Saturday, October 31, 2020

Dear Leslie (9)

 Dear Leslie,

We are days away from the general election, where your son's name is on the ballot for judge of the 366th District Court. It sucks you can't be here to vote for him, to see the impact he's having on our county, the county you raised him in. It's been a wild ride, and I know you would have loved to be a part of it. I imagine you'd be calling all your friends to make sure they vote. I imagine you'd be making phone calls to help him reach voters, but then again, we'd probably keep telling you to stop talking voters' heads off with all the things you'd want to tell them about your baby. You'd also be an emotional mess with the way our country is right now. This damn COVID-19, the disgustingness that is Trump, people hating other people. For that reason, I guess I'm glad you don't have to deal with it. No doubt, you'd be watching the news all the time and perhaps buying way too much crap on QVC as a form of retail therapy. 

These letters to you seem to be harder and harder to write as I don't know what else to tell you that I haven't already said. October 31 comes each year, like every other date on the calendar, and still you miss every one of those days. But it stings a little more as the number of years we've been without you climbs, and you continue to miss all that goes on. As I've told you every year, you'd be so super proud of all your grandsons: how smart they are, how kind they are, how helpful and well-mannered. They are all growing up way too fast - your oldest a junior in high school and your youngest already learning to read! Next year will be the year that Miles is a senior and Knox a kindergartener! "Wow!" to both, right!? 

Last week, Knox asked to see a picture of you. We scrolled through Facebook to find some. He wanted to see your "whole body" to know exactly what you looked like. I can't say what Sam was feeling while we sat in the dark finding photos of you, but I'll tell you that even though he wanted to move on with bedtime because it was getting late, he wasn't in a rush to stop that conversation or stop showing his youngest son smiling photos of you. And, man, would you just get a kick out of that little nugget of ours. He is wild. You'd laugh and laugh at his craziness and would NOT be able to keep up with him. He's a force to be reckoned with, for sure! He's smart and totally funny. And he has a vocabulary that would knock your socks off. His command and control of idioms and expressions are impressive, too!

Similarly, Quinn is witty and sees humor and joy everywhere! He would make you laugh with his jokes, make you enamored with his cuddly, affectionate ways, and make you flabbergasted at how quick and smart he is. That boy would want to snuggle up with you, and you wouldn't be able to get enough! You would most definitely say he is an old soul, just like you used to about Sam. You'd be annoyed at me saying this, but I have to be honest and tell you that while everyone says he looks just like Sam, I don't see it! No question, you'd disagree with me and take everyone else's side. You'd be pulling out photos of Sam at various ages comparing their physical appearances. Yes, he has Sam's coloring. Yes, his skin resembles your side of the family more. Yes, he has your eyebrow arches. But, he is his own person and I totally see my side of the family in him, as well. Given all of that, though, he is the only one of my boys I look at and see you in. So, we can settle this one-sided argument and say he's a good mix!

This brings me to Banner. You last held him at four-months-old, and there are a few things that are still the same about him from that age. He and I still make each other laugh with our "growling" voices, he loves to be around people, and he still loves attention and when people make him laugh. While he doesn't spit up all over the place at age 9 (thank goodness!), he does continue to have a strong gag reflex. :) If you were around today, he would most likely roll his eyes when you ask him to do something, and you'd probably get on him about how he isn't the most tolerant or sweet with his brothers. But, you would be blown away at his intellect, and you'd want to snuggle with him when his eyes light up with that contagious smile. He would probably tell you to stop hugging him, but he'd secretly want you to keep trying to pull him in. Banner is definitely the one who is most curious about you. I asked him recently what is something he would want to tell you, and the first thing that came to his mind: "I love you."

Anyway, in just a few days, we will know the outcome of this election. No matter what happens, you will be on our minds. If Sam wins, he'll wish you were there to celebrate with him. If he doesn't, I'll wish you were there to tell him how proud of him you are. The truth is, though, that we know you were proud of him and would be no matter what. It just sucks that you're not here to see it all - to see the way he leads, the way he balances work, campaigning, and family, the way everyone cheers him on, the way he treats his clients, how committed and loyal he is to his friends and coworkers, the way he puts his family first. He's really good at what he does, and while it may bore you to tears to hear about the ins and outs of "lawyering" and campaigning, you'd be happy he's excited about it all and how passionate he is. 

