Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Weekend 2012: Picture Mania

LONG POST BELOW! :) What can I say? It's been a busy, fulfilling, awesome weekend!

Our Father's Day weekend started with some exciting news. Sam put in his two weeks notice at his law firm because. . . he is starting his own practice with two other partners! I am so happy for him that he's finally doing something he's wanted to do for a long time! This is a very big endeavor that I know will pay off (hopefully soon because we have NO INCOME if it doesn't work out! Dear God, please be good to us!). We joined my sister-in-law in celebrating her fiance's birthday at Chili's that evening, and then Sam and I hung out the rest of the night talking more about his new law practice. (More on this to come!)

Father's Day officially started yesterday (Saturday) when Sam and I made a water park out of our back yard for Banner. We had a really nice time goofing off with him in the sprinklers and baby canopy pool (which I didn't get pictures of because I was actually IN the pool after we got it set up). Then, later in the evening, Mom & Bob snuck into our backyard with a new gas grill for Sam from them, my siblings and their families, and me. I am super excited to have this, as is Sam, because even though we love the charcoal grill - the gas grill is way faster! We even used it last night for Banner's first cook-out here at home. 

Then, this morning, Sam slept in while I got up with Banner around 7:15. (He's been sleeping in a little in the mornings these days, and I am SO.THANKFUL!) Baby Boy was quite a helper by playing quietly near  me in the kitchen while I prepared a fun breakfast for Sam. We made him homemade donuts, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and coffee that we delivered to him in bed shortly before Banner's nap. The donuts were super-easy to make. They were tasty, but I still prefer glazed donuts over these cinnamon sugar ones. Maybe I'll try that next time! :) I got the recipe from Pinterest, but here are some pictures I took as I cooked.

Making homemade donuts
Making a "breakfast for the champion" - not the breakfast OF champions!
Being a big helper while eating Cheerios
We made donuts!

Here is the display we made before entering the bedroom.
Donut, turkey bacon, and egg "Dad!"
Luckily, Sam had just woken up as we came in the room. Perfect timing! Here are some photos from Breakfast in Bed with Banner:

Then, it was time for cards and another gift:
Can you see how much Banner wrote to Daddy? He must take after his Mommy!
Opening his gift from Banner

The note inside
Portfolio for Banner's artwork to Daddy
And, inside, Daddy found Banner's first art project
Here's a close up - thanks to Aunt Kiki for helping
Playing with the bag on Daddy's head
Now Banner's turn
When Banner got up from his nap, we met my dad and his family for a Father's Day lunch with Brock and his family and Kira & Erick. It was a great pizza meal, and Banner even ate a few bites of pizza after he threw a piece or two on the floor. (He's becoming much pickier these days, so I welcomed the pizza exploration!)
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
Aunt Kira & Brycen
Love this pic of my dad and me, but need to photoshop that spot in the middle of us!
Uncle Brock and Banner
Ansyn with her niece Mara!
Aunt Kira and Banner Boone
Mara wanted a kiss from "The Ban-Man" too!
Aunt Kiki with Banner
Banner and cousin Mara
Big Boss & Lisa with Banner
Caden with his Uncle Tyce
Big Boss and his grandkids
Our gift to Dad
Brock opening his gift from Mischelle and kids
Photos from Hawaii
Then, we headed home in the sudden rain for a second nap before going to my Mom's house for yet another Father's Day celebration. (We have three dads between Sam and me, so we are busy on days like today!)
A tad blurry but had to get a pic with Papa!
Playing at Grandma & Papa's house
Grandma & Banner
Banner was intrigued by Aunt Mischelle soundly sleeping
So he had to wake her up!
After only 45 minutes visiting Papa on Father's Day, it was time to head over to Zaide's house! When we got there, Banner wore his gift to Zaide - a pirate hat for his new fishing boat! :) Banner handed it over to Zaide as soon as he saw him...

