Friday, January 18, 2013

My Funny Kid

In my opinion, Banner's a pretty hilarious kid! I think he has an amazing sense of humor, and Sam and I have always marveled at his comedic timing. But, recently, there have been some funny little things I wanted to make note of so I won't forget all the cute stuff he's doing at this age (19 months). Most of these things, when I'm writing them down, don't seem very funny, but if you had been there, you would have been cracking up with us.

-A few days ago, after Banner woke up from his nap at Grandma's house, he was enjoying a small "Cutie"/"Clementine" orange at the kitchen table. Aunt Kiki was sitting next to Banner, and after he put 2 little sections in his mouth at a time and picked up a third, Aunt Kiki told Banner, "No, baby, you have too much in your mouth. Wait til you finish those pieces first." Banner looked at Kira, then at the orange, and then he put the orange to his ear and said, "Herro?" to "talk on the phone. He proceeded to have an entire conversation on his "orange" phone.

-Earlier this week, we were finishing up a great dinner. Banner ate really well, and I think he was in an "I'm stuffed" coma. He was staring off into space, just zoned out with his mouth slightly open. He was not blinking, and he was in his own little world simply fixated on what seemed to be the dining room blinds. We waved our hands in front of him and got no response. I started singing the "Twilight Zone" theme song, and Sam said, "Creeeepy!" Without flinching or moving a muscle, Banner continued to stare into space as he whispered, "Creeepy!" right back to us. It was really funny, and then we all got the giggles.

-Yesterday, I was reading a book to Banner. It's a book called Rockin' Babies, and there's a page with a playroom scene. On one side of the book, there's a small train pull-toy. On the other side of the page, there's a "cozy coupe" car that the baby is in and "driving." While I was reading the book to Banner, he pulled his knee up high and put his bare foot on the page. When I went to turn the page, he said, "No. In." I told him it was time to turn the page so we could see what happens next. He kept putting his foot on the page, and saying, "In." I was confused, and then, he said, "Help" (which sounds more like "hep"), and then "Play" (which sounds more like "pay"). I finally got it. The boy wanted to get in the car and play. He wanted to ride on the pull-toy, and he was very determined to jump into the picture to play in that playroom. I told him it was a book, and it was just a picture - that we can't ride on that toy. He got frustrated and kept putting his foot on the book. This lasted several minutes, with me trying to explain that we can't ride that toy but that if he wants to ride a toy, he has his own playroom to go find ride-on toys. He did not like my idea, and he wanted THAT car and THAT pull-toy. Finally, I called for Sam who was working in the next room. When I explained to him what was going on, although he could clearly see for himself, he and I looked at each other and tried really hard not to burst out laughing. On my final attempt to turn the page and explain to Banner that we can't play in that car, that we can't jump into the book, that we have other real toys that he CAN play with, that it was time to turn the page... Sam and I finally lost it as Banner was whimpering "In. Play. Car. Help." It was so sad, so creative, so funny - all at the same time.

More to come - this kid keeps us laughing!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

19 Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
It's been a while since I've done an "In's and Out's" list for you, so I thought I'd do that for your 19-month post. Here's what gets you going these days:

What's IN? (As in... what you LOVE!)
-School buses, tractors, fire trucks, trains, cars, airplanes, helicopters... but mostly school buses.
-Watching YouTube videos on our iPhones or iPad... mostly "Wheels on the Bus" videos or videos about trains, buses, fire trucks, etc.
-Honey Nut Cheerios: We finally introduced you to nut products, and you dig you some Honey Nuts - which you call "Nut"
-Outside: you've always loved the outdoors!
-Pacis at bedtime and naptime - you wish you could have them all the time; you're always asking for them! Oh, how I'm dreading taking them away one day!
-Opening gifts! You finally understand wrapping paper and the gifts that are beneath it!
-Hitting and pinching! Oh, young man, you are testing your limits these days! I certainly hope this is OUT soon!
-Yo Gabba Gabba!
-Climbing up on everything. This is not new - but now you are using chairs and step-stools to get to "off-limits" places. The past few days, you have taken your small chairs we keep in the playroom to the stove to play with the knobs! Daddy and I immediately went out to get knob covers. We did not think we'd need these so soon because they are all the way up on the counter - out of your reach... that is, until you get a chair to stand on to reach them! We also took these chairs away from you. But, you, my darling, are too damn crafty! You then took your "Banner" stool and used it to reach what you wanted, and now you're fully capable of climbing up onto our kitchen chairs - which are bar stool height - to reach everything on our kitchen table. You'!
-Time with friends - you like your play dates as much as I do! Finding new toys, "playing with" new friends, and learning how to get along with others keeps you engaged and entertained.
-Learning new words EVERY day! A few of my favorites this month: "puzzles," "hippo," "bear," "in," "out," "on," "off," "school bus," and my absolute favorite two new words/phrase of the month are: "tain too" (which is your way of saying "thank you!" - which just this week you have begun to say unprompted! In fact, just the other day, we finished checking out at Babies 'R Us, and as we walked away from the cashier, you said "Tain Too!" much to all of our surprise - making your Mommy very proud!) and "Babber" (which is your way of saying your name!)

