Wednesday, May 17, 2017

15-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
This one snuck up on me big time! Before I knew it, May 15th had come and gone, and I didn't even know that I had kissed my 14-month-old goodnight for the last time before realizing the date after you had gone to sleep. My heart broke a little that I didn't mentally acknowledge it, and I feel like for the first time, your third-child status snuck in to my absent-mindedness of the details of your age. I know, I'm being too hard on myself, but each month is a milestone still, and you are learning and growing at a super-fast speed, so I want to be in the moment and savor it as it comes! But, life is fast, and things are happening, and we are busy - oh so busy! But, we did wish you a happy 15-month birthday yesterday. And, I did write this post on your actual 15-month birthday... but I purposefully waited to post it until today in order to await the details of your 15-month well-check. So, although it went unnoticed in the final moments of your last day as a 14-month-old, it is certainly not forgotten that we're a quarter-way through your second trip around the sun.

So, what have you been up to this month?

-Climbing and more climbing! You're a pro at the stairs. You love perching up on stools. You've mastered getting up on every couch (and LOVE our new one!) in the house. Last night, you even mastered climbing up on the chair in the waiting area of our new swim school - and it was a tall chair!

-You are a dancing machine!! You dig a good tune. You have great rhythm when you dance, too! You like to copy Quinn's break dancing. You've been trying to hum along or attempt singing! I love this!

-You still love your bottles, but you so don't need them. I'm dragging my feet on dropping them altogether, but I've offered no bottles during the middle of the day - only in the morning and at night. But, you get so excited when you see your bottle, that it's hard to drop it! Mommy is such a push-over!

-You haven't really added any words this month, but you are solidifying the ones you have. You've been attempting "Banner," but it doesn't sound much different than "Baaaer" or other "Baahhh" words - which can often be "bottle"  or "ball" too. But, it's definitely clear when you are calling him. You continue to say "more," "up," "all done," "I did it!," "Dada," "bye-bye," "ball," and are able to now say "Hayla," too! You certainly like to babble and pretend to have a full conversation, and you make your needs and wants known pretty clearly. You point, you make us follow you, you look at what you want. You pucker your face up and furrow your brow if you don't like something, and you whine when you are not happy - although mostly it's a fake whine.

-You by the numbers:
  • 19-20 months - your developmental age! Mr. Smarty Pants!
  • 24.5 pounds - your weight, which is the 75th percentile
  • 31 7/8 inches - your height, which is the 75th percentile
  • 47 cm is your head size, which is the 55th percentile
  • Size 4 diapers - coming to an end, though! I've stopped ordering those, and we're ready to finish those off and start the big stash of 5's we have left-over from Quinn's last diaper deliveries nearly a year ago! 
  • Size 18 month clothes - but starting to get snug on you!
  • 4 pacifiers - all purple, all equally loved!
  • 2 naps (more on this below)
  • 5 teeth - but an upper one on the way
-My goal is to get you through the rest of May and part of June on 2 naps a day still. Then, I'd like to phase those out your morning nap by mid-June.

Knox Morgan, I am so smitten with you. I CANNOT WAIT until summer when you and I will get some extra extra-special time together without big brothers around, with uninterrupted, napless mornings, with fun new experiences I have planned for you! I cannot wait to explore the world through YOUR eyes, just like I did with Banner and with Quinn when it was just B or just Q and me! I savor that one-on-one time with my boys. I relish in the newness of the cool stuff we will get to do without the rush to get you home for a morning nap and then an afternoon nap. Many parents dread the days their kids drop a nap, but me... I'm so ready! World, here we come this summer! Camp Mommy is going to be a blast!

As we move into the next month, our busy-ness will not end! Neither will my love for you! I'm so happy to be your Ma-Ma!

Happy 15 Months, Knoxipoo!
Oh, Baby Love, how I love loving you!

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