Wednesday, January 15, 2014

4-Month Check-Up: Quinn

Today was Quinn's four-month well check. He did great! I hated that his appointment happened to fall exactly when he wanted to take a nap, but he was such a trooper and pushed past the tired. He fell asleep on me briefly while we waited for Dr. B and while Sam and I chatted with him about his routine, our concerns, and his development. Then, Quinn giggled through his entire check-up! As Dr. B checked his belly, Quinn squirmed with a bright grin from being so ticklish, and even when he checked his hips and joints, Quinn was just laughing away! I'm just so glad he was in good spirits and able to tolerate his tiredness while seemingly enjoying his exam! Of course, that all ended when he got four shots (and an oral vaccine). Poor baby cried with real tears and just screamed.

Developmentally, he is scoring between 4 and 5.5 months. Yay! I had some concerns going into this check-up because Quinn isn't rolling over very much. He has rolled belly to back about 3 times, but I haven't seen it again since last week, so I don't know that he really owns that skill yet. Dr. B says he does, he's just being lazy. I try not to compare, but this is just so opposite of Banner, so I worry. (Me? Worry? What?) Anyway, he's doing well in every way, and I'm just so happy to know there's nothing to be concerned about at this point. I'll keep working with him, and hopefully we'll see more action this week or next.

We are clear to start solid foods, but since Sam was at a late meeting, I decided to introduce rice cereal for "dinner" tomorrow night. I'm excited to see how Quinn does with it. I have a feeling my excitement will fade quickly, as it did when we first fed Banner rice cereal, when he just thrusts the mush out of his mouth with his tongue and refuses this new texture and taste.

Anyway, here are Quinn's stats at four-months-old:
  • Weight: 15 pounds, 14 ounces (up from 12 pounds, 1.5 ounces at 2-months)...75th percentile
  • Height: 26 inches (up from 22.5 inches at 2-months)... 85th percentile
  • Head: 42 centimeters (up from 39.25 at 2-months)...50th percentile
Quinn was a pound and an ounce bigger than Banner at birth. Q was 7 lbs, 14 oz; B was 6 lbs, 13 oz. At Banner's 4-month check, he was 14 lbs, 13 oz, so they are still measuring a pound and an ounce apart - which Sam and I were just noting that they are growing at the same rate. And, as he should, Quinn has about doubled his birth weight at 4-months-old, so I feel good about his weight. I'm pretty sure the nurse mis-measured his height, but then again Banner was only 24 3/4 inches, so even if she only added a little, Quinn is still taller than Banner was. Their heads are measuring the same at 4-months - which is nice that they are only in the 50th percentile given their father's large cranium (to his own admission)! :) Of course I care about these stats, but more than anything I'm just glad we have a healthy, happy boy.

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