Monday, October 12, 2020

Vote Because...

  1. he lies.
  2. he disrespects women.
  3. there are still children in cages and families ripped apart at the border.
  4. we need to maintain the right to control our own bodies.
  5. he is xenophobic.
  6. he doesn't care that 210,000 people have died because he downplayed a pandemic.
  7. we have a right to health care at affordable prices.
  8. you should care about protecting the rights of your LGBTQIA friends and family. 
  9. Black Lives Matter just as much as everyone else's. 
  10. he doesn't care about you.
  11. he appears to have committed tax fraud.
  12. he's a narcissistic ass who needs constant stroking.
  13. he's setting up the election to be questioned; he says he's not sure he'll leave.
  14. he disrespects the press.
  15. he has divided the nation.
  16. we deserve a president we can be proud of to represent us globally.
  17. we deserve a president we can tell our children to be proud of.
  18. we deserve a president who can use multisyllabic words.
  19. he won't condemn white supremacy even when given a wide open chance.
  20. he lacks respect for veterans and anyone serving in the military.
  21. our environment is deteriorating, and he doesn't give a shit.
  22. I want to be able to say "No," when my son asks me if our president is a racist.
  23. numerous women have come forward saying he's a sexual predator.
  24. he's not smart enough to realize that raking the forest won't stop forest fires.
  25. he shutdown the government to try to force his way on the border wall.
  26. it wasn't really a "travel ban," it was a "Muslim ban."
  27. he thinks he's smarter than scientists.
  28. our economy sucks.
  29. national debt has increased under his presidency.
  30. he withheld aid to another country in order to get "dirt" on his political rival.
  31. local and state elections matter.
  32. we deserve judges who are fair and not crazy.
  33. if he remains in office he will completely defund social security which will lead to economic decline.
  34. we need a Secretary of Education who knows something....anything... about education.
  35. he pays less in taxes than most Americans, including single parents, students, and military vets.
  36. climate change is real.
  37. we shouldn't have a president who praises and is jealous of dictators.
  38. he believes Putin over his own intelligence agencies.
  39. people with disabilities shouldn't be mocked.
  40. face masks are not a political statement.
  41. the post office needs our support.
  42. he says stupid things that make stupid people think they should listen to him (like injecting yourself with disinfectant or that hydroxychloroquine is an approved therapy for COVID-19).
  43. aren't you sick of his incessant tweets?
  44. he defunded the World Health Organization.
  45. he tried to regulate social media and throws temper tantrums when teens outsmart him.
  46. he doesn't care about police brutality and has, in fact, encouraged it.
  47. peaceful protestors should not be tear gassed.
  48. we can't look at a red hat without thinking it's a racist wearing it.
  49. "alternative facts," "fake news," "snowflakes," "good people on both sides," "when the looting starts, the shooting starts," "grab them by the pussy," "nasty women," "it is what it is," and "MAGA."
  50. he dodged the draft, has no respect for POWs, and calls military heroes "losers."
  51. it would be so nice to see the White House and not feel disgusted.
  52. he doesn't seem to uphold rules and laws or doesn't think they apply to him.
  53. he's a bully who threatens those who don't support him or stand by his illogical demands.
  54. he has destroyed the reputation of the Republican party, making it hard to know where our Republican friends really stand.
  55. his State of the Union addresses lack dignity and are simply a show he puts on, and when Nancy Pelosi tears up his speech filled with lies, SHE'S the bad guy?
  56. he takes no responsibility for his failures.
  57. we're all so sick of the gaslighting.
  58. he has friends in LOW places - and many of his associates have been convicted of various crimes.
  59. he used the Bible as a prop and disrespects religion, (yet somehow evangelicals follow him).
  60. he is a fascist
  61. we miss music and art and plants in the White House.
  62. we need a president who doesn't undermine every guidance lesson and lifeskill we teach in schools.
  63. he has packed the judicial system with extreme right-wing judges.
  64. we've had enough chaos.
  65. he holds super-spreader events.
  66. of Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch.
  67. he gave Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom.
  68. he uses the White House for political campaign events. That is not supposed to happen.
  69. he's caused our nation to develop ADHD as the "master distractor" keeps news reporters moving from one scandal to the next. 
  70. his completely childish behavior at the debate shows just how much he disrespects the American people.
  71. it's your civic duty.
  72. people have died for your right to vote.
  73. it's the only way we get to keep our democracy.
  74. young students are begging for gun safety reform.
  75. his response to the devastation in Puerto Rico was insulting.
  76. he raised tariffs.
  77. he uses the office of the presidency to benefit his family's businesses. 
  78. he tear gassed migrant mothers and children at the border.
  79. we are on the brink of civil war.
  80. politics isn't a spectator sport, and you can't complain if you aren't participating.
  81. it's time to raise minimum wage.
  82. DACA recipients can't, even though they pay taxes, are frontline workers, may have only ever known this land as their home, and raise American citizens. You can be their voice.
  83. we need to help uproot oppressive policies.
  84. people in power are hoping you won't; they actively try to suppress your vote.
  85. Planned Parenthood needs our support so that women can get the health care and preventative care they need.
  86. student loan debt "crushes opportunity." We need people in power to help do something about it!
  87. higher education should be more affordable.
  88. we need leaders who are loyal and accountable to their constituents - rather than trying to appease a bully president.
  89. not everyone is so privileged that they don't have to worry about elections.
  90. billionaires don't need tax breaks.
  91. it feels so empowering to let your voice be heard.
  92. you get one of those stickers that shows everyone around you that you took part in something so special and sacred, and it reminds them that they can, too.
  93. you can take a selfie and post it for all your friends to see!
  94. our system needs bail reform.
  95. justice means having a balance of perspectives in our courts.
  96. no one should be against windmills.
  97. Native Americans shouldn't be forced to have oil pipelines through their land.
  98. if you're reading this, you most likely have an easier time voting than others who are either too poor, feel threatened, can't leave work, and/or have no transportation to get to the polls.
  99. not voting changes nothing.
  100. it matters.
  101. the sooner you do, the sooner the political texts, calls, and mail will stop.
  102. why not?
*This is not about voting for Biden/Harris. They don't necessarily excite me. This is about voting the other guy OUT. Get him out of our House. He has not earned another term. Please show up at the polls! Bring friends, bring neighbors, bring family. Make plans, not excuses. Vote the WHOLE ballot; don't stop at the top. Vote early! Plan to wait. Bring a snack, bring a water bottle, bring a chair. Just show up! SHOW the fuck UP!

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