Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah

Once upon a time, I wrote a blog post with a cute little ditty for Banner's first Hanukkah. It was to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas." But, time is limited now, and ain't no one got time for that! :) So, I'll cut right to the chase and give a little tidbit from each night of our Festival of Lights holiday:

Night One:
Banner was super-excited for the first night of Hanukkah. We lit candles on our dinner table, and we sang the prayers together. After dinner, the boys were playing peek-a-boo around a dining chair while Sam and I cleaned up; they are getting much better at playing together, and it was definitely my Hanukkah gift to hear their laughter and to watch them play and be silly together. Then, it was time to give them their first gift of the holiday. Quinn really liked playing with the wrapping paper and trying to help Banner unwrap his gift. Banner got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajama set and a Batman PJ set. Quinn got a tub of Color My Bath tablets. So, after a blue bath, the boys got ready for bed, and Banner wore his TMNT "jajamas."
Night Two:
We had Banner's class Hanukkah party at the end of his school day. He got very generous gifts from a classmate and from his teacher, and then Ms. Hedy passed out gifts for the kids to give to their parents. Banner requested that I wait to open the gift until later, so Sam and I opened it right before we lit candles. Perfect timing because it was a hand-made chanukiah/menorah with Banner's name on it. I love it! Then, after candles, prayers, dinner, and clean-up, it was time for the boys to open another gift. Quinn's gift is a little more for the future than for now - it's a "Super Q" cape and mask to go along with one Banner received at his 2nd birthday party. Banner often puts his cape and mask on, and we didn't want Quinn to feel left out, so we got him his own! We tried to get a picture of both of them wearing their capes and masks, but Quinn wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to help Banner open his toy instead, which Banner didn't seem to mind. Banner was ELATED to open his gift: a Rescue Bot transformer named Heatwave. He's been wanting these toys, and he's been asking for them for a long time! I was super-excited to finally give him this special toy. And, Banner did NOT disappoint. He talked to Heatwave through his bath, he made sure Daddy didn't splash Heatwave or knock him over, he stopped me from reading every few pages to say, "It's okay Heatwaver, we're just reading," and he wanted Heatwave to sleep next to him on his nightstand. Definitely a nice present for ME to see him so attached to this little toy!

Night Three:
We opened gifts before dinner this night. Banner was so excited to open his gift as he said, "Come on, Heatwave! Let's see which of your friends we're opening tonight!" Unfortunately, when Banner opened his gift, he didn't find a Rescue Bot friend and looked sorely disappointed. Instead, he got some Leap Readers (Letter Factory and a Ready to Read book set). He didn't seem too excited about this gift, but once we downloaded the audio files onto his Scout reader, he seemed more interested by bedtime. Sam read 3 of the Ready to Read books with him, and Sam said Banner really liked them, especially the music that played on the front and back covers. Quinn got to open his present before dinner, also - a personalized place mat. (Quinn wanted to wear Banner's kippah from last school year, which fits him perfectly - and I must say he looks so cute in it! So, that's why he has that on in these pictures.)
"Sweet" Menorahs for Banner's teachers

Night Four:
This night was kind of a disaster. The boys were hot messes by dinner time - so when Banner decided to play with his rice all over his chair and both boys refused to eat their dinners, our evening went downhill and there was simply no time for presents. So... we had to wait for the morning to open gifts. We did light candles, but I did not take any pictures this (awful) night!

Night Five:
It was Saturday, and it was time to get ready for our family Hanukkah party. But first, we got to open presents in the morning, which actually ended up working better for everyone. Banner opened a Hanukkah gingerbread house kit, and we got right to work building it! Quinn opened a special CD made just for him! (Banner has one of these with his name in the songs, so we felt that Quinn should have his own CD. The best part is that this is an entirely new album so both boys have special songs.) We listened to Quinn's CD while we built the gingerbread house. Then, later that night, we went to Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's house for the party. SO MUCH FUN! Yummy dinner with latkes, play time with cousins, fishing for prizes, lighting a gazillion menorahs, opening so many generous gifts! The boys left with some seriously fun loot - a microphone, gift cards and money, clothes, toys, Banner's very own framed picture of Aunt Jacque (hehe), and some very special experiential things for Quinn! We are so grateful for all these fun things - but more importantly, for the fun people we get to call family! The boys also gave Grandma a "special" gift - a container full of Hershey's kisses and hugs because when Banner asked Grandma what she wanted for Hanukkah, that's what she told him: "Lots of hugs and kisses."

