Monday, December 24, 2012

The Holidays Continue (Part 1)

Our family is blessed with many branches, and we often have numerous holiday celebrations. Ever since I was about 7 or 8 years old, I have spent Christmas Eve with my step-mother's family. Even though my dad is no longer married to her, and even though I don't celebrate Christmas, we are still grateful to be included in the family festivities and to continue to say that we are all one big family!

Times have changed a lot, though, and it's amazing to see all the kids of this next generation running around, playing together, and preoccupying their now-grown parents (who only years ago were running around just like these little kids!). I can recall when it was just us 8 kids (Matt, Robert, Lee, Brandon, Erin, Brock, Amber, and Kira). Then, Sage, Trey, and Kindle came along - and now, there are 12 little ones - and at least one more on the way: Caden, Mara, Brycen, Banner, Meredith, Mallory, Bennett, Drew, Emma, Ian, Sydney, and Robert. These little people have become the next generation - and even though they make me feel really old - I so enjoy watching them interact!

Santa made an appearance, too! I wish I had a photo of Banner's stunned, confused, open-mouthed stare at this strange man my little Jewish son has never seen before! He was not a fan. He was clingy and shy around Santa, but he was happy to take his gift from him and open it with Mommy and Daddy safely nearby.

Here are some photos I got from the night:

Aunt Kindle & Banner
Mallory and her sister, Meredith - who looks like she's attacking her cousin, Bennett
Mallory, Bennett, and Meredith
Caden, Banner, and Mara - playing in the house elevator
Emma, Meredith, Bennett, and Banner
Bennett ran off with the choo-choo train Banner wanted, but luckily Banner was distracted by the pool table
Emma, Banner, and Meredith
Sorry, Miss Meredith! Your student, Banner, is not paying attention!
Maybe he wanted to be the teacher
Banner & Caden
Pretty baby Drew and Brycen
My favorite!!
Kristen, Sarah, and Kindle
Banner staring at the singing, dancing reindeer

Mara and Mallory waiting patiently for their presents
Banner was reluctant to approach the strange man
Mallory, Drew, Bennett, Caden, Mara, and Meredith (L to R)

Banner LOVES Emma - says her name all the time


Haha! Love this face Sam caught of me helping B open his gift
Brycen, Uncle Erick, Aunt Kiki, and Aunt Erin
Santa Meredith passed out candy canes to everyone
Uncle Trey helped feed Banner some yummy pumpkin pie
Banner LOVED it - like his Mama does!
And in between bites, he'd stop for kisses from Aunt Kiki

I'm thankful to celebrate family, peaceful times, and feelings of love and togetherness! Happy Holiday to Everyone - no matter what you celebrate!

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