What's OUT? (As in... what you HATE!)
-Brushing your teeth - you just don't quite tolerate it enough for Mommy and/or Daddy to really brush the yuck off them!
-Your highchair and carseat - you hate being buckled in these days... which also includes sitting in grocery carts!
-Whenever we tell you it's time to stop watching the iPad or take our iPhones away from you
-Whenever we have to go inside after playing outside
-Sharing Grandma.  When you were last at her house, you saw Brycen hug Grandma's legs, and you immediately ran over to him, pushed Brycen, and said "Memaw, Memaw!" (Your way of saying "Grandma") Mara quickly taught you that "we have to share Grandma!"
-Veggies. While I can still get you to eat pureed veggies in the pouch, you turn your nose up at all those old favorites. You used to love broccoli, squash, zucchini.... Now, carrots are our go-to, and even then it's hit or miss. I have a feeling this won't change, but I'm hopeful!

Sweet boy, this was a fun month of watching you grow and learn. We are starting to work on so many fun things - like emotions, colors, letters, counting, more animals - and it's so neat to watch you pick up on these concepts. I love when you have mastered something new - a new word, a new understanding, a new skill. Even though you are way more of a behavioral challenge because you are quite the toddler (and want what you want when you want it!), this stage of your life is fascinating! Daddy and I are constantly amazed by you! Not only are you so smart, but you are super funny! You crack us up - and crack up with us!

This month, you celebrated your second Hanukkah, your second New Year's Eve and Day, you played in your first snowfall, and you had your first viral sickness that had us very worried. After 7 days of fever, a strep test, an RSV test, a urinalysis, a chest X-Ray, a blood draw, a nasal swab, and an respiratory test, it was determined that you must have just had a virus that needed to run its course. Luckily yet unfortunately, all these painful, uncomfortable, annoying, scary tests were for nothing. Daddy and I hated putting you through the two-hour testing ordeal, but if you came out a healthy kid on the other side, we are beyond happy.

Banner Boone, you're officially on the latter end of your second year! You're getting to be such a big boy, Love. Sometimes I just stop and look at you in complete shock at how tall you've grown or how mature you look. In the same moment, I try to memorize your smallness, your tiny, sweet hands, your smooth baby skin, your big, beautiful blue eyes, your "cuddliness," and savor my little "baby" boy. I hope you know how loved you are, how special you are to all of us, and how adored you are. I just can't get enough of you, Angel. Thank you for letting me be your mommy. Happy 19 months!! I love you more than you could ever imagine!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013!

Happy New Year, Everyone! This year, Banner got to spend another fun night at Grandma & Papa's house to ring in the new year. He got to enjoy a yummy meal, great company, and a fun sleepover to celebrate his last night of 2012. Knowing he was in great, safe hands, Sam and I headed out to meet our friends for dinner. After our meal, everyone headed back to our house to just hang out, get comfy in pajamas, chat, eat cookies, and play poker. It was a pretty low-key evening, but it was fun.

The Ladies
The Gents
The Gang
Silly Pose!
Gretchen & Avi
Cherie & Jed
Logan & Alan
Am & Sam
Logan doing her "Elf Yourself" dance
The girls just hanging while the guys played poker
This morning, New Year's Day, we went to my Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's house for their annual New Year's Day brunch. We met Banner there to say our official "Happy New Year!"' to him!

Banner hugging Marin

An attempt at a family photo

Playing on Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's bed
Watching Uncle Barry be silly
Uncle Barry, Logan, and the kiddos
He was doing his fake laugh here
Walking on the treadmill
Letting the treadmill take him for a ride
Grandma and Banner playing chase in Aunt Jacque's bathroom