Thursday, October 9, 2014

13-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
I love you, son. I love you dearly. But, I'm going to be perfectly honest and tell you that this month sucked. We had an amazing time celebrating your big birthday, and I enjoyed reflecting on your year. September was bittersweet as I constantly thought back to your birth and bringing you home and all the "at this time last year" thoughts. You've come so far, grown so much, and continued to dive deeper into my heart. But, this month has genuinely tried both of us. Maybe it's because you are finally getting teeth(!), or maybe it's because your separation anxiety is at an all-time high (even when I thought it couldn't get much worse!), or maybe it's because Mommy started a part-time (temporary) job that has you all confused. Whatever "it" is, you have become a horrible napper, and you aren't eating as well, even though you are seemingly hungrier than ever before (perhaps because you no longer drink formula which may have had more calories?). It's been a hard month on me, because while I love you so, so much - more and more than ever before (which I never thought could even be possible!) - you are draining me! Getting you to rest, when it's all I want to do, is truly awful and sometimes pointless. I just wish I could figure out what has made you so resistant to sleep. Is it your reflux? Are you afraid? Does your tummy hurt? Are you worried you'll miss out on something? Do you just miss us when we leave your room? Such a puzzle! Don't get me wrong, sweet boy, I LOVE cuddling you and rocking you and holding you... but I just can't do it all day or all night! I wish I could, but I'm physically (and mentally) drained!

Yet, when you up and awake, you really are such a great baby! You're personality is so fun and sweet. You are curious and inquisitive about the world around you. You are mostly pretty quiet (except when you go on your screaming/squealing sprees), you are generally a pretty good listener and don't like to be "in trouble," you are learning and responding and so, so fun!

So, what else are you up to??

-You have teeth!!! I'm not really sure how many to count yet, but your first one was your upper right tooth. It's taken a LONG time to come in, though. The upper left is also making a small appearance. And, your bottom left is there, but I can't see the right one yet. . . just a little slit. (So, three and a half teeth, maybe?)

-You walk like a pro. While you still walk like a drunken sailor from time to time, you are faster and faster and extremely proficient in balancing and managing your space.

-You point. (You started doing this a little before your first birthday, but I wasn't sure how consistently you were doing it, so I didn't write about it last month.)

-You say a few words: "nana" for banana, "Mama," "Dada," "Nah" for no, "gucky" for yucky, and "up." You repeat a few words: down, out for example. I think "baba" is Banner, but I'm not sure yet.

-Your schedule looks a little like this: Wake up around 6:15ish and put yourself back to sleep until 7:30. You immediately get your Prevacid, and then you get a 7 oz  whole milk bottle approximately 30 minutes later. We take Banner to school (or at least get him ready for Daddy to take him) around 8:40. Then, we either attempt a morning nap, or I keep you awake. We leave for Grandma's house around 10:20 so I can drop you there while I go to work for a bit. (On days I don't work, we play at home or run errands.) You eat lunch around noon. You go down for a (first or maybe second?) nap around 1:30 (earlier if you haven't napped yet). When you get up (assuming you even fell asleep!), you get a 4-5 oz bottle, which we'll be dropping soon. We eat dinner around 6:00, and then you and Banner take a bath together around 6:45. You're usually asleep around 7:15-7:30, but lately you've been struggling to get to sleep (see above!). Nights have been harder this month - with lots of midnight waking and unsound sleep for us all.

-So, you are in between needing 1 and 2 naps each day. That has really posed problems on guessing what kind of day it's going to be. Hence, the difficulty with your sleeping. You definitely still need two naps on some days, but others, you can handle just one and then go down beautifully (usually). 

-You've become a pickier eater. Textures of some foods don't sit well with you - and if it's sticky, forget it! We've introduced you to eggs, fish, and strawberries. You liked the fish, you liked the eggs if we fed them to you (you don't like the feel of them), and you only ate strawberries once I put chocolate sauce on them! :) You've been spitting out beef and chicken (not meatballs, though). You don't like brisket. You like spaghetti if it doesn't stick to you. And, you can't get enough of bananas.

-You are taking more risks and exploring more on your own, but you are also pretty obedient when we say "no." I'm hoping this stays true for a long time to come - as it would certainly be a nice reprieve from your brother's antics! Daddy and I are not used to a boy who actually listens to "no"! Banner seemed/seems to get a kick out of making us continue to say no! You are much more my personality when it comes to this - I never wanted to be in trouble!

-You went to services at Temple for your first Rosh Hashanah and also for Yom Kippur. And, this week, Daddy built a sukkah - and we had our first dinner in it last night! You seemed to really like eating outside in this different environment. It is a nice change of scenery!

Sweet Quinn, you are a cuddler, a shy, sensitive, loving little boy. I am so in love with you and your personality, and I love seeing more and more of it unfold. I hope we are all able to find rest pretty soon and that whatever is bothering you passes quickly. I really think it's your teeth, and I hope they come in quickly so this pain will pass for you already! 

Happy 13 Months, My Love!
I love you so very much!

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