Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Road Trip Tips

We are not big travelers in my family. I don't like to be far from a normal routine or from familiar places with young kids, but as my boys have gotten older, I'm ready to start venturing out more and more if we are able. I've also learned that I'm more stressed out than I need to be when we go on trips, and my boys usually end up doing just fine. However, being well prepared with lots of activities and snacks definitely helps make the trip run more smoothly for everyone. So, before road trips (we've only taken Banner on a flight so far), I do a bit of research and have an arsenal of things to occupy my children's time. The fun starts as soon as the kids are in the car, so the more I have to offer, the better the trip will go. For all of you expert travelers, you probably know way more than I do, so please leave comments or ideas for me and others to learn from! NONE of these ideas are my own. I just do a lot of "Googling" a week before a trip and start getting ideas together based on what I know will work for my kids. I'll try to find the links to the sheets I used for this most recent trip, but if I can't find them, just do a Google search for the item and so many will come up.

We started our trip with a discussion of the Rules of the Road. My friend, Tobin, told me about how her family does this before each trip, and I liked it and borrowed it! More often than not, they forgot these rules, but once I reminded them - especially of the teamwork rule - they made better choices.  Another idea I used was reviewing a laminated map of where we were going. I made a front/back lamination so the boys could see the big picture and the zoomed in image of where we were traveling and how we would get there. This helped a lot with the "How much longer?!" and "Are we there, yet?!" questions. I showed them the U.S. map, where Texas is and where Missouri is, and then we flipped it over to see the route we were taking, and how we would go through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and then finally end in south Missouri. They liked knowing where we were... "Are we in Arkansas yet?" or "Are we still in Oklahoma?" That also helped coming home!
Inside the binder is a list of a variety of activities... I tend to forget what I have once I'm actually in the moment! Each printed page is in a page protector, so the kids can write in dry erase on the pocket and not ruin the paper... and then I can reuse! Each kid has his own paper, too. I took this picture after I had already used the pipe cleaners --- I gave each boy 10 pipe cleaners to construct whatever they wanted with them. I kept them in a page protector, but they've been used now! :)
Link HERE for this Scavenger Hunt
On these dot pages, just get some garage sale dot stickers or even dot paint if you're feeling brave, and let them dot away on the actual paper.
Link HERE for these Alphabet Cards
And Link Here to this spring dot printable
Another great find was the Dollar Tree cookie sheets. Each boy had his own cookie sheet to hold the papers for him or do activities on. They're  small and magnetic and work great!  The Dollar Tree was awesome for the paddles, mini MagnaDoodles, bubbles, and some shower caddies to help organize all their loot and snacks/lunch. We also checked out some of the Playaway sets from the library - and just brought headphones for the bigs to use while Knox tried to nap. Dollar Tree also sells window clings - usually seasonal stuff - so I bought some St. Patrick's Day clings and let the boys decorate their back windows however they wanted.

(Magna doodles, shower caddy for each boy, dry erase paddles, and puzzle making)
I created some activity bags a LONG time ago but never really used them. They came in handy this trip! Velcro popsicle sticks, lacing cards, magnetic letters, and some little books Knox loved.

Good ole activity books are always a hit, as are simple coloring books and crayons.
And, of course, when all else fails, a good movie will definitely help calm everyone! I did some research on something like the Top 50 movies kids should see and great movies for young kids, and I got some great results. I used the local library to request these DVDs and had them hold them for me so I could just run in and out in literally 2 minutes with my stash a couple days after I requested them. I LOVE our library! These 10 movies kept us entertained during our trips there and back, and gave us two movie nights while away, too! We didn't get to three of them yet - but we still have a lot of spring break left!

That pretty much sums up our road trip activities. Oh, yes, and the Froot Loop necklaces, made with love by Mommy and Daddy, are always a hit if you wait as long as you can and give them at like the worst point on the road - when everyone is cranky and getting sick and tired of our tight quarters. 

Silly boy . . . but see the window clings in the back?

(And don't forget to share your ideas, too!)

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