Thursday, January 9, 2014

4-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
Today, you are 4-months old. I say it all the time, but really I'm in disbelief. It's already time to start thinking about feeding you "solids" (rice cereal really), to bring out the Jumperoo, make room for the Exersaucer, expect you to drop your mid-night "snack," and await more and more milestones! This month has been a little rough - you had your second cold, are much more alert (which can be frustrating when you feel more awake at the end of a sleep cycle, which means Daddy and I are soothing you and re-pacying you many times a night), and you are making your presence known (by crying for attention and wanting more fun things to do). But, this is when the fun really starts, as we are seeing more and more of your sweet personality. Let me tell you about it!

-You are squealing and "talking" up a storm! You even do it in the middle of the night. I'm sometimes afraid that you will wake your big brother with your loud cooing and squeals at 4am!

-You're experimenting with your tongue a lot: clicking, sticking it out, sucking on it.

-You are a big boy! We don't have any official measurements yet (we will next week at your 4-month check-up), but you have outgrown most of your 3-month outfits, and even 3-6 month clothing is getting snug. I, personally, am much more comfortable dressing you in 6-month stuff because YOU look more comfortable. This works out well since Banner was wearing 6-month clothing during these months, so the seasons work out pretty nicely that you can wear his warm 6-month outfits even at only 4-months old.

-You are trying to sit up by leaning forward from a laying position...getting quite the ab workout!

-You LOVE your hands. You hold them together, suck and chew on them, and grab all the time.

-I've enjoyed watching you play with your toys more - as you grab and swat at them now. You are also bearing weight on your legs, so I can hold you in a standing position and you can really see the world around you more.

-You're more easily predictable - grunting when you poop, gurgling right before you spit up, and getting pretty fussy when you're tired. You want to be entertained, often getting bored if we leave your side for a minute. And, while you don't have a set schedule yet - your routine is very cyclical. Wake/eat/play/sleep, that's what you do about three times a day before bed. You stay up for about an hour and a half to two hours tops - unless it's way too close to your bedtime for another nap, and then I have to do everything in my power to keep you calm and awake for over two hours (you made it 3 hours once or twice this month)! You wake up anywhere between 6:30-7:30 and take about 5.5-6 ounces. You are getting much slower at eating - not sure why. What used to take you 15-20 minutes is now taking about 30-35 minutes. I'm not sure if you are just not hungry, too interested in other things, bored with your food? I plan to talk to Dr. B about it next week. Anyway, you repeat this cycle of wake/eat/play/sleep until we start bath around 6:30 and have another bottle (usually a fourth or fifth bottle of the day) at 7:00ish. Then, when you wake up at night - anytime between 1:30-5:00 (but typically around 3:30), we give you only 3 ounces.

-You still LOVE your bath time, and I do too. You could really stay in the tub for a long time, but I often have to hurry to feed you before you fall asleep, so bath can get rushed sometimes. I'm hoping as you can stay awake a little longer that we can enjoy this time even more.

-You rolled belly-to-back on New Year's Day. You did it twice while Banner was taking a nap, and Daddy and I were watching you at Grandma & Papa's house (after Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's brunch). You were 16 weeks and 2 days old. And, you've done it again in your crib since then, but that's all we've seen so far. I'm working with you every day to make this easier for you, but you just love your belly so much that you relax and think it's time for bed - not time to work out and play - often putting your arms by your sides instead of up near your head to help you push over.

-Overall, you are a very happy baby. Usually cooing and smiling, laughing, and engaging. You know your name, too - often looking to see who called it with a big grin.

This month, you had lots of time with family (New Year's Eve and Day, Christmas, Candlelight, a shower for Uncle Erick & Aunt Kira, brunch with friends, and cousin Brian was in town), and you had a few outings with Banner while he was on winter break. You were a trooper, too! I'm so glad you can still fall asleep on me in the sling I wear; that definitely makes it easier on everyone! I'm trying my best to get you on a schedule and make sure you are getting the necessary rest in your own crib - while also balancing Banner's need to get out of the house. This is not an easy task, so I really appreciate you being able to go-with-the-flow!

My favorite part of our day is definitely holding you right before bed. I look forward to this moment each night - still trying to memorize your body in my arms, as each evening brings you one day older and one day farther from my newborn. You're still changing a great deal - "losing" your hair (really, your head is just getting bigger so the hair you DO have is spreading out!), getting more smiley and giggly, growing taller, and discovering so many things around you. You and I have a special bond - I can see how much you love me in your eyes and in your smile. And, sweet boy, I sure hope you know how much I so love you! You are one well-liked and well-loved little man, and I am so eager to see what this month brings. I am ready for this exciting ride of new things with you - seeing how you like eating (something other than formula!), seeing you roll around, hearing more laughs and watching what entertains you. But, more than anything, I can't wait to love you each day - again and again.

Happy 4 Months, Quinn, my love!
I love you!
This was how Daddy wanted you to ring in the New Year - see next picture...
...because Daddy had a thing for facial hair as 2013 became 2014.
Just us
My handsome little guy!

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