The past few weeks, Knox has been a little preoccupied with dying and death. It scares him, understandably so. One night last week, when he started talking about it at bedtime, he asked if I will die when he's a grown up. I told him I hope we are both very old before that happens. He said I wouldn't be his mom anymore when I die. I told him that's not true, that even when I die, I'm still his mommy and no one else will ever be his mommy. Then we talked about you - that you're still Daddy's mommy, even if you're not here anymore. These conversations immediately tug at my heart as I put myself in your position - the mother to children you can't be with any longer. How awful it is that life just doesn't stay as it is, that no matter how much we love and how much we mean to each other, we can't choose to be together forever the way we want. But, as Banner reminds me when I hug him and say I wish we could stay like this forever, "I'll hug you in my heart forever." 

Death doesn't change that part. You're here with us, in our hearts. And, we are still taking you along for this journey.

"Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on the way 'cause the drinks bring back all the memories, and the memories bring back, memories bring back you."

Missing you always,


Monday, October 12, 2020

Vote Because...

  1. he lies.
  2. he disrespects women.
  3. there are still children in cages and families ripped apart at the border.
  4. we need to maintain the right to control our own bodies.
  5. he is xenophobic.
  6. he doesn't care that 210,000 people have died because he downplayed a pandemic.
  7. we have a right to health care at affordable prices.
  8. you should care about protecting the rights of your LGBTQIA friends and family. 
  9. Black Lives Matter just as much as everyone else's. 
  10. he doesn't care about you.
  11. he appears to have committed tax fraud.
  12. he's a narcissistic ass who needs constant stroking.
  13. he's setting up the election to be questioned; he says he's not sure he'll leave.
  14. he disrespects the press.
  15. he has divided the nation.
  16. we deserve a president we can be proud of to represent us globally.
  17. we deserve a president we can tell our children to be proud of.
  18. we deserve a president who can use multisyllabic words.
  19. he won't condemn white supremacy even when given a wide open chance.
  20. he lacks respect for veterans and anyone serving in the military.
  21. our environment is deteriorating, and he doesn't give a shit.
  22. I want to be able to say "No," when my son asks me if our president is a racist.
  23. numerous women have come forward saying he's a sexual predator.
  24. he's not smart enough to realize that raking the forest won't stop forest fires.
  25. he shutdown the government to try to force his way on the border wall.
  26. it wasn't really a "travel ban," it was a "Muslim ban."
  27. he thinks he's smarter than scientists.
  28. our economy sucks.
  29. national debt has increased under his presidency.
  30. he withheld aid to another country in order to get "dirt" on his political rival.
  31. local and state elections matter.
  32. we deserve judges who are fair and not crazy.
  33. if he remains in office he will completely defund social security which will lead to economic decline.
  34. we need a Secretary of Education who knows something....anything... about education.
  35. he pays less in taxes than most Americans, including single parents, students, and military vets.
  36. climate change is real.
  37. we shouldn't have a president who praises and is jealous of dictators.
  38. he believes Putin over his own intelligence agencies.
  39. people with disabilities shouldn't be mocked.
  40. face masks are not a political statement.
  41. the post office needs our support.
  42. he says stupid things that make stupid people think they should listen to him (like injecting yourself with disinfectant or that hydroxychloroquine is an approved therapy for COVID-19).
  43. aren't you sick of his incessant tweets?
  44. he defunded the World Health Organization.
  45. he tried to regulate social media and throws temper tantrums when teens outsmart him.
  46. he doesn't care about police brutality and has, in fact, encouraged it.
  47. peaceful protestors should not be tear gassed.
  48. we can't look at a red hat without thinking it's a racist wearing it.
  49. "alternative facts," "fake news," "snowflakes," "good people on both sides," "when the looting starts, the shooting starts," "grab them by the pussy," "nasty women," "it is what it is," and "MAGA."
  50. he dodged the draft, has no respect for POWs, and calls military heroes "losers."
  51. it would be so nice to see the White House and not feel disgusted.
  52. he doesn't seem to uphold rules and laws or doesn't think they apply to him.
  53. he's a bully who threatens those who don't support him or stand by his illogical demands.
  54. he has destroyed the reputation of the Republican party, making it hard to know where our Republican friends really stand.
  55. his State of the Union addresses lack dignity and are simply a show he puts on, and when Nancy Pelosi tears up his speech filled with lies, SHE'S the bad guy?
  56. he takes no responsibility for his failures.
  57. we're all so sick of the gaslighting.
  58. he has friends in LOW places - and many of his associates have been convicted of various crimes.
  59. he used the Bible as a prop and disrespects religion, (yet somehow evangelicals follow him).
  60. he is a fascist
  61. we miss music and art and plants in the White House.
  62. we need a president who doesn't undermine every guidance lesson and lifeskill we teach in schools.
  63. he has packed the judicial system with extreme right-wing judges.
  64. we've had enough chaos.
  65. he holds super-spreader events.
  66. of Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch.
  67. he gave Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom.
  68. he uses the White House for political campaign events. That is not supposed to happen.
  69. he's caused our nation to develop ADHD as the "master distractor" keeps news reporters moving from one scandal to the next. 
  70. his completely childish behavior at the debate shows just how much he disrespects the American people.
  71. it's your civic duty.
  72. people have died for your right to vote.
  73. it's the only way we get to keep our democracy.
  74. young students are begging for gun safety reform.
  75. his response to the devastation in Puerto Rico was insulting.
  76. he raised tariffs.
  77. he uses the office of the presidency to benefit his family's businesses. 
  78. he tear gassed migrant mothers and children at the border.
  79. we are on the brink of civil war.
  80. politics isn't a spectator sport, and you can't complain if you aren't participating.
  81. it's time to raise minimum wage.
  82. DACA recipients can't, even though they pay taxes, are frontline workers, may have only ever known this land as their home, and raise American citizens. You can be their voice.
  83. we need to help uproot oppressive policies.
  84. people in power are hoping you won't; they actively try to suppress your vote.
  85. Planned Parenthood needs our support so that women can get the health care and preventative care they need.
  86. student loan debt "crushes opportunity." We need people in power to help do something about it!
  87. higher education should be more affordable.
  88. we need leaders who are loyal and accountable to their constituents - rather than trying to appease a bully president.
  89. not everyone is so privileged that they don't have to worry about elections.
  90. billionaires don't need tax breaks.
  91. it feels so empowering to let your voice be heard.
  92. you get one of those stickers that shows everyone around you that you took part in something so special and sacred, and it reminds them that they can, too.
  93. you can take a selfie and post it for all your friends to see!
  94. our system needs bail reform.
  95. justice means having a balance of perspectives in our courts.
  96. no one should be against windmills.
  97. Native Americans shouldn't be forced to have oil pipelines through their land.
  98. if you're reading this, you most likely have an easier time voting than others who are either too poor, feel threatened, can't leave work, and/or have no transportation to get to the polls.
  99. not voting changes nothing.
  100. it matters.
  101. the sooner you do, the sooner the political texts, calls, and mail will stop.
  102. why not?
*This is not about voting for Biden/Harris. They don't necessarily excite me. This is about voting the other guy OUT. Get him out of our House. He has not earned another term. Please show up at the polls! Bring friends, bring neighbors, bring family. Make plans, not excuses. Vote the WHOLE ballot; don't stop at the top. Vote early! Plan to wait. Bring a snack, bring a water bottle, bring a chair. Just show up! SHOW the fuck UP!

