Monday, December 24, 2012

The Holidays Continue (Part 1)

Our family is blessed with many branches, and we often have numerous holiday celebrations. Ever since I was about 7 or 8 years old, I have spent Christmas Eve with my step-mother's family. Even though my dad is no longer married to her, and even though I don't celebrate Christmas, we are still grateful to be included in the family festivities and to continue to say that we are all one big family!

Times have changed a lot, though, and it's amazing to see all the kids of this next generation running around, playing together, and preoccupying their now-grown parents (who only years ago were running around just like these little kids!). I can recall when it was just us 8 kids (Matt, Robert, Lee, Brandon, Erin, Brock, Amber, and Kira). Then, Sage, Trey, and Kindle came along - and now, there are 12 little ones - and at least one more on the way: Caden, Mara, Brycen, Banner, Meredith, Mallory, Bennett, Drew, Emma, Ian, Sydney, and Robert. These little people have become the next generation - and even though they make me feel really old - I so enjoy watching them interact!

Santa made an appearance, too! I wish I had a photo of Banner's stunned, confused, open-mouthed stare at this strange man my little Jewish son has never seen before! He was not a fan. He was clingy and shy around Santa, but he was happy to take his gift from him and open it with Mommy and Daddy safely nearby.

Here are some photos I got from the night:

Aunt Kindle & Banner
Mallory and her sister, Meredith - who looks like she's attacking her cousin, Bennett
Mallory, Bennett, and Meredith
Caden, Banner, and Mara - playing in the house elevator
Emma, Meredith, Bennett, and Banner
Bennett ran off with the choo-choo train Banner wanted, but luckily Banner was distracted by the pool table
Emma, Banner, and Meredith
Sorry, Miss Meredith! Your student, Banner, is not paying attention!
Maybe he wanted to be the teacher
Banner & Caden
Pretty baby Drew and Brycen
My favorite!!
Kristen, Sarah, and Kindle
Banner staring at the singing, dancing reindeer

Mara and Mallory waiting patiently for their presents
Banner was reluctant to approach the strange man
Mallory, Drew, Bennett, Caden, Mara, and Meredith (L to R)

Banner LOVES Emma - says her name all the time


Haha! Love this face Sam caught of me helping B open his gift
Brycen, Uncle Erick, Aunt Kiki, and Aunt Erin
Santa Meredith passed out candy canes to everyone
Uncle Trey helped feed Banner some yummy pumpkin pie
Banner LOVED it - like his Mama does!
And in between bites, he'd stop for kisses from Aunt Kiki

I'm thankful to celebrate family, peaceful times, and feelings of love and togetherness! Happy Holiday to Everyone - no matter what you celebrate!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Easing RA Pain

I follow a blog called Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior, and a couple weeks ago, the author asked that bloggers with RA post about non-medical ways to ease RA pain. I'm in love with this idea because the blog carnival she's initiating and putting together will ultimately help lots of people with RA... including me! I'm really excited to see all the posts she links and the comments she receives because I can always use some ideas on what can help my pain.... especially non-medical ways! Those aren't working anyway, so we may as well try something else in the meantime!

I've been keeping a list for these two weeks, trying to think of anything and everything that helps relieve my pain or helps me feel more comfortable. Here's what I've come up with so far:

  • Speaker phone and Bluetooth - since holding the phone to my ear hurts my wrists
  • The rear-view camera on my car - since turning my neck can be hard sometimes (although I don't rely on this 100%)
  • Body Massages - while they don't help for extended periods of time, they do give some temporary relief at least while the massage lasts. As long as the masseuse doesn't press too hard on my tender joints, I can get an hour-long break from my body.
  • Floor chairs - I found these when I went to a friend's house for a play date, and it's amazing how much more comfortable I can be on the floor with Banner when we're playing.
  • Small step-stools - allow me to sit with my toddler on the floor without having to get all the way down there. Getting off the floor is a challenge, and becoming more difficult, so a small step-stool (in fact, I use the one with his name on it) gives me more leverage to get up.
  • My husband - and his compassion, willingness to help around the house, his hands when I need a jar opened or something reached or help up from the floor or a gentle massage or when I need his hands OFF. . . I couldn't possibly get through the days without his understanding, tolerance, and listening ears
I'm sure there are more that I will think of as soon as I "publish" this post. I'm excited to see what others can contribute to this carnival because I can use all the help and good ideas I can get!