Here Banner is handing Zaide the pirate hat
And Zaide gladly put it on! Looks great!
Playing with cousin Miles

Uncle Sammy & Miles working a puzzle
Zaide & Banner
Zaide showed Banner a picture of himself when he was a boy - with Mamaw and Papaw
NaNa pushing Banner on the toy plane
Colby loves his daddy
Aunt Gayle playing with Banner
Colby wanted to ride like Banner did
Reading a Clifford book with Daddy
Happy Father's Day, Jason!
Colby being silly in Uncle Paul's hat
Whew, what a fast, busy day it's been! Sam and I feel like ping-pong balls going all over the place, but we wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun with the great dads in our lives. I know I wouldn't want it any other way, and to be spending all this time with the greatest daddy was awesome! I love celebrating my husband and all that he gives and does for Banner (and me!). I hope Sam knows how much Banner loves him and appreciates him even if he can't verbalize it yet. As "Banner wrote" in the card he gave to Sam, I hope he knows "by the light in my eyes, the smile on my face, the reach of my arms, the squeeze of my hands, or the resting of my head on your shoulder." Happy Father's Day, Sam, and to all you great dads out there!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Baby Daddy (Part 2)

Last year, I posted this about/for Sam. In rereading what I wrote, there isn't a whole lot to add, which is ironic since Sam had only been a daddy for 10 days at that time. I look back at our first year with Banner and can reflect on so many memories in which Sam proved he was an amazing father. You can read his "Guest Post" which tells of specific moments he shares with Banner; you can tell he's a pretty awesome dad. But, now that we have a year under our belts, I thought I'd elaborate on what I know NOW about my "Baby Daddy!" :)

Sam calls Banner his "best friend." Literally, he walks into the room and says, "Hey, Best Friend!" He feels a strong bond to Banner, and Banner certainly feels it too, even if if can't articulate it just yet. There have been times throughout the year when Banner only calms for his daddy, when he only wanted Sam and no one else would do, and he still looks for Sam every morning after Sam has left for work. He walks around the house sometimes saying, "Dada" and hopes to find him in an empty room. Later in the day, Banner squeals when he hears the back door open - and even before that, when he hears the garage door going up, he quickly stands up (almost with a jump!) to start walking to greet Daddy. Banner is a giddier, louder, gigglier kid when Sam is around. We have our fun - don't get me wrong - but having Daddy around makes a world of difference. And, even on my days to sleep in, I can hear Banner's giggles and squeals when Daddy is in charge.
Sam is definitely a lot of fun, but I'd be lying if I said it was all fun and games. I've learned from my "mommy" friends that it's pretty typical for their husbands to get frustrated, annoyed, irritated, and short-tempered when they don't know how to handle a certain situation. I've seen that with Sam. There have been a handful of times when he has all but lost his mind when it came to Banner's crying. He's raised his voice or cussed out of sheer frustration in not knowing how to help his son; there may have even been a baby monitor thrown across the room (although, it just might have been an accident, who knows?). Never has Sam cussed or raised his voice to Banner. You can just tell he doesn't know what to do or how to help, and there's no greater anxiety-provoker than the shrill cries of your child when you don't know what's wrong. These times, while they were awful when they happened, have given Sam and I opportunities to grow and learn from each other. While there have been times that Sam has forced me to be the more patient parent, we later discuss the situation and learn how to better cope in the future. I know there are plenty more opportunities coming our way as our son learns to stand his own ground or become entirely way too willful. But, each time we, as parents, feel the strain and struggle, Sam and I have learned to try to have a sense of humor, to let it go, to do whatever works, and then make a plan for next time. That's pretty much how we have always handled our conflicts... make a plan for next time, and these great talks usually help in future dilemmas.

Sam is really good at doing the "dad" stuff with Banner. He loves to get him riled up before bed time, he loves to show him things he shouldn't learn (like how to open the childproof drawer locks), he always takes Banner to water the plants outside and to check the mail, he's let him sit behind the steering wheel (no, not while driving!!), and he encourages the burps and farts. And, Banner has been the best medicine for Sam this hard year of dealing with his mom's death. Sam loved taking Banner on evening walks shortly after Bubbie died, and I know Sam would tell Banner all about her. Banner makes Sam smile, he greets Sam when he returns home from work, and his giggles brighten his days.

Not only is Sam good to Banner, but he's really good to Banner's mommy. He treats me so well, and genuinely respects me. He loves to kiss me in front of Banner, to show him how in love we are. He loves to give family hugs. He cooks when I am too worn out, and he always amazes me at how fast he can clean the clutter in any given room. He listens to my fears and worries, and he makes me feel like a great mom. I feel truly blessed to be married to Banner's amazing father.

Stay tuned for how we spent our Father's Day!