Saturday, October 10, 2020


I never imagined that I'd have a sukkah in my own backyard. But, the year we got married (2009), Sam and I were sitting in Yom Kippur services at Temple, and after an announcement made by the rabbi about upcoming events in the Temple sukkah, Sam turned to me and said, "Let's build a sukkah this year." Haha, very funny, I thought. He said, "No, seriously, let's build a sukkah." I was still thinking he was joking, as we both are not that observant or religiously motivated to figure out how to construct anything like this. Neither of us grew up with a sukkah in our backyard or even observing Sukkot. We maybe went to the Temple sukkah during Sunday School classes, or maybe met our family for Temple events like a handful of times growing up, but it's like a blip in my memory. So, this idea of us having a sukkah was crazy. But, Sam was set in his decision and spent the next week shopping for materials, researching how to build a sukkah, and constructing one in our backyard. That first year, our sukkah leaned to one side. It fell over by the second or third night. I thought that was the end of our Sukkot adventures, but the following year, Sam was determined to get our sukkah back up and more stable. That year, it did stand up the whole week, but it still leaned a bit. We wised-up and learned to use our backyard fence as one of the walls one year, and that significantly helped while at the Darion house. 
One night, when Banner was 3 and Quinn was 1, we made a Southern-style meal, and I just happened to call is "Southern Sukkah" in a FaceBook post. The following night, the Fire Department had open houses for Fire Prevention Week. We had plans to take the boys to our local fire house, so I made a meal that was fire-themed and called it our "Fire Sukkah." And, thus began the next several nights of "themes." I NEVER intended to continue Sukkot theme nights, but it kind of took on a life of its own after that. And, once the boys were old enough to remember the year before, they began getting excited to come up with themes and ideas with me. Now, it's a full-blown craziness that we start planning for in July. The boys will help add to our ever-growing list of ideas throughout the year, so we have plenty of theme nights to choose from. 

