Friday, July 19, 2013

Camp Mommy: Weeks 5-6

We are well into summer at this point of mid-July, and I can't believe how quickly it has passed. I worried it would drag and be boring, which is the whole reason I decided to implement such a structured summer - so I'm pleased that it's actually going "swimmingly!" Since my last Camp Mommy post, we have enjoyed so many more fun-filled activities. One morning, we were invited to come hang out at my cousin's - who offered us tons of new hand-me-down toys, and Banner has been in toy heaven since that morning! We have new fun things to play with thanks to Jordan and Keaton who donated their no-longer-played-with toys to their little cousin, Banner! Firetrucks, garbage trucks, more Hot Wheels, a big doctor's kit, a large tool bench with electronic tools, an entire train track and trains, a set of instruments, a scooter, a lacing kit, a gas station/garage... the list goes on! (And so does the storage problem we've always had with how to organize and store toys, but I keep repeating to myself that a child-friendly, messy home shows that we are creating memories!) So, most of our "down-time" in the past couple weeks has been simply enjoying the new-to-us toys we have sprinkled all over the house. Banner is awesome at independent play, so there's never a dull moment for him even if we aren't out in the heat. (Thank you, Kevin, Robin, Jordan, & Keaton!)

We also ventured to the Children's Aquarium downtown, had some excellent water play in the backyard, tried another Barnes & Noble story time (not a huge fan for B's age), had a swim date at Emily's house, spent the day with cousins while waiting to hear the great news that Nami was out of his first surgery, had another visit to the indoor play park, visited Nami at home and played with Brycen, went to the library for Toddler Time and to check out new books, visited with Uncle Marc and Natalie the day before had Bubbie's unveiling (and then spent more time with family afterward), enjoyed a movie and popcorn date when the rain forced us to stay inside, went grocery shopping (and Banner got to be the shopper!), met Lindsay, Myka, Shauna, and Brayden at a bounce house venue (which was a little too advanced for our little ones, but I'm still glad we tried it out), enjoyed an amazing trip to the zoo (so fun that it deserved its own post!), celebrated Aunt Mischelle's birthday, explored and loved another Jump venue (twice!) which has special Toddler Jump times, and visited another farmstead museum.  Check it out. . .
Ready for water play!
painting the porch
Hanging out with Emily
Celebrating a successful first surgery!
Playing with Shayna
Wagon ride with Brycen
These two crack me up!
Enjoying popcorn and watching The Lion King after nap
Climbing into a bounce house obstacle course
Myka on left
These two sweet sisters helped Banner up to the slide
And then they helped him down! He loved them, and they were a big help to me! :)
Love the action shot
Cousins after Aunt Mischelle's birthday dinner
Jump Mania
I love watching his pretend play - this video cut off but he was quite the little chef at this facility:
Farmstead Museum


"Bak bak bak"
Banner getting a good look at the cows
Playing with Brayden
And here's a little video we sent to Daddy this afternoon while playing with Play Doh. Again, the video cut off but he was very imaginative with the Play Doh and all the things he was going to make for Daddy.

In the next couple weeks, we'll be going to a movie for the first time(!), trying out a couple new gyms, spending more time at the pool, enjoying more library story time, going to another workshop with Daddy, and trying our best to beat the heat with lots of fun activities and friends!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"More Zoo!"

Almost exactly a year ago, Banner had his first trip to the zoo. Since then, he's been to that same zoo at least 3 other times. So, we decided to try a different zoo, and I decided to put it on my Camp Mommy calendar and make it a special event with Daddy, too - even though it was a mid-week trip. Wednesdays are half-price admission, the weather could not have been more amazing, and Banner was so excited to go - it was truly a perfect day! Given it is mid-July and I'm 31 weeks pregnant, I expected to be hot and sweaty the whole time. Although it wasn't cold by any means, the breeze, the slight overcast, and the record low high temperatures kept the morning's trip extremely manageable and comfortable.

I know I've been to this zoo before - years and years ago - but I don't remember it being this incredible! Caden has always raved about it, and now I know why he loves it so much. Watching how close my child could safely get to the animals was awesome. There were so many great set-ups and interactive exhibits. In fact, by far my most favorite part was the reptile and amphibian house - which I typically love to skip. We could see the animals very well, and most of them were pretty active when we were there first thing in the morning. I was consistently impressed with what we were able to see! Banner was a bit weary at first, wanting one of us to hold him, but he soon realized that the animals couldn't really touch him through the glass and became much more comfortable. He loved walking around the zoo and naming all the creatures we saw. He did great the whole time - listening like a champ, eating his snacks and lunch well, and wanting to really watch each animal. We even treated ourselves to a family chocolate ice cream (one of my favorite parts!) after an active morning. It is definitely a trip I know he'll remember for a while.  Personally, I can't wait to go back, and I found myself so totally empathizing with Banner's demands of "More zoo, more zoo!" as we headed toward the parking lot after a few hours of such fun!

Gorillas... we saw them as soon as we walked in and I was mesmerized right away!
Banner kept calling the antelope "cantaloupe" :)
Looking at the sleeping croc
Loved that we could see his eyes and teeth while he slept!
Top of the croc and the turtle
This little guy was super active, I just caught him being still!

Small tortoise
We got to pet this snake. Banner was not interested but maybe next time.
Deer and wild turkey
Bald Eagle
Mountain Lion
Daddy's face when Banner wouldn't come stand with him
Horse - and Longhorn in background
Longhorn calf - just like Banner, my little Longhorn!
Tortoises getting frisky...
Holy Moly! Now THAT'S a big baby! Kudos to her Mama!
Rhino bathing
White Tiger
Sloth Bear