Thursday, May 9, 2013

23-Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
This month flew by! So fast, in fact, that I almost missed the chance to write you this letter before I realized the date. Last night, right before I went to sleep, I remembered it was May 8, and that meant it was the last night I'd say goodnight to you as a 22-month old. Today marks the official start to your last month as a one-year-old! And, if this past month flew by, I can only imagine the speed in which this next one will! I just want to scream, SLOW DOWN, to "Father Time" as he keeps marching on! Sheesh!

Within this month, you attended another Crawfish Boil at Britt & Brittney's, you attended Simon's birthday party, you got to see the first sonogram photos of your little brother, and you spent a lot of time with Grandma since Mommy has been subbing a whole lot! You love your family so much, always requesting to say hi ("Hi?") to one of your relatives (mostly Zaide or Grandma, but very often your aunts, uncles, and cousins).

What else have you been up to this month?

-Your booming vocabulary continues to impress and surprise us on a daily basis. Even your teachers at Mommy & Me are always commenting on how verbal you are, as well as how clearly you speak. You love to say, "Yeah," for affirmative responses, but Mommy and Daddy are trying to get you to say, "Yes" instead, since we believe that is more polite. (We should probably role model that better for you!) You are also speaking in more sentences, and you are using lots of three-word strings: "I did it!" "Banner do it!" "No paci away!" "More Grandma's house!" "More Banner's school." "Banner see it." "Thank you, Daddy." "No more oatmeal." "I love you, too, Mommy!" (Definitely my favorite!)

-You continue to love the iPhone and iPad to watch YouTube videos - mostly of construction trucks ("diggers").

-Your most favorite activity is digging up dirt in the backyard at our house or at Grandma & Papa's house. You absolutely LOVE your trucks, diggers, shovels, and anything DIRT! We've even taught you how to clean the dirt out from under your fingernails (which I continue to keep extremely short because of this!!) each night at bath. I have learned to get over the mess and fighting with you to try to stay clean because you love the dirt too much; it's simply not worth my efforts, and we are all much happier just learning to live with this new obsession!

-You're very curious. You love to know what made a certain sound ("Sound?"), and you want to see where the sound is coming from ("See?"). Often times, we have to explain that the sound is far away ("Far?"), that we can only hear it - not see it - like a lawn mower down the street or a siren going by. And, sometimes, you want to see the wind, which you now understand you can never see but only hear. 

-You are one smart cookie! You know your letters, most any animal, all colors, and most numbers (still forgetting 3 and 6 when counting 1-10). I suppose our goal should be to move on to lower case letters, counting past 10, learning more unique colors, and introducing you to more exotic animals, but you seem to pick up all these things on your own without much direct teaching from us. I still have no idea how you learned your letters so fast; it really continues to impress me all the time when you point out a letter from across the room and I find myself having to look for what you're pointing out - and sure enough, you are always right!

-You have been humming and singing the tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle," for the past few days. As you play independently, we will hear you humming this tune to yourself, or you'll find a word to repeat to this tune: "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, . . . " Even yesterday, I asked you to come take a picture with Ella and Myka at the park, and you walked over saying, "Picture, picture, picture, picture," to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle."

-Speaking of park, you would live there if you could. You love the park, the creek Daddy takes you to, going to the Fire Department to say hello to the "fighters" and the "sirens" (which you JUST started correctly calling "fire trucks"), and going for rides on your tricycle or the trailer on Daddy's bike. You just love to be outside (always have!)!

-I bought you some Play-Doh this month to attempt to actually play with and not put in your mouth. I was reluctant, but lo and behold, you LOVED it and never attempted to eat it (well, at least not for real; you did pretend when you made a "cake," but that's the kind of thing you should be doing!). And, today at Mommy & Me, you played in the huge sandbox and never once attempted to eat the sand. Thank goodness we may be past that. I've been waiting since you were about 15 months old to introduce you to new, fun things - but every time I tried, you immediately wanted to eat it. Yay for a new chapter in your life! :)

-You're really into books these days, too. You stall at bedtime by requesting more books, and most mornings, you ask for books as you climb into the glider. You ask to go to the library to check out books, and you can recognize where the library is. (You can also locate "Banner's school" when we pass by it and ask to go in each time. I'm so grateful that you are excited about being there for when you officially start in August!) 

-You still have no idea what's coming in September. You have no idea how your life is going to change in about 18 weeks. You are amazing with your cousin, Nami, and you love anything "baby!" But, I don't think you have any clue that your life as an only child is going to end soon. I think as Mommy's belly gets bigger and as you start to feel the baby kicking, you might understand what "baby in Mommy's tummy" means. Daddy and I scheduled a sonogram for the end of June, where you will be allowed to come with us to see the baby on the screen. I'm hoping that helps you understand a little more, too.

Banner Boone, only one more month until your second birthday party, which you cannot wait for. (You LOVE parties - mostly you love the cake!) I can't wait, either - just to celebrate you and spoil you so much! But, I do want this month to go a bit slower as I savor my time with my year-old baby. Here's to a a healthy, safe, happy, and tantrum-free month! (I dream big you know!) :) I love you, Angel!


First time with Play-Doh
Daddy's bike trailer
Hanging out at home with Brycen, Nami, and Uncle Brock
Such a sweet, loving cousin you are!
I think Brycen got jealous of you loving on his brother!
With Nami and Uncle Brock
Silly boy!
Your first time to give a piggy-back ride!

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