Over the years, Sam perfected our sukkah. He doubled it in size, he got more efficient at quickly building it, even with little boys running around him, and he has added decoration, lights, and stability. At the same time, our themes have gotten crazier and more intense. As much as the sukkah shenanigans and the themes can get kind of crazy, I absolutely love the memories we are making with the boys and with our friends and family who join us each year. 

A friend of mine told me a couple years ago that I should write a book about our Sukkot themes. Maybe I will one day, but in the meantime, I thought at least a blog post would help me reflect on all the sukkah themes we've had in the past. So here's a look back! 


Corn on the cob, fried chicken, watermelon, mashed potatoes.

Yummy "stop, drop, and roll-em-up" hot dogs, pretzel matches, and "water" jello! Then, it was on to Open House at the Fire Station for Fire Prevention Week!

Sam made chicken pot pie; I made Oreo Pudding Pi(e). . . not the healthiest, but definitely yummy!


Hamburgers, french fries, fruit, milkshakes, and Howdy Doody playing in the background.

Yummy taco lasagna, rice, veggies, and chips


Personal pizzas and circle veggies - followed by scoops of ice cream and circle bananas!


It's amazing how much cantaloupe a kid will eat when you call them "fire balls!" Pizza, fire power, and power mushrooms.

Had a lot of fun being creative with this theme: hot dog octopuses (or, "octopi," if you prefer), shell mac & cheese, crab crescent rolls, veggies, fruit, ocean jello and sand dollar cookies for dessert - followed by digging in the sand with our cousins!


This was Banner's idea, and it was one of my favorites! The boys had a blast with the theme. The lightsaber napkins were a hit. We ate Star Wars mac and cheese, "asteroid" dogs, fruit sabers, and Chewbacca cookies with our "Yoda soda" or "Space Juice."

We ate chicken fingers, angel hair pasta, pirate's booty, potato skins, ears of corn, (head of) lettuce, and brownie hearts for dessert. I have to say, this was the strangest meal, but it's the one I had the most fun coming up with!

We tried a new recipe: taco pockets, which were kind of like pop tart tacos.

We had purple pancakes (per Quinn's request to have "mommy's favorite color"), breakfast tacos, and "circle fries" for dinner.

Quinn invited his preschool class over after school to have ice cream and/or ice cream sandwiches in the sukkah with him. Such a fun group!

Pizza and green grapes made this meal easy and still kept with the theme. We had Ninja Turtle cookies for dessert.

If it was in the book, it was probably on the table (or at least offered!), which made this meal quite a smorgasbord! We had pears, oranges, strawberries, Swiss cheese, salami, watermelon, cupcakes, lollipops, caterpillar grapes, caterpillar "cocoons" (hot dogs), and nice green leaves. There were cherry pie pockets and ice cream cones, too!

We had animal crackers, ants on a log, grape spaghetti snakes, elephant biscuits, bananas, and zebra cakes for dessert!


Bowl full of mush (baked potato soup), red balloons (cherries), quiet old lady who was whispering "hush" (hush puppies), stars (Puffs), cow jumping over the moon (gummy cows), cheddar bunnies, and goodnight moon pies helped us honor this favorite children's book of ours. Banner read to us, and then Knox did his rendition, mostly "shushing" and saying "nigh nigh" on every page.

Dessert was served first, followed by our main course, then an appetizer. We had fun with backwards names and backwards clothes, too! Mas, Rebma, Rennab, Nniuq, and Xonk loved having Hael, Nairda, Ayam, and Ira over for dinner!

