Sunday, July 16, 2017

17-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Summer always seems to fly faster, so it's not a surprise that it feels like yesterday when I was just writing your 16-month post. Today, you're one month closer to one and a half, and that saddens me. As much as I love watching you grow up - and I'm grateful you are doing so quite beautifully - I can't help but feel a little sad as my baby keeps distancing himself from being just that - a baby. You're getting quite tall, becoming so independent, now have a mouth nearly full of teeth, and can communicate with such proficiency for a young toddler your age. I have so enjoyed this last month with you, spending our days alone while Banner and Quinn are at camp. We've tried out so many new cool things, and it's so exciting to be the one to join you on these new adventures you're experiencing.

So, what have you been up to this month?

-You're saying all kinds of new words - and new ones pop up and surprise us daily! Yesterday, for example, Daddy asked, "Who wants __?" (I can't remember exactly what he was asking, but it was some kind of food - like who wants cheese pizza or who wants milk or something in the kitchen.) You said, "ME!" and Daddy and I looked at each other not expecting you to answer as your brothers do. It makes sense that you would, but it was a surprise that you chimed in - and even before they responded. In the last week or so, whenever I call your name, you answer, "What?" It kills me ... that you've picked up on these little nuances we all take for granted - to answer with this word. But, it's the cutest little "what," more like "wahhhht" with the slightest little /t/ at the end as your voice raises in question. You also now say "um" for "come" or "some"  - if it's "come," you will pull us where you want, if it's "some," you will point to what you want. You also added: "ish" (fish), "hat," and "vigh" (five) - although that one came along before this month and I'm just remembering to add it in your list.

-You enjoy singing and humming so much. You happily chime in with us when you know a song like "Twinkle, Twinkle" or "Old McDonald." You say the last words of a phrase or line, and you can pitch match very well! On Yo Gabba Gabba, you may not know all the words, but you happily match the tune and try your best to sing along. (Speaking of Gabba, you like to say the standard lines that DJ Lance says: "awesome!" or "bye bye" or "awwww" at the end of the show.)

-You gave up bottles this month! I'm happy to announce you are bottle-free, but as I wrote in this post, I'm saddened at the fact that we're done with them, too.

-We also officially have one nap a day now.

-You attended your first movie this month (Despicable Me 3) and did amazingly well. You also went to play at the "beach" for the first time - getting those toes in the sand was quite an experience for you! And, we celebrated my birthday, Father's Day, and the 4th of July for the second time in your life.

-We started My Gym classes this month, too. Your first class was so fun for me to be back where Quinn and I spent so many months in class there together. I was excited to see how you would do. Much to my delight, you seemed to love the set-up and the activities right away. You don't smile much when we are there - especially when the teachers try to get one out of you; you're expressions are more like, "What are you doing? Leave me alone." You are our "stoic baby," as Daddy calls you. You're pensive and thoughtful and hard to impress when others are watching you. But, when it's just you and me, you are a giggly guy, and we are having so much fun there!

-We also began swim lessons at the rec center just last week. Ms. Violet is our instructor. I get in the pool with you, and so far these lessons are more impressive than when I swam with Banner the summer before Quinn was born. I like our time together, but you are tentative about how you feel about the water and splashing around in it. You haven't been a fan of splash parks this summer, so I'm not surprised you aren't loving the splashing that happens at our lessons. The second lesson was better for you than the first, so I'm hoping this week will also be better as you get to know the routine.

-Your favorite things: freeze-dried strawberries (although they may be creating a tiny rash around your mouth; I can't be sure yet), raisins, watching television (specifically Gabba still), standing up in your highchair - we've welcomed strapping you in again!, Danimal smoothies, dancing, going to Grandma's house, being a part of the group (mostly doing whatever your brothers are doing!), giving hugs, brushing your teeth, reading books at bedtime, waving hello and goodbye to people, and giving high fives ("vigh").

-You haven't been sleeping well at all this week. I'm not sure if you're getting a cold, have an ear infection (you have a runny nose and a mild cough), or if all these changes (one nap, no bottle) are causing unrest for you. You are getting so many teeth (all your molars are popping up), too. There are lots of reasons you may be struggling at night, but whatever it is, you've needed lots of cuddles and attention in the middle of the night for hours on end. I've spent the last two nights on your bedroom floor reassuring you that I'm still there for several hours. I really wish you would sleep. I also don't blame you. I'm pretty fun to hang out with! :) Ha... just kidding. What I really know is that you are learning so much in the past few weeks, with many new experiences and places we've been and seen. I've seen such maturity and growth in these weeks, so it's no wonder your amazing brain is processing too much in your sweet dreams that you keep waking up needing help to calm it down. Each night, Daddy and I hope you've turned a corner, but those awakenings keep happening. Hopefully, we will see a change soon!!

Knox Morgan, you fit in with our family so very well. You are a delight to spend the day with, and even if I'm tired and exhausted and annoyed being up with you at 1 AM or 2 or 3 or 4 or all of the above,  you're a delight to cuddle in the middle of the night, too. One of my favorite things is how you hold my hand or my finger and lead me where you want to go. I love how you lay "keppe" on me when you just want to snuggle. I love how you communicate in a variety of creative ways to let us know what you want. I love how sweet you smell and how soft your skin is. I love your silky, straight hair and the way your entire face lights up when you laugh or smile. I love how much you love your brothers and want to be with them. I love hearing your sweet voice telling me new words or babbling up a storm with such specific intent. I love our time together, and I'm savoring it so much! I know you won't remember much of what we are doing, but I know you'll feel the bond and the love we have for each other growing each day. (And don't worry, I'm taking lots of pictures for you!)

Happy 17-Months, Knoxy!
We all love you so very much!

Photos courtesy of Laura Weinstein Photography

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