Monday, May 5, 2014

The Mess Among Us

While I get frustrated at the state of my once-uncluttered home, it's sometimes refreshing to just stop getting so upset over the chaos of the toys and embrace that little people live here. This is their home, too, and they have made their presence VERY known. There are times when they spend the night at my mom's house, when Sam and I have a break from the bedtime routine and the midnight wakings and the early mornings. On those nights, even after a nice date or evening with friends, I want to come home and clean it all up without little hands getting in the way or undoing everything I've just done. But, ironically, it's on those nights that I most crave the mess - when the boys are gone and I have a glimpse into what it will feel like when they aren't here in this house anymore. I miss them like CRAZY when they're not here, and I get nostalgic for these days already - yes, the days that I'm still living in! So, tonight, even though the boys are here at home and soundly sleeping, I'm missing them and embracing their mess. We had a night tonight when the toys didn't get cleaned up before bath and bedtimes. So, their toys and things are exactly how they left them, and each little area tells a story. Like I said before, I often cannot STAND this mess... but look at this. Just look at their mess. It's playful, it's memory-making, it's creative, it's beyond cute, and it's evidence that little boys and their play are alive and well in this house! And, I wouldn't want it any other way! Oh, thank God for my babies and their little messes.

While my boys sleep soundly,
Quinn sound asleep
Banner all played-out
their house is still wide awake:

Dino eating some bouncy balls
Rain boots resting, sippy cup discarded
Digger ready to go - sheltering some turned-over trucks
Train tracks and hard hat awaiting assembly
Dino just hangin' in the net
Crossing guard still at work, and a tourist walks around
A baby doll freezing his butt off, a sleepy elephant, and a dying roach?
Remnants of fun with Play Doh
A lone Lego and a forgotten oven mitt
An eager frog, waiting for the fridge door to open
A tool kit waiting for its shapes, and a poor airplane needing to be rescued
Monster truck will have to wait to be towed until tomorrow
Shoes left on the couch . . . they'll surely be looked for tomorrow
Truck depot. . . you can barely see the fire truck in the far back left, then a bulldozer, a school bus, and another fire truck, and of course the Truck Book open to the Mail Truck page
A bathtub presents a masterpiece - which will be cleaned and redecorated . . .  tomorrow.

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