Quinn's special request! He's been a fan of this Nick Jr. show for years. It was a stretch, but we made it work with fettuccine "measuring tape," like Milli's hair, "super shape" carrots, "pattern power" fruit kabobs, and number garlic bread. We washed it down with "crazy shakes."

Tent sandwiches, hot dogs in a sleeping bag, ants on a log, corn on the cob, Aunt Mischelle's chicken fry fishing poles, and of course S'mores for dessert while we told ghost stories.

Had our favorite team mates over to enjoy pizza, Gatorade, soccer fruit cups, and soccer (zebra) cakes.

Crazy, kid-friendly dinner of rainbow fruit kabobs, rainbow carrots, and rainbow grilled cheese - followed by rainbow cupcakes.

We had the easiest meal of gold nuggets, fish and chips, cannon balls (grapes and blueberries), Pirate's Booty, a treasure of gold and silver, and Chips Ahoy Matey!


We enjoyed eating dinner with MEATLOAF, Jerry RICE, Snoop DOGG(s), CARROT Top, SHIRLEY TEMPLE, Fiona APPLE, John CANDY, "WHOOPI" (pie), Alyssa MILANO, Ariana GRANDE, Amy WINEhouse, and ICE CUBE. (OJ forgot to show up, and Kevin BACON thought he didn't fit in.) We were especially honored to dine with our friend and local celebrity,
Lorie Burch
, who was running for Congressional District 3, and her beautiful family.

In honor of Quinn's speech goals we started over the summer and have continued this semester, he wanted to have all foods that start with "s."
and I enjoyed soup, salad, steak, sandwiches, Sprite, sauce, strawberries, sweet potato fries, sherbet, and s'mores with our sweeties. We are ending the night watching silly Stuart Little.

Scarecrow stuffing (spaghetti/spaghetti squash), crystal (meat)balls, poppy(seed) muffins, Somewhere Over the Rainbow fruit, animal crackers, yellow brick road cheese cubes, Toto Tater Tots, melted Wicked Witch punch, & Tin Man Hershey hats and Ding Dongs for dessert. (We also had the movie on, although the kids had so much fun playing with friends, they didn't really "watch.")

White bread, bologna, Russian dressing, little wieners, Cheetos, mushrooms, BS (Bull Soup), a bucket of KFC, and an empty bowl of thoughts and prayers. My favorites were Lock Her Upside Down Cake, Impeach Cobbler, and a wall of carrots separating the avocados from the Ranch dressing. We read Don't Be Like Trump before bed.

Fruit rockets, sun chips, little "dippers" (chips and dip), constellation pretzels and marshmallows, Star Wars mac & cheese, flying saucer sliders, planet mandarins/pineapple rings, moon pies, and a lunar landing cake.

We enjoyed pupperoni pizza, Pupsi, pawsta, "kibble" (Cocoa Puffs), dog bones (Scooby Snacks), Paw Patrol nuggets, and Jello water bowls.

All of our boys have loved this show as toddlers, and Knox is especially enamored with it. So, this one was all for him! If you or your kids are Gabba fans, you'll know why we had green beans, carrots, Dazzleberry Lemonade, bananas, and pancakes & syrup along with Plex Mix, Toodee Fruity, Muno treats, and Oskie Bugs tonight. Loved hearing all the Gabba quotations throughout the evening: "Try it, you'll like it," "Don't stop, don't give up," and "Food...Not Food."


I’d been looking forward to this theme... a potluck celebration of all the foods we eat around the Jewish calendar. Nearly every holiday was represented from Rosh Hashanah to Shavuot, including Israeli flag cups to represent Yom Ha’atzmaut. Latkes, matzah, kugel, nuts, hamantashen, gelt, apples and honey, challah, wine.... you name it, we enjoyed it! The food, the company, the Sukkah (thank you,
), the prayers (thank you,
), and the special kid-made Torah desserts (thank you,
) were all amazing!

These ninjas got a “kick” out of their favorite activity being tonight’s theme with our guests: Aunt
, Aunt
, Uncle
, and cousins Caden, Mara, Brycen, Nami, and Hayla. Each aunt brought special props to complete the look, making the evening of fruit punch, chopped broccoli, chicken with a kick, Kung “pow” beef, “blue belt” ice cream, a cheese block, and more... even more special! 🥋

For months, our little farmers had tended to our backyard garden, and this night we pulled our first carrots, so this theme was fitting! The drizzle kept us inside, but it didn’t keep us from having fun making animal balloons, eating delicious foods, and being silly with friends, Max and Havy!

