Sunday, April 24, 2011

Safe and Sound

My best friend told me that she cried when her kids were born. She says of course she was so happy to finally meet her babies, but she also cried because she knew there was nothing she could do to protect them the same way she had when they were inside her belly. My mom has said the same thing - that being pregnant is wonderful because you always know where your child is, and you have full use of your arms and hands.

As Sam and I walked around Babies 'R Us yesterday, we discussed how once this kid is born, we're fully in charge of all the little things that need to be taken care of, whereas, while I'm pregnant, there's no need to do much of anything - that my body is taking the best care of him without me having to do much at all! I don't need to cut his fingernails, take his temperature, clean his tush, worry about his healing circumcision, clean his ears, wonder if his umbilical cord is infected or not, monitor his milestones, suction snot out of his nose, wipe eye crust away, or keep his feet warm. I don't have to worry that he's crying too much or not eating enough.

While I worry about so many other things while I can't see him, I am trying to embrace the fact that this is the easiest part of being a mom - just letting nature take its course while allowing me to try to sleep as much as I can and not have to worry about all those little tasks to ensure my child is clean, fed, healthy, and comfortable. SO, I'm going to try to relax in the next 6 weeks - before all those tasks begin. . . before I start truly worrying about how much tummy time he needs, whether to give a pacifier or not, if his shoes are fitting okay, if he's watching too much TV, if he's making the right friends, did he finish his homework, where did he learn such foul language, and which college is the best one for him... ahhhh! Okay, I'm getting carried away, but you get the point. Parenting is not going to be easy - no one has ever said that it would be. In fact, everyone constantly reminds us how hard it is. I know it will be. So, don't think I'm crazy when I say that I want my baby to be late - I want to be pregnant as long as possible so I can enjoy the next 6 weeks (or longer!!) to be the least worried I'll ever be!

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