Monday, March 28, 2011

What I Know About BBJ So Far

I don't know my son yet... no idea what his personality is like, how he'll react to certain things, if he really looks like the 3D sono pics in reality, who he'll take after, etc. But, I do know a few things about our Baby Boy J (BBJ for short - no, not his initials):

-He loves to reassure his mama! Just when I wonder if everything's going okay in there, he'll give me a little poke, roll, tumble, jab, or kick to reassure me. It's like he's a mind reader, knowing right at that moment that I need him to move! This is one of my favorite things about him - other than actually feeling him move. 9 times out of 10, he will move right after I say to him in my head, "You okay in there? Please move! Please?" And, then, he responds with a movement of some kind, to which I reply, "Thank you!!" I picture him saying, "I'm fine, Mom! Stop worrying!" followed by, "You're welcome!" He has impeccable manners and is very cooperative!

-His most active times (like many babies) are when I'm not active. Laying in bed, relaxing on the couch, sitting at my computer, etc. This is awesome during a faculty meeting or a conference where I'm doing a lot of listening and am bored! He's quite the entertainer!

-He's most active in the mornings from 9:30-11:00ish and in the evenings anywhere from 5:00ish to 7:00ish.

-When I talk, he stops moving. If I want Sam to feel him, I have to whisper or tap or do something where my vocal chords don't vibrate. He's such a great listener!

-He'll move when my hands are on my belly, but he often stops when Sam puts his hands on me to feel him. We've figured it's the warmth of Sam's hands that cause the difference because if he puts the back of his hand against my belly, then BBJ keeps moving. Pretty perceptive!

-He rarely moves after I eat. Most babies move after a meal due to increased sugar - so I've read. But, not my little one. Bananas are the only food that causes a slight increase in activity. ...tolerates his sugar well! :)

-When we play music for him through headphones on my belly, he only moves to songs I play often (lullabies I want him to be familiar with for later!). Otherwise, he just kicks the headphones once or twice. He knows his music!

-He's head down for now. He will switch from facing the left to facing the right, but in the past couple sonograms, he's maintained the head-down position. In two consecutive sonograms, he has been seen holding his feet. It's pretty cool to see his little hands wrapped around his little toes! He's also been seen both times with his hands up near his face - either hiding his face as he sleeps or covering his mouth. Both of these positions he could very well have inherited from his parents!

-Last week, at 28 weeks, he had peach fuzz on his head - with the exception of a little tuft of hair on the back of his head. At that time, he was weighing approximately 3 pounds, 3 ounces. He was measuring a few days ahead of schedule, and his leg & arm lengths put him in the 90th percentile for height (but a centimeter can make a huge difference at this point)! His belly was the smallest part of him - which means I need to eat more - but he's a little parasite and taking lots of nutrients from me! However, at almost 30 weeks this week, my appetite has significantly increased, so eating more should not be a problem! We basically have, at this point, a tall, skinny kid growing in there - not sure where either of those characteristics come from!! - but LOTS can change in the next 10 weeks!

So, I've never met him, but seemingly, I can tell you a lot about him already! It's going to be interesting to see if any of these bits of information stay the same when he's outside of his cozy cocoon! One thing I know for sure is that whoever he is, Sam & I already love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. Amber-
    What a sweet post! I am always angry with my mom for remembering little to nothing about me as a baby (it's not totally her fault - I think most people tend to focus less on the details of their children after they've had their first), but your attention to BBJ's every move is so wonderful! He is SO lucky to have you and Sammy as parents. I am so excited for you guys and hope to meet him when I am home this summer! Best of luck in the coming weeks and ENJOY every minute! xoxo Jenn