Night Six:
We spent all day playing with new things from the Hanukkah party. Later in the evening, Banner opened what I thought would be his most "boring" gift. He opened a gift bag with several things I thought he wouldn't get that excited about: the first issue of a High Five magazine subscription (the preschool version of Highlights magazine), a Talking Words DVD (the "sequel" to The Letter Factory), and two light switch extenders. At first he wasn't thrilled, but once Sam installed the light switch extender, the boy lit up (pun intended!). :) He felt so liberated being able to turn on the bathroom light by himself. I honestly wasn't going to give him this as a gift, but I just threw a couple of them in his gift bag, and viola! he was super-impressed! I think it's more of a gift for Sam and me, because we get sick of getting up (usually from the dinner table) to turn the light on for Banner to use the restroom. Later in the evening, Banner and I read through a good portion of the magazine, and he didn't want to put it down. It was a good change of pace from a typical book. I think the variety held his interest - a cartoon comic, a story, a hidden pictures, an illustration to explore. Pretty neat. Anyway, Quinn also had a great night. He opened a Gymboree bubble set. If you know anything about Gymboree bubbles, you know they are the best ones - they last so long and don't just pop when they hit the floor. We had some fun before bath time just blowing bubbles in the kitchen watching bubbles land on heads or on the counter. Lots of giggles from my boys!

Night Seven:
The boys got a surprise visit from Grandma who brought over some gifts for them! It was such a treat to have her here and to share some more Hanukkah time with us. Quinn opened two pairs of jeans, a onesie, and a set of name labels. Banner opened a Transformer (Bumblebee) and several sets of warm, cozy pajamas. Then, Banner showed Grandma how well he sings with his new microphone - performing 3 different Hanukkah songs ("Sivivon," "Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah," and the Driedel Song). Before she left, we lit the menorahs altogether. Banner had a rough time saying goodbye to Grandma; he made sure she knew, "Grandma, I'm gonna miss you," and then he cried as her car drove off and he couldn't chase it any farther. Such a sweet boy who loves his Grandma SO much. After dinner, Banner got to open one more gift - a LeapFrog Scribble and Write Tablet.

Night Eight:
On the last night of Hanukkah, we borrowed my friend, Laura's, idea to take special treats to the police department, fire station, and library. So, after baking some chocolate chip and some peanut butter cookies, we waited for Daddy to get home from work to join us making deliveries around town. Then, we headed to the library. Banner and I hopped out of the car to deliver a tin full of cookies to the librarians - thanking them for story times and encouraging us to keep reading and learning. As we turned away, I heard one of the librarians say, "That is so sweet!" I thought the same thing - which is why we took Laura's idea and applied it to our own neighborhood. :) Then, we went to the police station. The officer who accepted the plate of cookies gave Banner a special teddy bear with a police badge. Finally, it was off to the fire department, definitely where Banner felt most "at home." A couple firefighters gave Banner a chance to sit in the fire trucks; they even turned on the lights for us. (Banner was a little worried they were going to turn on the sirens and became a little jittery about it. Luckily, they didn't do that!) The firefighters gave the boys each a fire chief hat and some sticker badges to keep. They were all very appreciative of the cookie plate we brought them, and I know Banner felt good about this activity!

When we got home, we hurried to get dinner on the table and light the last candles of the holiday. After dinner, the boys got their final Hanukkah presents: Quinn got a personalized piggy bank, and Banner got a monthly calendar which he was really excited about. Quinn, on the other hand, was more excited about the box his piggy bank came in. :)

Whew! That's it! Another Hanukkah in the books! The boys have plenty to keep them entertained, clothed, and learning! I'm so grateful I got to watch them open exciting presents and share the joy of the festival of lights. My favorite has been listening to Banner (and the occasional chime in from Quinn) singing Hanukkah songs and watching them adore the glow of the candles.
Happy Hanukkah to all, and to all a Good Night! :)