Saturday, August 10, 2013

Big Boy Bedroom!

Banner has lived in the same Bachelor Pad since he was born, and I love his nursery! I was adamant that Banner would not be moved at all (neither out of his room nor out of his crib) just because Baby Brother was coming into the house. I never wanted Banner to have to grow up any faster just because a new baby would be around, and I never wanted him to feel like he was bumped out of his babyhood too soon just so we could save money on a crib for his brother.

But, after much contemplation and brainstorming with Sam, we finally decided that the alternative was actually probably better for Banner in the long run. The vacant room, which has served as an office, a guest room, and/or a storage mess(!) at various times in the 7 years I've lived in this house, is not only bigger with a higher ceiling than Banner's current bedroom, but it also was a blank slate to decorate and make into a big boy room. We decided to go ahead and get Banner's big boy bed with the idea that it would initially be used as a guest bed for my mom and sister (and whoever may stay over to help out) once BBJ2 arrives. Since we needed one of those anyway, it kind of worked out to keep Banner in his crib and his nursery until we got the new bedroom organized for a guest with what would become Banner's bedding and future bedroom. Baby Brother will be sleeping in our bedroom for a couple months anyway, so Banner can stay put for at least that amount of time. In addition, my cousin generously offered her daughter's former crib for us to use for the baby if Banner is still in his crib when BBJ2 is out of the Pack-n-Play in our room. (If that is the case, then Banner will have a bed and a crib in his new room, and he'll be able to choose which one he wants to sleep in.) 

So, the past few weeks have been spent researching, pricing, comparing, picking bedding, reorganizing, down-sizing, cleaning, choosing paint color, and finally putting our plan into action! Once we moved out some furniture and tried our best to make room for all of our crap stuff in other parts of the house (our poor dining room has become a make-shift storage facility), Sam painted the new Bachelor Pad an awesome light gray color that I love! It looks great! Then, we added the new big boy bed and made it up just for Banner.

THE BOY LOVES IT! Between each step of setting up the bed (first the box spring, then the mattress, then the mattress pad, then the sheet...), Banner would climb up and say, "Big boy bed! Night-night!" and then proceed to lay down, close his eyes, and say, "Bye, Mommy! Bye, Daddy!" Then, we would walk out, and he would yell, "Close door!" Sam and I giggled listening to him, but in all honesty the thought of him being so ready to settle in to his new room and his new bed so quickly scares me! I'm not necessarily ready for him to be in that bed. The emotional part of me doesn't want my baby out of his crib yet. The logical part of me doesn't want to fight him at bed and nap time to stay in his bed/room. I have no idea how this transition will go, and knowing the way Banner sleeps and doesn't like covers, I'm not so sure he really understands how different this will be. But, we shall see! At this rate of excitement, we may lose the "guest room" idea and have some kind of alternative for Mom/Kira when they spend the night those early weeks after I deliver.

The room looks great. I'm really pleased with it, and I'm ready to slowly make it really ready for Banner: bringing in his dresser, his books, his name letters. I'm excited for him to have something special and new just for him. Poor BBJ2 will get a used room and all of Banner's "old" bedding - it's just easier and cheaper to be honest. I figure he won't know the difference anyway, and one day, he'll get his own brand new stuff. He will, however, get his own name put up above the crib! :)

So, so much for my "we're not changing anything" approach! Looks like our boy may be more ready than we are to get into that big boy bed! So far, he has not slept in his room or big boy bed at night or at nap, and I kinda hope he doesn't any time soon. I will, however, post more about this topic in the coming weeks/months since this transition, as exciting as it is, is one I'm anxious about - and quite dreading!

Just the beginning of a complete room!

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