Monday, January 16, 2017

11-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Fast: a word that describes both you and this past month. Where is time going? How are you already a month away from your first birthday? How is it already time to plan your first party? Yet, how have we only known each other for only one year? This month brought few changes - but plenty more experiences.

-You're walking as if you came out of the womb with running shoes on.

-You have about 5-6 words - not that anyone else would know what they mean, but Daddy, Grandma, BeeBee, and I know what you're saying. You have a sound for "more," "here," "bottle," "up," and "ball." They are mostly just initial sounds "hehhh" for here or "muhhh" for more; "bah" for bottle and ball depending on what you are looking at. And you clearly say "Hi!!!" and "bye-bye." I've heard "mama" and "dada" many times, but I can't be sure you are calling us or saying our names specifically yet.

-You hate baby food. You'll tolerate it here and there, but it is definitely something you're entirely ready to have disappear. You don't even love little cut-up pieces of food. You like the big stuff - big 'ole chunks of bagels or pizza or pear or pasta... you name it, you do not want bits of it. You wanna sink your teeth into it. (And, those teeth are precious!!!)

-You blow kisses.! I LOVE THIS! Complete with a "muah" sound.

-A few days after your 10-month birthday, you slipped and bonked your mouth on the coffee table. A scar was born that day. It's immediately under your bottom lip, and I'm not sure it will fade much more, but I hear "chicks dig scars" from our pediatrician, and Banner has a similar scar on his lip from a similar fall - so hopefully you won't be too upset by it.

-You are a little shy and cling to me around new people. You bury your head against me or into my leg, and I adore the safety you feel with me.

-Speaking of, I just love our attachment to one another. I love our cuddles, the way you want to be held all the time (even if it can be frustrating during dinner prep), how you run to me when something frightens you or the boys are too loud. I just love that we love each other and that you know I'm here for you when you need me.

-You got your first pair of shoes! Grandma has a tradition with each grandchild, getting them their first pair of shoes. We tried to wait until your birthday, but you walked at 9 and half months, and not putting you down outside was getting frustrating for both of us. So, shoes became a must, and she took you just last week to get your first pair. And you love your newfound freedom!

-Some of your favorite things include: putting your mouth on the opposite end of our Sonicare toothbrushes as it vibrates; squealing with your brothers as they play chase and often times try to get you too; Yo Gabba Gabba; climbing on everything; chicken; bagel; being held; when Mommy or Daddy get home; your pacis; grabbing whatever you can get your hands on out of the fridge; getting into the dishwasher; being DONE changing a diaper or being DONE getting dressed (because you cannot STAND doing either of those).

-Stats: size 4 diapers (6 overnights); Level 4 nipple; Size 18 month clothes; size 5W shoe (you measured 4.5, but we went up a little), one cold this month, and 4 teeth total!

-You're crying it out these days nights. We've had enough, so midnight wakings are no longer responded to, and most nights you do a great job soothing yourself back to sleep with little problem. (Fingers crossed... gah, I just wrote that, so we know what's coming now...)

Knox Morgan, I've been dreading this particular post for months. I don't want there to only be one month left before you are officially a year old! Once it's here, I'll be just fine, and we will celebrate! But, for now, I'm mourning your infancy that is no longer a part of our every day. You are a toddler now, and I feel like this last month before you are one is the beginning of the end of your babyhood. It's not like anything magical happens at one. (I once thought that with Banner. I expected that when he turned 12-months old, all of a sudden we'd be able to do all kinds of crazy one-year-old stuff .... like playing with Play Doh or painting or building sand castles. Ha. I was so very wrong, and it would be months before he'd stop putting everything in his mouth to allow us to explore new things!) It's not like you become this different person next month, but it's a turning of the page. A new chapter. The year you were one. This whole past year was your first everything, and every time we thought about the year before, there was no you, or I was pregnant with you. But, looking ahead at the coming year, at your second trip around the sun, I know it starts to speed up. Babyhood is drifting by, a fleeting space and time that I can't hold on to any longer. I'm grasping at it, and I can feel you growing up too quickly already. You're walking, nearly running already. You're talking in your own way. You're fabulously interested in whatever your brothers are doing. You love fiercely and show affection with such compassion. You seem to have no time for petty baby things - ready for all memories of your babyhood to be distant and left behind in the settling dust. But, I'm not ready, Knox. I'm not ready.

So, I'm gonna soak up this whole month and love loving you before you turn one. And, after that, nothing will change -  just your age and NEVER my love for you. As I've always told your brothers, you are ALWAYS my baby - no matter how old you are. Goodness, Baby Love, I love you more than I could ever tell you. Every ounce of me, every piece of my being, adores you and loves you so very much.

Happy 11-Months!

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