Saturday, July 16, 2016

5-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Almost 22 weeks old already! 5-months is a turning point for me; it's, historically-speaking, when the fun really starts, and I am so ready for that for both of our sakes! We are definitely making strides with sleep, with eating, and with just having fun in general! You are growing so quickly and showing off more and more of that beautiful personality of yours, and I am loving hearing your giggles and watching you light up as you have fun with toys, see people you love, and learn to play more independently.

So what else have you been up to this month:

-More and more chatting and squealing... in fact, most people who are around you notice how talkative you are and how you have so much to say!

-You're rolling over belly to back - although only at bedtime! This is aggravating, but I know more rolling is on the way during play time soon. You extend your arms and push your whole body up - like a plank or on your knees. You are so very strong! You've even been seen "creeping" to your toys and moving all around a play mat.

-You are giggling more and more. You're quite ticklish.

-Like Quinn at your age, you love physical touch and attention. You want to be held, tickled, "wrestled" with... you love this kind of play!

-You started eating veggies last week. Your first vegetable was squash, then sweet potatoes, then carrots. Tonight, we are starting green beans!

-Some favorite toys include: Sophie, your exersaucer, the play gym (especially grabbing at the links hanging from them), and your big brothers! You still enjoy the swing, and you're beginning to be bored in the bouncer. You're also figuring out how to get yourself out of the Nap Nanny by arching your back and pushing with your feet - quite dangerous actually!

-SCHEDULE: You wake up around 6:30/6:45, have a 6 ounce bottle, eat some oatmeal (reluctantly usually, as you are not a big breakfast eater, much like Daddy and your brothers), stay up until around 8:30 (exactly when I need to leave to take your brothers to camp, unfortunately), nap for 45 minutes or another ridiculously and frustratingly short amount of time, then have another 5-6 ounce bottle around 10:30, stay up for about 2 hours and nap around 11:30. I try to wait to feed you a third bottle around 2:00, but your naps are so short and you often expect to eat earlier than I'd like. You take a third nap sometime after 3:00ish. You eat dinner between 5 and 6:00. We start bath around 7:00, and you go to sleep not long after starting your 4th bottle of the day. About 20-30 minutes later, you wake up to finish that bottle and sleep until 5:00ish when you start wrestling around. The past few days, you have put yourself back to sleep for 1-2 hours, but some times we have to re-pacy or hold you until you go back to sleep to make it until after 6:00 (a "reasonable" time for you to wake up at this age). Your naps are horrible, but I know that is to be expected at this age. We're working on lengthening them, but that's hard to do when you wake up feeling much more "awake" than in months prior and start playing instead of going back to sleep on your own.

-I'm excited to report we have stopped all night feedings! That started only a week or two ago, and it wasn't easy, but it was well worth the "fight."

-You're wearing size 6-9 and 9 month clothing. You've pretty much outgrown all the 6-month clothes because you are so tall! I prefer the 9-month clothes on you; they look much more comfortable on you. You're outgrowing size 2 diapers; as soon as we finish this package, we're on to size 3. You already wear size 4 overnight diapers. And, we're moving up to level 3 nipples today! You're taking way too long to finish bottles and often lose interest in it before finishing, so we're hoping a level up will help.

-I still love bathing you. It's my most favorite time of day with you!

-I also LOVE your kisses and the way you grab my face.

-While you are quite social, you're beginning to have some stranger anxiety. You like to know Mommy or Daddy is nearby in a new situation. If you are scared of a new person, you "bottom lip it" and start crying.

-Your palms and soles of your feet are still very "sweaty" and clammy feeling. They're very "slimy." Dr. B says this can be very normal for infants, but I'm hoping you outgrow it soon. :(

-Car rides are much much better . . . unless you are tired or hungry. As long as you have a toy to play with, we have made big strides.

Knox Morgan, I cannot wait to see your development this month. I know big things are coming for you! We'll be working on rolling from back to belly and on sitting up. We'll be starting fruits later this month, and I'm hoping you learn how to find and replug your paci yourself soon! In the meantime, I'm so enjoying your beautiful gummy grins, you're eyelashes getting so long, those baby blue eyes lighting up with delight when we play, you're snuggles and nuzzles and cuddles, and those longer stretches of sleep at night! :)

I love you so very much, Baby Love!

Happy 5 Months!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

4-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Today you are 4 months old! So many things to update you about! I have to admit, though, keeping up with this blog is getting harder and harder with the little time I have to do anything other than take care of you three boys and the demands of keeping the house running smoothly without burning down or looking like we were robbed - especially when we want to list our house and have showings pretty soon! The idea of it scares the bejeezus out of me to have to keep up with cleaning every little thing - but we CAN do it! Lucky for you, you won't be asked to keep anything clean.... just try your best not to spit up on anything like the carpet or couch and we'll be good! Ha... as if you can keep from spitting up on anything!

Anyway... what have you been up to this month?