From cheese and carrots to pretzels and fish, we ate all things sticks for dinner with the big boys’ best buds from school and their amazing families! Easiest Sukkah dinner yet! Kids and adults both loved wrapping up the meal with Drum Sticks and Pixy Stix in the most perfect temperature outside!

Mother Goose (and my own mother!) joined us for a night with favorite foods found throughout her lyrics. A smorgasbord of soup, sandwiches, spaghetti, and sides to represent some rhymes helped round out the celebration.


Bucket Family soup (they ate cabbage, we ate chicken noodle), bread that Charlie brings home to his family, three-course dinner gum, "You're turning violet, Violet" blueberries, lickable wallpaper (the schnozberries really taste like schnozberries!), golden eggs, Everlasting Gobstoppers, Fizzy Lifting Drink, a chocolate river, and edible teacups while watching the movie and wearing Wonkavision glasses and enjoying Candyman CANdle. 

All things playground: sliders, teeter totters, rings, trees, butterflies/bees/bugs, monkey (bread) bars, ice cream (truck), a sandbox, dirt, rocks, and hop(butter)scotch.

Silly faces

We enjoyed chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, grapes, Italian green beans, gelato, and spaghetti & meatball cupcakes! I found the cupcake idea online and loved how cute they are! Sam and I also showed the boys photos and videos from of our time in Italy during our honeymoon (over 10 years ago): our hike up Mt. Vesuvius, visiting Pompeii, learning about the Colosseum and the Vatican, tossing a coin in the Trevi Fountain, the amazing food in Florence and Naples! Così tanto divertimento! 🇮🇹

While this dinner was not the most hearty, nor was it the most nutritious, we had fun being creative. It was also fitting that our guests joined us via Zoom tonight, even though we wish they could have been here in person. While apart, we still had some of the same foods to go with our theme: chicken “bytes,” bagel bites, “bug” juice, apples, microCHIPS, hash(tag) browns, a “firewall,” worms, kernels, pea PODcast, ants on a “blog,” and cookies.

While I do not “celebrate” this awful virus, we marked the moment in time by acknowledging the impact COVID-19 has had on us. We had two of our favorites, Jed & Cherie (and Avery FaceTimed in), for a socially-distanced dinner in the sukkah with PANdemic Pizza, Coronaviruses (meatballs), mask-a-Rona & cheese, uncharted waters, ICE-olation, and Corona. (And no, we did not actually drink or inject the bleach.)

Knox struggled to learn the letter G, so we decided to drill it in a little more with a tribute to all things G! It helps that our great buddies, favorite neighbors, and in-home learning friends are Graham and George, so Knox now knows both sounds a G makes. We loved having our “pod” over to eat Grilled cheese, Green beans, Grapes, Goldfish, Garlic bread, Graham crackers, Gummy bears, and Gingerbread on Green plates!

Quinn came up with this theme. We ate mummy hotdogs, spider legs, carrot fingers, Dracula teeth, jack-o-lantern quesadillas, creepy punch, and graveyard cupcakes.


We enjoyed one final evening with a shout out to the game that has taken over our household and that of our guests’ homes. If you’re like me and know nothing about Fortnite, most of this won’t mean anything to you. If, however, you are an addict like my two oldest sons, you will recognize our Durr Burgers, medkits, slurp juice, Fishstick, Agent Peely, Marshmello, Lil Whip, and why we ate Boogie Brownie Bombs, Salty Springs, Orange Justice, and potato “Skins.” Truth be told, I loved how excited they were all day for this evening and seeing their faces light up when their game came to our kitchen.

This year, we added a little something extra. We had all of our guests sign our sukkah somewhere. We also added in all the themes around the posts. I love that our sukkah gets better each year, and I love that it's a work of art and ever-changing.  

As we wind down another Sukkot, it feels bittersweet. I'm always relieved when the week is over, but I will definitely miss just hanging out in the sukkah, the time with friends or family, and the memories we are making. It's a lot of craziness, a lot of prep and time and energy, and a lot of thought, but it's so worth it!