out late for Erick's graduation party, so I decided to take a quick shower with Banner. He's SO funny in the shower these days, LOVES being held up to the shower head and feeling the water tickle his back. He loves the skin-to-skin still (as do I!), and he even lets me dance with him when we shower. After he was in his pajamas, we read Mommy Hugs for the first time and I was able to hug him all over. Then, when I was putting him in his crib, he laid down and asked me to rub his back for a bit. Mid-back rub, he stood up, took his paci out of his mouth, and tilted his head up for a kiss. Be still my heart! What a fantastic way to end a great day!

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