-RICE! You have started eating rice cereal as of last week. You eat it for a 5:30/6:00 dinner each evening and have gotten great at knowing how to eat off of a spoon! Your first meal was at Grandma & Papa's house, and you had quite an audience watching you!

-You had your first ear infection (in the left ear) diagnosed on May 26th. You were 14 weeks old, and to be honest, I'm surprised it took that long for you to have one after RSV at 3 weeks old. Runny nose, cough, sleepless nights and decreased appetite had me in the office just days before your naming. Luckily, meds helped pretty quickly, although 10 days later we were back in the office for what I thought was a repeat diagnosis. But, this time it was just a cold - and only days before your 4-month well check.

-Speaking of that, here are you most recent stats:
  • Weight: 14 pounds, 2.5 ounces = 25th percentile
  • Height: 25.5 inches = 75th percentile
  • Head: 41.1 cm = 35th percentile
  • Developmentally, Dr. B says you are 4 and half months (but that was a week before you were 4 months) . . . just had to throw that in there! :) I'm pleased with your growth and development given how very little time you get to just play and be on the floor! So much of your time is spent in the car or at your brothers' events that you barely get time to build your skills.
  • 4 shots and an oral vaccine
-You are quite the talker! Cooing away and chatting up a storm still, and I love every little utterance! You get especially chatty right before you get fussy, like you need to get all your words out before you lose it. I kind of like that it's a sign you're about to melt down, so I'll take it. 

-Your head control is fabulous! We have been able to start using the Exersaucer and pretty soon the Jumperoo (if we ever get it out of storage!) now that you are so strong and sturdy. You like being upright - propped up on the couch with your brothers or in the Bumbo or bearing weight on your legs when we hold you on our legs or the floor. BeeBee is pretty sure you're ready to walk any day now! :)

-Just last week you found your feet.

-4 random facts for 4-months: You're pretty ticklish. You love a screen - definitely fitting in with your big brothers. You are drooling like crazy. And you like being patted to sleep.

-You are grabbing at everything. It's now time to move things we don't want you to grab out of your reach - like our plates at dinner, for example. You have recently found my face when I'm feeding you and like to grab my mouth or chin. 

-Size 2 diapers, level 2 nipple, size 3 overnight diapers, and you're growing so tall that you've almost outgrown your 6-month clothes. 

-Car rides are finally getting better! It helps significantly that you can entertain yourself by teething on little toys now. You also like the mirror I've put up for you. And Banner sits next to you and is able to give you your paci whenever you fuss. It's awesome that he takes the initiative to do that now without me even asking - because he just wants to help you and he knows what to do now!

-You're smiling all the time and giggling here and there. Mostly, your eyes are full of love and joy that let me know you are one happy boy who loves your mama!  Your first giggle was on May 20th at 13 weeks old - and it was for ME! I was gently tickling your chin saying "Here comes the tickle monster," and there it was - a chuckle just for me!

Knox Morgan, so many people want to weigh in on who you look like at this point. While most think you look more like Quinn, I see a good mix of both of your brothers. In fact, I've said you look like Banner & Quinn's kid. :) But, you are so unique and so your own person. You are getting cooler and more fun with each passing day. I wish you would sleep more through the night. I wish you wouldn't depend on 1-2 four ounce bottles in the middle of the night (which we've been told to stop giving you). And, although I'm tired and worn out from those midnight wakings, I don't mind holding you and feeding you during these special dates just you and me. I'll actually miss those little cuddles.... but, I won't miss feeling tired or the interrupted sleep! 

This month was one of more firsts. So many more are coming! It's going to be a big month in so many ways! I wish you a happy 4 month birthday, Baby Love! Can't wait to see all the milestones this month!
I love you with all my heart!

First cereal
First shower
At Banner & Quinn's Celebration (PreK Graduation)
On Aunt Kira's birthday
First time in Exersaucer

Little nugget fast asleep
First play date
My sweet Baby Love

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Party for FIVE!

This morning we celebrated Banner's 5th birthday party at one of the fun splash parks in town. I think it went really well! I'm pleased to say that the weather held out so we could actually have the party where we wanted and not have to reschedule like we did when we attempted a splash park party on Banner's 2nd birthday. It was very windy, but I'm glad it wasn't a gazillion degrees outside... it very much reminded me of the weather for Banner's 1st birthday party.

In years past, I pretty much picked the theme based on things Banner was into. This year, I let him choose. I was thinking he'd want a Mario party or Batman. But, he chose Star Wars and pretty much stuck with it for the last several months. This was an easy theme as it's so popular right now! With all the other stress in our lives right now (just had Knox's naming, planned and had Mischelle's sprinkle, and planning on another shower for another friend right now all while trying to put our house on the market and deal with roof damage from a hail storm in March), I wanted this party to be super fun and super easy! I also wanted it to be super inexpensive - and it really turned out to be all of the above! Mostly, I'm glad Banner had a great time with his friends and family!

Colby & Quinn
Bree & Evan

They both turned 5 this week!

With Teddy

3.5 months

With Evan and Ivy

Happy 5th Birthday, Banner Boone!