Note: After I published this post and sent it to RA Warrior, she created the carnival with my ideas included. Please visit her Ideas post to see the whole blog carnival! :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

8 Crazy (and Well-Photographed) Nights

Last year, Banner had his first Hanukkah. He mostly liked to eat the wrapping paper, even before it was taken off the gift he was supposed to be unwrapping. This year, he finally gets it - and he can't wait to find out what's underneath the paper. AND, he actually plays with the gift as soon as he gets it. Pretty cool to watch. He also likes lighting the menorah, but he wants to grab the candles, so it's been hard to get good pictures of him while we have to be careful of the quick reach!

In keeping with last year's theme: A Christmas tune ("The Twelve Days of Christmas") for a Hanukkah song, as written by Amber, from the perspective of Banner, and illustrated along the way... Enjoy!

On the first night of Hanukkah, my parents gave to me: a Little People Lil Movers Plane.
Pardon my ever-so-frizzy hair... we had been outside at Candlelight

On the second night of Hanukkah, my family gave to me: 3 books, a bus, and some shimmering water rainbow blocks.
NaNa & Colby
Uncle Sammy & Miles playing coin toss games
Menorah Time!
An Elmo book from NaNa & Uncle Paul
A bus from Zaide
Banner's loot! (Blocks from Mommy & Daddy, Books on the right from the Rudd Fam)
Uncle Sammy & Colby playing with one of Colby's toys from Zaide
Miles couldn't wait to get into a good book!
Playing with Zaide
Uncle Paul & Banner

On the third night of Hanukkah, my parents gave to me: an 18-month-old check-up, an MMR vaccine, and a large bag of animal hand puppets!

But he does it so well!
On the fourth night of Hanukkah, my parents gave to me: an Eric Carle ABC book, a set of animal flashcards, a set of number cards, and I haven't been able to put them down!
On the fifth night of Hanukkah, my family gave to me:  a, one set of blocks, a 3-sport combo set, a month at Gymboree, and a bilibo from my mom and dad.
"Um, Grandma, you're in my spot!"
Gotta love Aunt Marni in the mirror :)
This was Daddy's face when he realized he'd be assembling the sports set
Caden got a new bike!
But these two were more intrigued by this new machine
Banner pulled Brycen in for a kiss
Kinda blurry, but at least we're all in the picture!
On the sixth night of Hanukkah, my parents gave to me: a day at Mommy & Me, lots.of.giggles, a Toddler Tote I love, a tiny puzzle set, an extra long bath, and a really, really happy loving day.
Love this stance
I asked him to hold his gift up for me
Sitting on his presents
"Hold it up for Mommy!"

On the seventh night of Hanukkah, my family gave to me: another family party, a game called "My Body," fresh.baked.cookies, a dump truck I won, string donuts, an easel from aunt and uncles, and a slight fever probably from my shots.

Love this look of concentration
Sweet Mara-girl!
Brycen eating his donut
Caden had great technique
Landry and Brycen watching the donut game
Pretty girl
Happy Birthday, Uncle Freddy!
Daddy was finally able to join us after a busy work day - here he's helping Banner play "Pin the Flame on the Menorah"
"Where's Banner?"
"There he is!"
Opening his big gift
Kira's beautiful tzedakah box
Fishing for more gifts! :)
Banner won a dump truck
Here's the big helper fish!
On the eighth night of Hanukkah, my parents gave to me: 4 doses of Tylenol, a dose of Mucinex, a day in my pj's, two.luke-warm.baths, a date with my humidifier, two good naps, free access to my paci's,  and a Radio Flyer Spin N Saucer. (Yes, my boy is sick tonight, but I'm praying for a restful, rejuvenating night of sleep to help dissolve his fever and make him feel 100% tomorrow! Now that would be a great Hanukkah gift to all of us!)

Poor sick boy - only minutes after he threw-up on his pjs (hence the bare skin)
This is what you get when you ask a sick baby to smile for the camera
Happy Hanukkah to All, and to All a Good Night!