Monday, October 16, 2017

20-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Twenty months today, and I’m in a major state of denial. You’ve become quite mature this month, becoming the little boy you are and should be becoming, while everyone around you falsely believes you are still a baby. I’m one of those people. I have to keep reminding myself that you are nearing two years old, and you are well capable of understanding us and of being treated like a big boy… but as always, I’m holding on to the baby I want you to stay for a little longer. While this month has seen great strides in your maturity, not much has changed otherwise:

-You’re calling me “Mommy,” instead of “Mama.” This upsets me, even though it’s the cutest “Mommy,” and it just might help us differentiate between when you want me and when you want Grandma since both of us have been “Mama” for a while.

-You’re speaking in some sentences: “I want that ball,” “I want that," "No, I don't want that."

-You're liking My Gym classes still, too - and I always look forward to spending that time with you. You're finally becoming a little less serious there - and you're starting to actually smile there! Although, the separation time there is rough on you and you do NOT like to be away from me.

-Speaking of, school has been a little easier for you, thank goodness! Daddy reports that you've started walking in to school with a SMILE! Yahoo! Your teachers have reported several "good" days where you don't cry at all! I think/hope you're starting to realize that being at school is more fun than being either bored at home or schlepped around to run errands. 

-Another fun thing we do together on Fridays is the Rhyme Time at the library. I will say, though, you are getting a little too comfortable in those classes. You kinda act like you own the place, and perhaps because you are one of the oldest babies in there now, we might try out the Toddler Time instead. 

-Perhaps my new favorite is that you say “Thank you!” (although it sounds more like “tank too”). Other new words: "read," "water," "knock knock," "dancing," "shoes," and "Banner" which sounds like "B'nuh."

-Oh, the knock-knock jokes... those are in full swing around here, and you like to do your own joke. It goes a little something like this: "Na-Nok!" as you tap your palm with the other hand. (We say, "Who's there?") "Boo!" ("Boo who?") "Boooooooo," you sing as you do a little dance. You think it's quite cute and smile at yourself while doing your little boogie (get it? "boo"gie!).

-You haven’t been sleeping well at all lately. We’re going to have to let you cry-it-out for a bit in the next few nights and hope for the best. Daddy and I have given in to the crying too much, laying on your floor and even holding your hand to get you to lay back down and go to sleep. It works, and we all get sleep, but it’s happening numerous times a night now. I’m not sure if you are getting teeth or your allergies are bugging you or what… but it kinda needs to stop, and I’d like for you to work on that! Please.

-You cannot get enough of TV watching. Your favorite thing to watch is the movie Sing!, but you call it “yah, yah,” because your favorite part is when Johnny sings “I’m Still Standing,” and the lyrics following that line are: “yeah, yeah, yeah.” And, then, you love to tap your foot like the porcupine character does when she sings her song at the end of the movie. 

-You want to be more and more independent. You want to feed yourself with a spoon, even though you still make a huge mess when doing so. You do not want to sit in the high chair; you want to sit like your brothers do in the regular seats. You say, “Mine!”

Knox Morgan, even though we still don't understand a great deal of your words, you let us know what you want and what you're trying to say. We are a pretty amazing team at figuring out what you want or are trying to show us. You pull on our hands when you want us to come with you; you point to what you want; you get upset when we don't listen or tell you it's not time for snack or that game or to watch a show. You've been quite the demanding little guy lately -wanting our attention and your needs met PRONTO. You are very into snacking/grazing throughout the day. You are NOT so in to meals. Yes, I realize those play into each other, but this is seemingly how you want it to be - lots of little meals throughout the day and not so much a big one three times. You can't get enough TV time and always want to "watch, watch" something, but it takes me a great bit of time to figure out what it is you want. It's so hard to sit idly by while you throw your little frustrated tantrum, and I SO get it that you are angry that you can't have what you want all the time. I'm pretty good at ignoring it, which only pisses you off more, but it's kind of a rite of passage, little buddy. I'm sorry. 

No, really. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't just sit and cuddle with you as much as I want to. I'm sorry your brothers demand so much of my time and attention. I'm sorry I can't hold you while I cook dinner the whole time or let you drink Danimal after Danimal. I'm sorry I can't let you walk on the couch or stand on the piano or climb out of your high chair. I'm sorry I can't let you open the back door for the umpteenth time while Daddy builds the sukkah. I'm sorry you can't run down the street chasing Grandma's car or keep saying goodbye to BeeBee with the door wide open after she's driven off minutes ago. I'm sorry I don't let you run around with Magic Markers or let you draw all over the kitchen table. I'm sorry you don't get to drink the water from Banner's water bottle as he's leaving for school in the morning and that I don't let you poor milk from your sippy cup all over your tray. I'm sorry you can't ride your big brothers' bicycles yet or that I don't let you run after the basketball you rolled down the alley. I'm sorry that I have to buckle you in your carseat. I'm sorry that I'd like to wash your hands after you finish eating spaghetti, that Daddy's boots aren't fitting you like you want, and that you can't sit in your carseat with a backpack on. It's hard being the little one, I'm sure. But, you do it so well, and those big brothers of yours love you fiercely, and you love them too.

One of my new favorite things I've seen you do is want to hug everyone and give kisses so nicely. You've done this for a while, but it seems to be something you enjoy now, too - so you do it more often. When I got home from the Women's Retreat this past weekend, it was the longest we'd been away from each other - and you came through the front door from a birthday party to find me home already, and you just lit up and gave me the biggest hug after hug after hug. Oh, that was so nice and heartwarming to come home to. Oh, Baby Love, I just love loving you, and I love how perfectly you fit into this family.

I love you so much, Knoxy!
Happy 20-Months!!

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