Monday, June 30, 2014

Camp Mommy: June!

Warning: Picture Overload!

Last year, I wrote this post introducing Camp Mommy and why it was so necessary. This year, I don't think it's all that "necessary," since Banner will be in camp 3 days a week this summer, but since it is our last few months of having any weekday mornings together, I figured we ought to make the most of it again! So, I've planned some special things to do this summer and invited some friends to participate along the way. Some of the events I, personally, have been and am looking forward to are: another day at the zoo, movies, the aquarium, Bake & Play, Young Chef's Academy, the blueberry farm, and lots of little hands-on activities to try at home in the hot afternoons.

Our first event on the calendar was a movie at Alamo. We saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and Shauna and Brayden joined us. The boys did great! I was especially impressed with how far Banner has come since last summer. He sat pretty still, and he held my hand through a lot of the movie. There were a couple parts when he got a little scared, and he burrowed into my shoulder and said, "Mommy, I don't like this." But, once those quick parts were over, he was fine again. I think both of our favorite part was the ice cream scene - where the kids and adults were playing in scoops of colorful ice cream.

The day after school got out, we met at Anya's for a play date with our friends. The next day, Daddy took off work so we could go to the zoo with Blakely and her parents! It was a little hot for my liking, but it was a fun day still! A couple days later we met Brittney and Blakely at the trampoline park for some bouncing fun. Banner was having a great time running all over the place, and he especially loved the pit . . . until he jumped on a little girl and bonked his forehead on her. A few tears and a big, swollen bump later, he was back to bouncing everywhere. Quinn liked a gentle jump with Mommy, but he wasn't thrilled about anything more than that. Then, we met Grandma for lunch before heading home for late naps.

playing by the pool at Anya's
Zoo time!
Blakely Kate (11 months)
Daddy & Quinn (not quite 9 months)
Quinn at the trampoline park
Blakely and Quinn
He LOVED the pit!
Blurry - but couldn't resist posting this smile!
Then, that weekend was full of 3rd Birthday Festivities! :) On Banner's actual 3rd birthday, he started a new camp! He seemed to really like it - even though that first day was rainy, and the kids couldn't play in the splash pools. The next day included a well-visit to Dr. B, and the boys did awesome! Later that afternoon, friends came over to Grandma and Papa's house for a play date there making Father's Day crafts. Even though things didn't go as planned with the crafts (Shrinky Dink key chains and tie tags), the kids had fun and we took home what needed to be done for a cute gift for the dads. Later in the week, we had a play date at our house, a birthday party, and Father's Day.

The following week, we didn't do a whole lot, but we managed to get to the Splash Grounds, have a play date with Jenny, Emma, and Eli, and make play doh at home. And, finally, during this last week of June, we've had a photo shoot with Ms. Casey and then met friends for frozen yogurt and playing after nap, had a play date with Blakely and Brittney, celebrated Mommy's birthday by going to the mall play area and having lunch with Grandma before seeing the "Bubble Man" presentation at the mall and going out to eat to two different restaurants, and finally ending the month with a fun trip to Ham's Orchard to pick blackberries, select some fun stuff at the farmer's market, and eat some yummy BBQ and ice cream with a group of friends!
Splash Park fun
Our play doh - our "purple" turned out "gray"
First time to get down and play at the mall!
Banner & Quinn (9 months)

All of these pictures are from our trip to Ham's Orchard:

Banner watched Monsters, Inc.  on the way to the orchard
Quinn napped, thank goodness :)
Blackberry hunting!
With Ryan
Emma & Banner
a little blurry - but look at these cuties!
He was blowing a bug away
He's waving here
Favorite picture! Sweet Marin!
Looking at what they picked
Inside the farmer's market
BBQ with Papa
Marin & Aunt Fran
Strawberry/Peach Ice Cream
Stay tuned for July fun: Independence Day celebrations, more movies, splash parks, the Children's Aquarium, a baking class, a magician, more play dates, story time at the library, and a museum visit!

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