Tuesday, April 9, 2013

22-Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
Where to begin this month? You're not two-years-old yet, but man, you sure do act like it - in so many ways! From tantrums and meltdowns to showing your independence and showing off your smarts, you are very ready to turn two! It was another big month: we went to the zoo with lots of your friends, Nami was born and you got to be there to meet him on his birthday, you participated in Passover sedar, you had another cold, we celebrated Grandma and Uncle Brock's birthdays, we attended a St. Patrick's Day party at Ryan's house, and you met Zaide's parents (Mamaw and Papaw) and his sister, Diane, and her husband, Ron. That was such a special week we had getting to play with them while they were in town! They were in awe of you, and they thought you were such a funny, smart, handsome little boy (and they're right!).

So, what else have you been up to this month?

-You now request hugs and kisses. The first night this happened, you, Daddy, and I were sitting at the dinner table and you said, "Kiss" and raised your hands towards Daddy's face. As he got closer, you put your hands on his cheeks and pulled him towards you. Then, you did the same to me. Oh, what a treat! Melt.my.heart!

-You are saying three- (and sometimes four-) word sentences! Some examples include: "Here it is," "I tired, Daddy," or "I tired, too, Mommy," "No more shoes," and "Come home, Mommy!"

-You can name the letters of probably two-thirds of the alphabet! Honestly, I have no idea where you are picking up all this information. Grandma and I "quizzed" you last night, and we were both so surprised at how many letters you know. If my memory is correct, you can name: A, B, C, D, G, H, K, L, M, O, P, R, S, U, X, and Z - and you know the names of others but mixed them up (E and F, V you called "U", Y you called "Z", and a few others never got your attention enough to know if you knew them: Q, T, I).

-I would bet by next month you'll be able to count 1-10 without any problem. This month, you can count 1-10 but you skip 3 and 6 every time! Not sure why. And, sometimes, you throw in a random "twelve" or "thirteen!" Again, no idea where you even learned those words!

-My word count list I've been keeping on the computer is well past 175 words right now - and I can't accurately keep up with your growing vocabulary anymore! Words that appeared this month (in addition to so many more) are: heavy, ground, floor, wake-up, cut it, cooking, you're welcome, do it, touch it, pet, coming, dark, bright, shopping, pudding, tricycle, tall, cement (for cement truck), numbers, oval, circle, square, dinner, colors, later (as in "see you later"), alright! (as in "way to go!"), and (the ever-so-important) penis and vagina ("gina")... You are easily past 200 words.

-You are naming colors all the time: blue, yellow, purple, green, black, red, orange, brown, white, and pink with great accuracy. Just yesterday you pointed out all the colors of the cars driving near us, and most days you like to point out the colors of the signs we are passing.

-You are WAY more difficult to put down for nap and bed this month, but I'm hoping this passes soon. You are sleeping a little later (back to a 7:30-7:40 wake-up time the past couple weeks), as long as we stick to a strict bedtime - starting bath around 7:15ish - and eat a "somewhat-decent" amount of food at dinner. You are requiring a bit more cuddle time before bed, and for both bedtime and naptime, you like for Daddy or me to rub your back ("Back?") for a few minutes or more. Your pacis have also become bait for us; you throw them out of the crib if we have left the room before you were ready - and we "fall for this" every time. . . I'm just not ready to take those pacis away yet - since they truly are your only loveys. We've learned if we spend more time with you before walking out of your room, you don't throw them, though.

-Speaking of loveys, you might be developing a little connection to a little bear you received as a gift from Aunt Carol shortly after you were born. Out of nowhere, you named him Thomas, even though his sweater says "Banner" - which you asked me to take off of him. You talk to Thomas, give him your pacis, and ask for him in bed. I think this is precious. . . and I'm glad you have a friend in him.

-Separation anxiety may be at a peak this month, too, as you follow me (or Daddy) around wherever we go (unless we WANT you to stay by us, of course, like on a walk or in a store!). If I leave a room of the house to go to another room, you will immediately get up from your play to follow me. You like for us to be nearby, which is just fine with me! You had your first major separation cry when Daddy left to go to the lake with Zaide a couple weeks ago. Even though we were home, and you were with me, you did not like Daddy taking off with Zaide (and taking Zaide's truck away with them!). When NaNa babysat a week later while Daddy and I went to Uggy's art show, she told us you cried for me for about 30 minutes.

-You love your tricycle, ask to go to the garage ("gee-raj") all the time so you can play out there ever since Daddy cleaned it out so well (THANK YOU, DADDY!), are doing great with jumping on your trampoline, are sharing better, and have full-body tantrums when you don't get your way. You are no longer hitting/swatting at us (thank goodness), but you growl when you are angry - stating in your "exorcist" voice whatever you want or don't want ("DOWN!" or "OUTSIDE!" or "NO SHOES!"). Luckily, if we are good at distracting you, you can easily calm down and redirect your attention away from what is upsetting you.

-A few weeks ago, you cut your lip open on the edge of the coffee table after slipping on your sock and falling face-first into it. It happened right in front of me; I was only a foot away. I immediately panicked and tried to figure out where the blood was coming from. I had been talking on the phone to Daddy, practically hung up on him, and then called him back after you stopped wailing to figure out what to do. I wasn't sure if you needed stitches or not, so I called the doctor's office, and they were able to fit us in that afternoon. After Dr. B got a second opinion, the two doctors decided against stitches, telling us that the cut at the corner of your bottom lip was so close to the perimeter of the lip that a stitch could actually make the healing worse. But, Dr. B also told us that you would most likely have a scar there as he turned to you to say, "But, Banner, chicks dig scars!" Not exactly what a Mommy wants to hear - but you are beautiful no matter what!

-My favorite expression of the month: "Mmmm, so GOOD!" as you enjoy a food you like.

My favorite picture of you from this month! :)
I still love hearing you say, "I love you!" every night, but the past couple weeks, you like to shout from your bedroom "I LOVE YOU, TOO!" to whichever parent is not cuddling in the glider with you before bed. You repeat it over and over again, "Moooommyyy, I LOVE YOU TOO!  . . . . I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOO!" It's entirely impossible to walk away from that, my little manipulator! And, it's a sound I hope will stay ingrained in my brain forever! But, just to be sure, I recorded it tonight to always have - to hear that sweet, little voice booming a big, powerful message!

My sweet angel, you can test my patience on a daily basis, but I could just eat you up most of the time! I'm constantly impressed by you, always proud of you, and forever in love with you. I am so blessed to be your mommy, and I am truly grateful to have a happy, healthy, handsome, smart, funny, friendly, loving, joyful little boy like you. More importantly, I hope you can feel how loved you are just for being you, my precious Banner Boone.

Happy 22 Months, sweet boy!
Here are some other pictures of some fun memories from this month:

At the zoo with our friends
Ready to meet your new cousin
Meeting your newest cousin, Nami Mayes
Meeting your great-grandparents
Fun at Zaide's - hamming it up for Mamaw and Papaw
Playing ball with Mamaw
Loving the blocks with Uncle Ron
Oh, how this woman loves you!
Flying a plane to Aunt Diane
This is what I get when I ask you to smile these days! :)
Bubbles app with Uncle Ron
Playing with Papaw
You love your Zaide
4 Generations

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