Sunday, July 24, 2011

Date Night!

All hail the mighty date night!! Sam and I finally got some time to relax and unwind just the two of us this past Friday night, and it was awesome! We celebrated Banner's six week birthday on Thursday, and the next day, my mom offered to stay with Banner so Sam and I could go on a date. How nice! I called Sam at work during the day on Friday to ask if he was up for that. We both got very excited (giddy, in fact!) at this idea, and the planning began! I was so excited to get (somewhat) dressed up and to have some alone time with Sam. We opted for dinner followed by a movie - very low-key, but much appreciated!

So many parents struggle leaving their kids for even a short amount of time. I, personally, had no problem with it! I knew Banner was in safe, capable hands, so I was really able to enjoy myself. Of course, I checked in between dinner and the movie, and before we left the house, we gave plenty of instructions to my mom, but I felt very excited to enjoy a night out with just Samber once again. Dinner was delicious, and the movie was hilarious. We completely understood why everyone says to make a point of having a date night so early on. Both completely exhausted and sleep-deprived, we could have opted to just sleep while Mom watched Banner. But, I'm so glad we took time for each other.

I read somewhere recently that couples with children need to put their marriages before their children. Of course, that is ridiculously hard to do when you have an infant (a newborn, especially), but Sam and I realize that in putting our marriage first, we inevitably put our child's needs first. See, if we have a stable marriage, then Banner will be better off, right? So, while it's beyond difficult to do, we're going to continue to keep each other as top priority. I still think it sounds a bit absurd to put another adult before a child, but I've given this a lot of thought. Sam and I need to make sure we continue to communicate as well as we always have - and even more so now that there's another human who depends on us. We need to keep our relationship alive and thriving - because our child(ren) will only live with us for 18 years or so, and then Sam and I will be just us again. It's important that we nurture our relationship now so there WILL be a later. Plus, it's always great to spend some quality time with my best friend, my "eternal boyfriend," and the love of my life without spit up running down my shirt!

Thank you, Mom! We had an amazing night!

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